Top 10 gutsiest tech industry predictions for 2015

By | December 31, 2014

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Some prognosticators play it safe with year-ahead predictions. They’ll build their forecasts off known events like product launches (Apple Watch, Windows 10, etc.) or extrapolate from current trends (cloud computing, Internet of Things, etc.). But others are much more daring. Like Babe Ruth confidently pointing to the center-field bleachers and swinging for a home run, these forecasters are willing to take a gamble and risk striking out big time. What follows are 10 of the boldest predictions for the tech industry in 2015. 1. Twitter gets sold, possible to Google. Short-message social network Twitter (TWTR) had a rough time in 2014. The microblogging service went public on Nov. 7, 2013, at 26 and ended that year at 63.65. Twitter stock fell 44% in 2014, closing Wednesday at 35.87. The San Francisco-based firm has struggled to grow its active user base and advertising revenue. Some on Wall Street have called for… Scalper1 News

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