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Less Pain, More Gain

Summary Pain felt from losses far exceeds joy caused by gains — this psychological asymmetry is called loss aversion. The more often you check your portfolio, the more losses you’ll see, and the more emotional discomfort you’ll feel. If these emotions get the better of you, it can lead you to make investment decisions that you may later regret. This is why investors would do better (and be happier) if they monitored their performance less frequently. If it bleeds, it leads — bad news makes news; good news is no news. That’s the motto of today’s media. It’s no wonder people tend to think the world is always getting worse. But this asymmetry between bad and good is a much broader phenomenon. Our brains are in fact hardwired with a “negativity bias” — that is, we notice, remember, and give more importance to negative things than to positive ones. It’s why one little thing can ruin a good day. Why a reputation that takes decades to build can be destroyed by one mistake. Or why a single cockroach will completely wreck the appeal of a bowl of cherries, while a cherry will do nothing for a bowl of cockroaches. “Loss aversion,” or the tendency to weigh losses more heavily than gains, is another way this negativity bias manifests itself. Consider the following question: You are offered a gamble on the toss of a coin. If it comes up heads, you win $1,500. If it comes up tails, you lose $1,000. Would you accept this gamble? Although this gamble has a positive expected value of $250, you probably dislike it. And you’re not alone — for most people, the fear of losing $1,000 is more intense than the hope of gaining $1,500. In fact, numerous studies have shown that the average person won’t accept this gamble unless the potential gain is about $2,000, twice as much as the loss. This led researchers to famously conclude that “losses are twice as painful as gains are pleasurable.” That asymmetry between losses and gains has important implications for all investors. For instance, the more often you look at your portfolio, the more losses you’ll see, and the more emotional discomfort you’ll feel. The best solution, therefore, is to look at your portfolio as infrequently as possible. A simple example can illustrate this point. Let’s say you had invested $10,000 in the S&P 500 (NYSEARCA: SPY ) in January 1980. By the end of 2014, this would have grown to roughly $481,489 (which includes reinvested dividends) — an attractive return of 11.71% with a reasonable 16.76% volatility per annum. That return/volatility combination translates into a 76% probability of making money in any given year (and a 100% probability in any 10-year period). Sounds pretty good, right? But if you looked at your portfolio on a more frequent basis — say every hour — you’d have observed it making money only 50.65% of the time. In other words, even though you only had a 24% chance of losing money in any given year, the same portfolio when observed on an hourly basis would have disappointed you with losses 49.35% of the time. And since losses hurt twice as much as gains feel good, you’d be incurring a large emotional deficit by examining your performance at such a high frequency. This emotional deficit can actually be approximated mathematically. Simply assign a score of 1 for each positive return observation and a score of -2 for each negative return observation and then add them together to get a “reward-to-pain score.” The higher the score, the better. The table below shows that it’s not until we reach the annual portfolio observation that the reward-to-pain score turns positive. Checking your portfolio more frequently than that would cause you more emotional harm than good — which is why I shake my head when I see investors constantly monitoring their portfolios on their smartphones or tablets. It’s always easy to tell who’s making money and who isn’t (the look on their face says it all). Chances of Positive Returns on an S&P 500 Portfolio (1980 – 2014) Notes: (1) The above calculations assume that stock market returns are normally distributed (an imperfect but workable assumption). (2) Volatility is measured using the standard deviation of annual returns. (3) There are, on average, 252 trading days in a year and 6.5 hours in a regular trading day. (4) Reward/pain score = (1*probability of price increase) + (-2*probability of price decline). Source: A North Investments (“ANI”) Now let’s view this from another angle. The more frequently you look at your portfolio, the more randomness you’re disproportionately likely to get. In other words, you’ll see the short-term volatility of the portfolio, not the returns. This can be illustrated by taking the ratio of volatility to return at different observation frequencies (as shown in the table above). At a yearly observation frequency, the ratio is about 1.4 — or 59% randomness, 41% performance. But if you looked at the very same portfolio on an hourly basis, as many investors have a tendency to do, the composition changes to 98.4% randomness, only 1.6% performance. Yes, that’s right — you get over 60 times more randomness than performance! You’d be drowning in randomness and incurring emotional torture; it’s nearly impossible to make rational investment decisions under such conditions. The obvious moral here is that investors would do better (and be a lot happier) if they monitored their performance less frequently. Because the less often you look at your portfolio, the more likely it is that you’ll see gains. On the other hand, checking your portfolio more frequently increases the likelihood that you’ll see losses and hence suffer emotional distress. Avoiding the latter and focusing on the former prevents you from being fooled by short-term randomness — making it easier to stick to and achieve your long-term financial goals. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More…) I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

With Further Market Declines Likely, Keep The Long Run In Mind

This article originally appeared on the Independent Observer Blog . August was the worst month for U.S. markets in more than three years, so say the headlines. I suspect it was also the worst month in at least that long for many international markets as well. And, as today’s numbers show us, we aren’t done yet. As I write this, U.S. markets are down about 2.5 percent, and European markets closed down around 3 percent. There is actually not much more I can add to what I’ve already written. Current valuations remain relatively high , and there is certainly the potential for further declines if the market adjusts to more typical valuation levels. From a correction standpoint, the S&P 500 is still down less than 10 percent from the peak. In other words, for all the hype and worry, we are in a market decline that, by historical standards, is both small and normal. This is not to minimize the current situation, however. Substantial technical damage has been done to U.S. markets, which remain below both the 200-day and 400-day moving averages. This suggests to me that more weakness is very likely. Indeed, the odds of a more substantial decline are, in my opinion, rising as confidence continues to erode. Many decision rules that have tested well in the past are now pointing to more declines as well. With further market declines likely, what should you do? If you have longer-term money invested (i.e., you don’t need it for 10 years or more), try to stay put. And if you’re still contributing to your portfolio, remember that the decline actually represents an opportunity, since you can invest at lower prices and benefit from potential future growth. If you have shorter-term money invested (i.e., you need it in the next couple of years), or if you’re already drawing down your portfolio in retirement, work with your financial advisor to determine what effect a large decline would have on your financial well-being. Hopefully, your portfolio is structured in a way that any decline will have minimal impact over time. If not, you might want to consider making changes to ensure that is the case. Once your portfolio design meets your needs, though, unfortunately, there is little left to do but buckle up and endure the ride. Why this decline looks different I won’t say enjoy the ride, of course, but to make it less painful, consider that this decline is different: First, many previous and major, long-lasting declines – 2000 and 2008 being the most recent – came at the end of multiyear debt-fueled booms. We might get to that point eventually, but we’re not there now. Households have actually continued to pay off debt during the past few years, not add to it. Second, sustained declines typically took hold during periods of recession while, today, the U.S. economy continues to grow in a sustainable way. Third, the lack of corrections like this over the past few years has, arguably, been unhealthy. The current decline is actually a painful but necessary step to clear out market excesses and lay the groundwork for further advances. This prescription – prepare and keep the long run in mind – is neither easy nor satisfying. The only real thing it has going for it is that, over time, it generally works. That is what I try to focus on, and I suggest you do the same.

Is A Recession Necessary For The S&P 500 To Fall 20% From All-Time Highs?

Is it possible for a bear market to occur when the U.S. economy is expanding? Certainly. In spite of the obvious evidence that U.S. stock assets tend to fall long before the most prominent minds affirm contraction in the U.S. economy, an overwhelming number of analysts keep exclaiming that there is no recession in sight. Right now, U.S. stocks require clarity on rate policy more than they require anything else. Is it possible for a bear market to occur when the U.S. economy is expanding? Certainly. In fact, most bear markets are already well on their way to becoming 20% price declines long before a recession is formerly identified. Consider the most recent bearish retreat (10/07-3/09). The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) officially declared on 12/1/08 that the U.S. recession had started in December of 2007 – a declaration that came nearly one year after the economic downturn’s inception. Nine months before the NBER expressed its “recession” call, the S&P 500 had already plummeted close to the 20% level (March 2008.) At that moment, the Federal Reserve saved financial markets by joining JPMorgan Chase in bailing out Bear Stearns. Then, in the first week of July, five months before the NBER proclamation, the S&P 500 had descended more than the requisite 20%. And by the time anyone could count on an authenticated recession, the S&P 500 had already plummeted roughly 47.8% – close to half of its entire value. Well, okay. I suppose that the world’s best economists should err on the side of caution before making hasty decisions. Perhaps NBER, composed of academic economists from Harvard, Stanford and other top-notch universities, were quicker in warning investors prior to the 3/2000-10/2002 tech wreck? Unfortunately, nine months before the NBER expressed a March 2001 recession start in November of 2001, the S&P 500 had already made its bearish descent. (Nine months again?) It gets worse. The S&P 500 had already dropped 29% by November of 2001 and the “New Economy” NASDAQ had already plummeted 65%! In spite of the obvious evidence that U.S. stock assets tend to fall long before the most prominent minds affirm contraction in the U.S. economy, an overwhelming number of analysts keep exclaiming that there is no recession in sight. And without a recession, they say, there’s not going to be a bear. I am not sure this is an accurate statement. Since 1950, we have seen non-recession 20%-plus drops in 1962, 1966, 1978 and 1987. We have also seen non-recession drops that do not get the full benefit of the bear title (e.g., 1998’s Asian currency crisis/Long-Term Capital Management, 2011’s eurozone, etc.), yet reached the 20% threshold via “intra-day” price movement and/or “rounding.” What’s more, why do people automatically assign the recession tag to bear markets like the 3/2000-10/2002 tech wreck when the recession first began one year later in March of 2001? Perhaps because NBER later revised the recession date as having started in Q4 2000? I have no idea if we will see a bear on this correction go-around or the next 10%-19% pullback or the one after that. What I do know is that the commodity slump has resulted in ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP ) slashing 10% of its global workforce; high paying oil jobs continue to disappear in a world of $45 oil. I also know that the Federal Reserve wants to hike overnight rates, likely raising the borrowing costs for consumers and businesses just as the Atlanta Fed expects Q3 GDP at an anemic 1.2%. Perhaps most importantly, I recognize that the U.S. economy is part of a global economy that has been decelerating. JPMorgan’s Global Manufacturing PMI is now at 50.7 where a reading below 50 would be indicative of a global manufacturing recession. In mid-August’s ” 15 Warning Signs ,” I discussed the reasons why a pullback from the market top was exceptionally likely. One week later, in ” Don’t Blame China, ” I talked about the reasons why investors should expect a relief rally. And in my Thursday (8/27) commentary, ” Are You Selling The Drama Or Buying The Rally ,” I wrote: If history teaches us that benchmarks tend to retrace half of their losses before retesting their lows – if you feel like you’ve been here before and you don’t choose to be scarred like that again – perhaps you might anticipate better buying opportunities in the weeks ahead. You should not be surprised by today’s (Tuesday, September 1) extremely volatile move lower. The S&P 500 has moved back below the correction point of 1917 because the global economy is decelerating and investors are fearful that a rate hiking campaign by the Federal Reserve might be the straw that breaks the U.S. camel’s spine. And manufacturer-dependent sector funds like Materials Select Sector SPDR (NYSEARCA: XLB ) are taking the heaviest hits. Do I think that a Fed tightening cycle might cause an imminent U.S. recession? Not if chairwoman Yellen and other committee members decide upon a sloth-like pace of one-eighth of a point every third meeting or a “one-n-done” quarter point that would not be revisited for six months. Then again, I am not sure that the recession/non-recession matters as much as others do. Right now, U.S. stocks require clarity on rate policy more than they require anything else. The longer it takes for the Fed to provide clarity, the more U.S. stocks are likely to struggle. Disclosure: Gary Gordon, MS, CFP is the president of Pacific Park Financial, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser with the SEC. Gary Gordon, Pacific Park Financial, Inc, and/or its clients may hold positions in the ETFs, mutual funds, and/or any investment asset mentioned above. The commentary does not constitute individualized investment advice. The opinions offered herein are not personalized recommendations to buy, sell or hold securities. At times, issuers of exchange-traded products compensate Pacific Park Financial, Inc. or its subsidiaries for advertising at the ETF Expert web site. ETF Expert content is created independently of any advertising relationships.