Pre-Market Most Active for Nov 5, 2012 : BAC, QQQ, AAPL, BMRN, GFA, BHP, FB, UBS, RIG, NOK, ZNGA, INTC The NASDAQ 100 Pre-Market Indicator is up 40.45 to 2,696.73.
Pre-Market Most Active for Oct 31, 2012 : FB, BAC, F, NOK, QQQ, AMD, NFLX, SIRI, AAPL, NVS, BIDU, LPL The NASDAQ 100 Pre-Market Indicator is down -1.73 to 2,664.1. The total Pre-Market volume is currently 3,879,149 shares traded
Pre-Market Most Active for Oct 24, 2012 : FB, SIRI, EMC, BAC, QQQ, GILD, DOW, ZNGA, MM, BP, SEH, AMRN The NASDAQ 100 Pre-Market Indicator is up 12.98 to 2,679. The total Pre-Market volume is currently 23,075,839 shares traded. The following are the most active stocks for the pre-market