Tag Archives: siegy

Cerner Replaces Siemens Software With Its Millennium At Universal

One way to win a big contract is to persuade existing customers to buy your companion products. Another way to win is to buy your rival and sell your products to your ex-rival’s customers. Cerner ( CERN ), one of the largest makers of software for the health care industry, did it both ways when it persuaded the second-largest publicly traded hospital chain in the U.S., Universal Health Services ( UHS ), to upgrade from its Siemens ( SIEGY ) Invision revenue-cycle software to Cerner’s new Millennium Revenue Cycle suite. First, Cerner took out the competitor, Siemens Health Services, for $1.3 billion in February 2015. Then it went to work on Siemens’ revenue-cycle client Universal Health, which was already a Cerner customer in that it used Cerner’s  electronic health records (EHR) and health information management (HIM) software on the clinical side of the medical profession. But for the business side — to handle patient eligibility, co-pays, coding claims, tracking, collections and following up on claim denials — Universal Health was using Siemens’ Invision. Cerner’s new Millennium Revenue Cycle product handles both the medical and business sides, while integrating with the federal government’s push toward electronic health records (EHR) and PopHealth analytics to inform medical and administrative decision makers, as well as regulators and policymakers. “The size of the deal is unknown, and considering UHS is switching from one CERN-owned platform (Siemens’ Invision) to the core CERN Millennium platform, the contribution will not be as large as if it were a completely new customer,” said Canaccord Genuity analyst Richard Close in a research note Thursday. Hey, money isn’t everything. “Just as important as the size of the deal, however, is the signature nature of the Siemens conversion to Millennium Revenue Cycle for Cerner,” said RBC Capital Markets analyst David Francis in a Thursday research note. “While the clinical side of Cerner’s Millennium offering has been highly regarded for some time, there have been pockets of questions recently about Cerner’s revenue-cycle capabilities for large enterprises. “The UHS decision to replace Invision … is a major conversion and should help Cerner in convincing other Siemens financial users to strongly consider not only moving their clinical platform to Millennium, but their financial solution as well.” Cerner announced the Universal Health deal after Wednesday’s market close. In the stock market today , Cerner shares rose 1.4% to a two-month high of 55.98, 26% off an all-time high of 75.72 set nearly a year earlier, April 13, and down 12% for the year. Universal Health stock fell 1% to 123.04, 17% off  its record high of 148.57, set Aug. 5.

Oracle Cloud Should ‘More Than Offset’ Slip In New Licenses In ’17

With a chance to chat with Oracle ( ORCL ) customers during its Chicago trade show that ends Thursday, Evercore ISI analyst Kirk Materne came away more convinced that the legacy software leader has its head in the fast-growing cloud. And atop Oracle’s head is a “halo for more cloud uptake,” UBS analyst Brent Thill said in a separate research note. Not that Oracle investors necessarily agree. Oracle stock was down 1.5% in early afternoon trading in the stock market today , near 40. Rival Workday ( WDAY ) was down about 1%, but upstart enterprise software competitor ServiceNow ( NOW ) was up a fraction. Beginning with Oracle’s fiscal 2017, which starts June 1, its cloud “contribution to overall revenue growth will more than offset the declines in the new software license business (or in a more bearish scenario, essentially cancel out the license declines), which we expect to be a 2% headwind to total revenue growth,” Materne wrote in a research note Thursday. By cloud, he means software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS), the popular pay-a-little-as-you-go model that is supplanting large, long-term license fees for software running on-premise enterprises and databases. “And as the base of new license revenue gets smaller, in FY ’18 we project that new software license declines will negatively impact revenue growth by just 90 (basis points),” Materne said. His parsing of the numbers, customer satisfaction and co-CEO Mark Hurd’s commentary came out of the HCM World conference, where some of Oracle’s 6,000 Fusion HCM (human capital management) clients began gathering Tuesday at the Hyatt Regency Chicago to compare notes. Not that they’re all up and running with the new software. It’s a process. Materne said only about 1,000 “core” human resources customers have gone “live” with Fusion HCM. Others are gearing up. Workday Sees Oracle Lagging The lag time between landing a customer and fully implementing the software was on Workday CEO Aneel Bhusri’s mind during his last quarterly conference call when he said bluntly that Oracle has “had time to get customers into production and hasn’t been able to, (while) 75% of our customers are in production. That’s actually the real driver behind win rates.” UBS analyst Thill, in his research note Thursday, counted 600 live customers of Oracle’s latest Fusion HCM release, including Schneider Electric, BT Group ( BT ) and Siemens ( SIEGY ). He said the “pace of go-lives (is) improving as sales/post-sales motions have matured. “Cloud uptake (is) begetting more cloud (with) better attach rates of other cloud solutions,” Thill said, adding that about 50% of Oracle’s midsize HCM customers are also buying Oracle’s financial management SaaS. Besides, Oracle’s “international prowess (is) underappreciated, with some of the biggest opportunities outside the U.S.,” he said. Oracle supports seven “global payrolls” with software in 24 languages in 199 countries, Thill said. While cloud growth might “offset” legacy sale slippage, cloud products won’t outsell on-premise revenue anytime soon. In Oracle’s Q3 ended Feb. 29, total revenue fell 3% to $9 billion, due largely to currency headwinds. SaaS and PaaS sales rose 57% from a year earlier to $583 million, as legacy on-premise software slipped 1% to $7.1 billion, although the latter was up 3% in constant currency. For the current Q4 ending May 31, analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expect Oracle to report earnings per share minus items of 82 cents, up 5%, on revenue of $10.46 billion, down 2.3%.

Conservative Total Return Portfolio: Sells A Winner And Welcomes Back An ‘Old Friend’

Summary The CTR sold VLO after less than a month following double digit gains. While money was left on the table, the market in this name seemed a little “frothy”. After recently selling BX, the combination of a price drop and company strategic moves prompted the equity to be “welcomed back”; BX is still best-in-breed. AAPL is nearing an inflection point, while IBM may be nearing a breakout. GM is universally hated, but that has to change (or does it). I introduced the ” Conservative Total Return ” or CTR portfolio in August 2014 and try to provide monthly updates. The general philosophy of this method has allowed me to cumulatively beat, since 1999, the S&P 500 by a wide margin. As the market has “evolved”, so have the holdings. While the investments in the CTR are conservative, the portfolio is dynamic (as is the market and its “favorites”). In the June report, I noted broadening the portfolio base to add a transport (American Airlines (NASDAQ: AAL )) and an energy company (Valero (NYSE: VLO )). Unfortunately for the diversification strategy (but fortunate for the portfolio), VLO appreciated significantly and I exited the position. Why did I exit below my target price? Simply put, VLO appreciated fast in a short time. In reviewing my investing mistakes, I have learned that in the past I have been reluctant to sell; waiting for the market to “get it right” and hit my target price. Often my stubbornness has been costly. In recent years (with a lot of prompting from my wife), I have been more prone to take a quick profit as I am skeptical of “one-way elevator rides”. So when VLO jumped more than 10% in less than a month, I decided not to be greedy and took profits. Subsequently, VLO has considered to appreciate. While the greedy side of my wishes I held on, the logical side of me believes the market is over-reacting to perceived good news and is happy I sold. I will continue to monitor VLO and my re-enter if 1) the core value has changed and/or 2) pricing becomes favorable. During the month, I re-entered a favorite (Blackstone- (NYSE: BX )) that I had previously sold for reasons similar to VLO. In that case, BX had become “everyone’s favorite stock”, which always makes me nervous. I sold my position at $42.80 and re-entered at $39.45. While I was absent from the stock, BX made some moves I “approved of”, including accelerating the sale of US single family homes. The worsening energy market also makes it more likely BX will be able to deploy recently raised funds productively (previously I was concerned too much money was chasing too few deals and the funds could underperform). Even while selling (and subsequently adding KKR & Co. (NYSE: KKR )), I maintained BX was “best of breed”. I am happy to once again be holding this winner. An error I made was not being focused enough on the markets during the short-lived Greece/China crisis. I have been looking to increase exposure to financials, but at more attractive prices. Frankly, I wanted to buy Citigroup (NYSE: C ) and missed out. I may still enter C, or another financial, but the post-Q2 earnings response to the group was a little too optimistic for my tastes; there may be another opportunity during the next mini-crises or when enthusiasm pulls back. I am OK with missing an opportunity, if it means not overpaying and having my risk/reward skew too heavily toward risk. The Conservative Total Return Philosophy The essence of the CTR method is to combine a strong value bias with flexibility, opportunism and an ability to assimilate and respond to new information. The core philosophy will always be the same; however, as the economic cycle grows older, identifying the appropriate time to “harvest” becomes increasingly important. In assessing the prospects for all of the portfolio members, I feel good that the risk-reward dynamic is positive and, on a risk-adjusted basis, market beating (taking into account the strong value provided by dividends). Feedback from readers has been a partial motivator in my broadening my market segment exposure. The Individual Stocks The core stocks in the portfolio are (alphabetically): AAL, Apple (OTC: APPL ), Blackstone Discover Financial Services (NYSE: DFS ), Ford, (NYSE: F ), GE, General Motors (NYSE: GM ), Harley Davidson (NYSE: HOG ), International Business Machines (NYSE: IBM ), JPM, KKR and Siemens (OTCPK: SIEGY ). (click to enlarge) As the above chart confirms, my positions will generally have a strong bias toward dividends, reasonable valuation and a moderate (in most cases) PEG. Below are comments summarizing my interest in the equity. The chart also contains the appropriate metrics (valuation, fair value, potential gain). Holdings Apple – APPL has a bit of room to run, whether upward valuation is based on more than iPhone sales will be clarified following Q2 earnings. I believe the watch is a non-event (a disappointment for some bulls) and payments have potential. By the end of the year, AAPL has to demonstrate the catalyst for further appreciation or risk being “dead money” (or worse). I am not a “perma-bull” on APPL (though I use the Company’s products). Blackstone – As noted above, BX was re-introduced at a price reflecting a sold risk/reward opportunity. Still the best of breed, well-funded and poised to profit from market distress and volatility (especially in energy). The harvest of US residential is viewed by the author as a positive. Discover Financial – DFS should be worth more. The stock is trading below levels of Q1, when it announced some bad news. I continue to believe the US economy is very strong, and DFS will benefit (and reflect the growth in higher EPS and stock price). Ford – F has underperformed due to the (predictable) ramp-up of the F150. The industry in general is out of favor, with investors using the excuse de jure to send stock prices lower. Yes China is slowing, but Europe is recovering and the US economy continues to do well. While not quite as cheap as General Motors , F offers nice appreciation potential and is a good “partner” to GM in the portfolio. General Electric (NYSE: GE )- I am thrilled about GE’s medium-term future. The near-term makes me a little nervous as the stock is near fully valued and there is uncertainty with respect to the Alstom and Electrolux transactions. Higher post-GE Capital tax rates also make stock appreciation more challenging. General Motors – Even more than F, GM is the stock everyone loves to hate. Looking at the numbers, it is hard to see much downside (or at least the risk/reward looks very favorable). As with F, China is concerning, but solid progress in Europe and the US should continue. Low gas prices for the foreseeable future put a backstop on highly profitable truck and SUV sales. I believe analysts are too concerned with unit sales and not focused enough on product mix. Harley Davidson – I may have bought HOG too early. However, HOG is an iconic brand and will, over time, garner the premium multiple it deserves (and has held historically). At the current 12.2x forward earnings, it is hard to see much downside (and a lot of upside). Housing prices in the US are rising; historically, HOG sales increases have been incredibly strongly correlated to appreciating housing prices (wealth effect x more retiring baby boomers). International Business Machines – IBM has been a disappointing investment. However, the Company has repositioned and is making solid progress. Improving Europe and progress in “Cloud” should drive a break-out sometime in the next 3 (or at the most three) quarters. Trading at less than 11x forward, there is little downside and much (potential) upside; a 3% dividend provides a bit of a reward for waiting. JPMorgan (NYSE: JPM )- JPM has performed very well, as have the financials. The stock has grown into its valuation and I am confident in twelve months the stock should perform well. As I have mentioned, I would like to add more in the sector, but recently investors have been a bit too eager. Siemens – Continues to be a play on recovering Europe and a weak US dollar. After GE and Honeywell (NYSE: HON ) have performed and appreciated, SIEGY remains a “show me” laggard. It may take a while, but SIEGY should deliver appropriate total returns through the investment period. Position Summary In my opinion, the positions continue to provide a nice balance of innate conservatism, multiple and earnings driven appreciation potential and exposure to a more mature stock market. Please keep in mind that my portfolio also consists of actively managed real estate, index funds (international, emerging markets and domestic) and bond proxies. I this in response to readers who thought the noted stocks were 100% of my investments and lacked diversity (if that were the case, I would agree). The CTR is a portfolio of stocks that in my opinion are conservative (strong reward vs. risk bias) and well positioned to outperform with below-average risk. I own all of the stocks in the CTR (I also own other positions which I consider speculative or otherwise inappropriate to recommend). I appreciate any feedback on individual securities and recommendations on equities to add to the CTR. This article reflects the personal opinions of the author and should not be relied upon or used as a basis in making an investment decision. Investors should always do their own due diligence prior to making an investment decision. Editor’s Note: This article discusses one or more securities that do not trade on a major U.S. exchange. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks. Disclosure: I am/we are long AAL, AAPL, BX, DFS, F, GE, GM, HOG, IBM, JPM, KKR, SIEGY. (More…) I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.