Tech blogger shows off iPhone 6, and it’s delicious

By | August 29, 2014

Scalper1 News

Apple’s (AAPL) fall product lineup has many people excited, including comedians who get a lot of mileage from jokes at the expense of the consumer electronics giant. Apple has scheduled a Sept. 9 media event presumably to show the world its big-screen iPhone 6 and perhaps a wearable device. The Cupertino, Calif.-based company also has new tablets coming, including a possible jumbo-sized iPad. Once Apple finally releases the iPhone 6, we’re sure to see a lot of tech websites posting unboxing videos and tests of the device. The Chicago improv group Second City Network got a jump on the competition this week with its in-depth examination of the iPhone 6, which looks suspiciously like a hot dog. Late-night comedians Conan O’Brien and Jimmy Kimmel also dinged Apple in their monologues recently. Other tech-related jokes by O’Brien, Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon were aimed at Adobe Systems (ADBE), (AMZN), Google (GOOGL)… Scalper1 News

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