Winners and losers from ‘The Interview’ streaming online

By | December 26, 2014

Scalper1 News

Sony Pictures’ decision to release its R-rated comedy “The Interview” online and to more than 300 independent movie theaters in America on Christmas Day created some winners and losers. Sony (SNE) was pressured to withdraw the movie from wide release after major theater chains balked at showing the film because of security concerns. “The Interview” is a raunchy, low-brow comedy about a fictional plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. North Korean officials have condemned the film. Weeks earlier, Sony suffered a massive cyberattack, which resulted in an embarrassing leak of executive emails and insider information. The FBI blamed North Korea for the Sony hacking, but some security experts are skeptical of the evidence Wired reported. “The Interview,” starring James Franco and Seth Rogen, generated more than $1 million in gross box office receipts in its first day of theatrical release. The studio did not have revenue figures… Scalper1 News

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