Video: Tesla Model S Teardown Shows Nvidia Is Winner

By | October 14, 2014

Scalper1 News

Smartphone teardowns are so passe. One research firm has upped the game by doing a teardown analysis of a Tesla Motors Model S electric car. IHS (IHS) on Tuesday announced the results of its teardown of the electronics in the car’s infotainment and instrumentation systems, together known as the head unit. In terms of design, components and manufacturing, these subsystems have more in common with a tablet or smartphone than they do with a conventional automobile, IHS said in a press release. “The cost structure of the electronics, the use of large displays in the cabin, the touchscreen-based controls, the mobile microchips — everything in this design makes the Tesla Motors (TSLA) experience more like a media tablet or high-end smartphone than a traditional automobile,” IHS analyst Andrew Rassweiler said in a statement. “It’s like looking at the components from the latest mobile device from an Apple (AAPL) iPad or Samsung… Scalper1 News

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