Tag Archives: strategy

Beat The Stock Market Without Any Shorting

I have often said that excellent strategy indices should be elegantly Zen – simple, powerful, and effective. Many people mistake complexity for power or effectiveness. Today, we will examine an index that is elegantly powerful and effective. Then, we will examine ways to improve it. Here are the Ultra-Low Volatility Index’s rules: Buy ZIV (NASDAQ: ZIV ) with 20% of the dollar value of the portfolio. Buy UPRO (NYSEARCA: UPRO ) with 40% of the dollar value of the portfolio. Buy TMF (NYSEARCA: TMF ) with 40% of the dollar value of the portfolio. Rebalance weekly to maintain the 20%/40%/40% dollar value split between the positions. Here are the results: (click to enlarge) Click to enlarge (click to enlarge) Click to enlarge The logic behind the strategy is that ZIV, the inverse mid-term VIX futures ETP, is a return generating component of the strategy by capturing the contango which exists (on average) in mid-term VIX futures. UPRO is a 3x leveraged S&P 500 ETP. It is a return generating component of the strategy which gives leveraged stock market exposure. TMF is a partially hedging component of the strategy through a 3X leveraged long duration government bond exposure. Statistically, often but not always, this instrument moves inversely to stocks, thereby providing an imperfect hedge. I want to stress that this simple three-instrument index trounces the U.S. stock market, without any stock picking required. This index is a multi-asset class (inverse volatility, equity, and fixed income) and is easily rebalanced. However, it is also a simplistic public version of our strategy index technology. Many readers of our public pieces believe the profits from our publicly released strategy indices are almost magical compared to anything else they have used. Even though their gung-ho confidence in our methods is flattering, I am very sincere when I say that our publicly disclosed strategies should be starting points for further investigation on the part of readers – not a combat-ready index that we would provide through our subscription service. I think it is important for combat-ready indices not only to contain multiple asset classes, properly weighted, but even more importantly, that they have a built-in risk control component. And robust, systematic risk control not only has rules for exit, but also rules for re-entry. Getting out of something is only half of the equation. Having a systematic method for when to get back in is the other half. When one studies financial markets during the financial crisis, and especially 2008, it is clear that one not only needs a multi-asset class framework, but also solid risk control rules, in order to try to avoid crippling drawdowns. Constant crises, drops, and fed policy responses should remind us that systematic risk control is just as important as asset class exposures going forward. For those looking for such an index approach, ZOMMA has strategy index solutions which incorporate risk control. Thanks for reading. We feature even more impressive strategy indices in our subscription service, with clear risk control protocols. If this post was useful to you, consider giving it a try. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points, which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program, which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Low-Risk Tactical Strategies Using Volatility Targeting

Summary In this volatility targeting approach, the allocation between equity and bond assets is varied on a monthly basis based on a specified target volatility level. Low volatility is the goal. Two strategies are presented: 1) a moderate growth version and 2) a capital preservation version. 30 years of backtesting results are presented using mutual funds as proxies for ETFs. For the moderate growth version, backtests show a CAGR of 12.6%, a MaxDD of -7.4% (based on monthly returns), and a return-to-risk (CAGR/MaxDD) of 1.7. For the capital preservation version, CAGR = 10.2%, MaxDD = -4.9%, and return-to-risk (CAGR/MaxDD) = 2.1. In live trading, ETFs can be substituted for the mutual funds. Short-term backtesting results using ETFs are presented. I must admit I am somewhat of a novice at using volatility targeting in a tactical strategy. But recently, the commercially free Portfolio Visualizer [PV] added a new backtest tool to their arsenal, so I started studying volatility targeting and how it works. Volatility targeting as used by PV is a method to adjust monthly allocations of assets within a portfolio based on the volatility of the assets over the previous month(s). In this case, we are only looking at high volatility equities and very low volatility bonds. To maintain a constant level of volatility for the portfolio, when the volatility of the equity asset(s) increases, allocation to the bond asset(s) increases because the bond asset has low volatility. And when the volatility of the equity asset(s) decrease, allocation to the bond asset(s) decreases. In PV, you can specify a target volatility level for the portfolio. Since I wanted an overall low volatility strategy with moderate growth (greater than 12% compounded annualized growth rate), I mainly focused on very low volatility target levels. I ended up using a monthly lookback period on volatility to determine the asset allocations because monthly lookbacks produced the best overall results. I quickly came to realize that high-growth equity assets are desired for the equity holdings, and a low-risk (low volatility) bond asset is preferred for the bond fund. In order to assess the strategy, I used mutual funds that have backtest histories to 1985. This enabled backtesting to Jan 1986. In live trading, ETFs that mimic the funds can be used. I will show results using the mutual funds as well as the ETFs. The equity assets I selected were Vanguard Health Care Fund (MUTF: VGHCX ) and Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A ) stock. Either Vanguard Health Care ETF (NYSEARCA: VHT ) or Guggenheim – Rydex S&P Equal Weight Health Care ETF (NYSEARCA: RYH ) can be substituted for VGHCX in live trading. BRK.A is, of course, a long-standing diversified stock. These two equity assets were selected because of their high performance over the years. Of course, these equities had substantial drawdowns in bear markets, something we want to avoid in our strategy. But in volatility targeting, as I have found out, it is advantageous to use the best-performing equities, not just index-based equities. Of course, it is assumed that these equities will continue to perform well in the future as they have in the past 30 years, and that may or may not be the case. For the low-risk bond asset class, I used the GNMA bond class. The selection of the GNMA bond class was made after studying performance and risk using other bond classes such as money market, short-term Treasuries, long-term Treasuries, etc. The GNMA class turned out to be the best. I selected Vanguard GNMA Fund (MUTF: VFIIX ) for backtesting, so that the backtests could extend to Jan 1986. There are a number of options for ETFs that can be used in live trading, e.g. iShares Barclays MBS Fixed-Rate Bond ETF (NYSEARCA: MBB ). Moderate Growth Version (CAGR = 12.6%) A moderate growth version is considered first. VGHCX and BRK.A are the equities always held in a 66%/34% split; VFIIX is the bond asset; and the target volatility is 6%. The backtested results from 1986-2015 are shown below compared to a buy and hold strategy of the equities (rebalanced annually). (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) It can be seen that the compounded annualized growth rate [CAGR] is 12.6%, the maximum drawdown [MaxDD] is -7.4% (based on monthly returns), and the return-to-risk [MAR = CAGR/MaxDD] is 1.7. There are three years with essentially zero or very slightly negative returns: 1999, 2002 and 2008. The worst year (2008) had a -1.6% return. The monthly win rate is 74%. The percentage of VFIIX varies between 1% and 93% for any given month. The Vanguard Wellesley 60/40 Equity/Bond Fund (MUTF: VWINX ) is a good benchmark for this strategy. The overall performance and risk of VWINX are shown below. It can be seen that the CAGR is 9.1%, while the MaxDD is -18.9%. These performance and risk numbers are quite good for a buy and hold mutual fund, but the volatility targeting strategy produces higher CAGR and much lower MaxDD. VWINX Benchmark Results: 1986-2015 (click to enlarge) Capital Preservation Version (MAR = 2.1) For this version, the target volatility was set to a very low level of 3.5%. This volatility level produced the lowest MAR. The results using PV are shown below. (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) It can be seen that the CAGR is 10.2%, the MaxDD is -4.9%, and the MAR is 2.1. Every year has a positive return; the worst year has a return of +0.4%. The monthly win rate is 75%. Limited Backtesting Using ETFs To show how this strategy would play out in live trading, I have substituted RYH for VGHCX and MBB for VFIIX. The second equity asset is BRK.A as before. Backtesting is limited to 2008 with these ETFs and the BRK.A stock. The backtest results are shown below. (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) The ETF results can be compared with the mutual fund results from 2008 to 2015. The mutual fund results are shown below. (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) It can be seen that the overall performance over these years is lower than seen over the past 30 years. The CAGR is 9.7% from 2008 to 2015 for the mutual funds and 9.3% for the ETFs. Although this performance in recent years is less than earlier performance, it is still deemed acceptable for most retired investors interested in preserving their nest egg while accumulating modest growth. The good quantitative agreement between mutual funds and ETFs between 2008 and 2015 provides some confidence that using ETFs is a viable option for this strategy. Overall Conclusions The tactical volatility targeting strategy I have presented has good potential to mitigate risk and still provides moderate growth in a retirement portfolio. The moderate growth version has a CAGR of 12.6% and a MaxDD of -7.4% in 30 years of backtesting. The capital preservation version has a CAGR of 10.2% and a MaxDD of -4.9% over this same timespan. The return-to-risk MAR using target volatility is much better than passive buy and hold approaches, especially in bear markets when large drawdowns may occur even in diversified portfolios.

An Unexpected Reason Behind This Strategy’s Outperformance

One of the great anomalies of investing: the historical long-term outperformance of certain smart beta or factor-based strategies relative to the broader equity market (think choosing stocks based on their valuations, momentum, low volatility or quality metrics such as profitability). For example, according to data from MSCI, the MSCI USA Minimum Volatility (USD) index’s Sharpe ratio, a common way to measure risk-adjusted returns, was 0.61 for the last ten years, above the benchmark MSCI USA Index’s 0.44 ratio. The persistence of smart beta strategies’ outperformance relative to the broader market is surprising, because it doesn’t line up with the idea of an efficient market, one in which investors shouldn’t be able to simultaneously buy and sell securities for a profit without taking extra risk (the so-called “no arbitrage” principle ). In other words, in an efficient market, equity portfolios exhibiting low volatility, for instance, shouldn’t be able to earn comparable returns to their higher-risk counterparts. It’s no wonder, then, that numerous academic and financial industry research papers have been written on this topic, and there are various explanations for factor strategies’ outperformance. According to BlackRock’s smart beta experts, including my fellow Blog contributor Sara Shores, this outperformance can generally be attributed to a risk premium, structural impediment or behavioral anomaly. In other words, the outperformance is to compensate investors for taking on what’s actually a higher level of risk, a reflection of market supply-and-demand dynamics or the result of common decision-making biases. Personally, no shocker for my regular readers, I think explanations for this return performance anomaly rooted in behavioral finance add valuable insights to the discussion. In today’s highly connected world, where we can follow each other’s every move via social media, where we’re bombarded by data from every angle – including information on other investors’ positioning and trades – and where it can be hard to tune out the noise, human behavior may be a stronger performance driver than ever. Put another way, I believe investor behavior likely has a lot to do with the strategies’ outperformance. Behavioral explanations focus on investors’ cognitive biases, and the human tendency to use simple rules of thumb to make quick intuitive decisions, with individuals’ collective decision-making mistakes translating into security price distortions. Here’s a look at explanations for the outperformance of four commonly used equity factors. Value: Value stocks are ones that appear cheap in light of their sales, earnings and cash flow trends. Their returns, according to proponents of the efficient market hypothesis, have to do with investors rationally requiring extra compensation for investing in value firms, which tend to be procyclical, have high leverage and have uncertain cash flows. From a behavioral finance perspective, the outperformance of the value factor may have to do with a common decision-making mistake: people’s tendency to look at recent data trends and believe those trends will continue . If investors extrapolate past positive sales or earnings growth data into the future, they may overpay for growth stocks and underpay for value stocks. As a result, the prices of growth stocks may become too high relative to their fundamentals, predicting future reversal and the outperformance of value stocks. Alternatively, some researchers believe people’s tendency to strongly prefer avoiding losses over achieving gains (known as loss aversion) can help explain this anomaly . They hypothesize that loss-averse investors may perceive value stocks as riskier than they truly are, given the stocks’ recent underperformance, and may therefore require a higher future return from these investments. Momentum: This factor focuses on stocks that have strong price momentum , i.e., they have performed well over the past 6-12 months, and strong fundamental momentum, i.e. their earnings have recently been revised upward by security analysts. One explanation for this factor’s outperformance: Investors rationally demanding a higher return for investing in momentum stocks, which tend to be highly correlated and are perceived to perform poorly in times of distress. The behavioral finance explanation for this equity factor’s outperformance, on the other hand, has to do with analysts and investors putting too much weight on their prior beliefs at the expense of new information, leading to slow dissemination of firm-specific information , delayed price reactions to news and price continuation. For example, if investors like a stock and believe it has high earnings growth potential, they tend not to immediately adjust their beliefs sufficiently in light of new negative information – an investing mistake arising in behavioral finance from ” the anchoring-and-adjustment heuristic .” In other words, investors frequently drive price trends by projecting past wins onto future investments, creating a ” herding effect .” Quality: Quality generally describes financially healthy firms with high return on equity, with stable earnings growth and low financial leverage. They can effectively be characterized as having less risk based on their fundamentals . Behaviorally, people may ignore these potentially profitable, yet also perhaps more boring, companies, and instead, veer toward potentially more exciting, yet also less stable, growth and lottery-like stocks (for example, because the more exciting stocks tend to be featured in colorful news stories). As a result, they may end up overpaying for the less-stable stocks, which quality strategies seek to avoid. This predicts future reversal and potential outperformance of quality stocks. Low volatility: The low, or minimum volatility, factor loads up on stocks with low volatility. Low volatility stocks’ excess returns may be rationally explained by leverage constraints. In the absence of access to leverage, investors may overpay for high-volatility stocks in an attempt to increase risk in their portfolios, potentially leading lower-volatility stocks to become more attractively valued and outperform in the future. From a behavioral perspective, these stocks’ outperformance may be due people’s tendency to overestimate small, and underestimate, large probabilities . The idea is that this tendency leads to a preference for lottery-like stocks with a small chance of a very high payoff, and this preference, in turn, drives up the prices of high-volatility stocks disproportionately, suggesting future underperformance. Further, overconfident individuals may veer toward riskier securities in expressing their outsized faith in their own investing and stock-picking abilities, exacerbating the anomaly. To be sure, while focusing on factor and smart beta strategies has historically, over longer periods of time, earned higher risk-adjusted returns relative to the broader market, there have been stretches, even long ones, when factor-based approaches underperformed (think value during the 1990s), according to data accessible via Bloomberg . Finally, while in an efficient market, these anomalies should diminish in size and ultimately disappear, a widespread belief in the factors’ outperformance may also become a self-fulfilling prophecy. This post originally appeared on the BlackRock Blog.