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Google Cloud Faces Amazon, Microsoft Over $25 Billion ‘Jump Ball’

With Alphabet ( GOOGL )-owned Google Cloud Platform snaring more major customers, there’s a three-company race between it,  Amazon ( AMZN ) Web Services and  Microsoft ( MSFT ) Azure that will only intensify. Cowen & Co. analyst John Blackledge wrote in a report on Thursday, after the first day of the Google Cloud Platform Next Conference in San Francisco, that “our sense from talking to potential customers at the event is that they are giving Google Cloud Platform another look.” Blackledge said press reports have highlighted “recent wins” for Google’s cloud business, including Spotify, Coca-Cola Enterprises ( CCE ) and Snapchat, which “were featured prominently in customer use-case discussions. Other customers include Home Depot ( HD ), Electronic Arts ( EA ), Zulily, Sony ( SNE ) Music, HTC, Best Buy ( BBY ), TiVo ( TIVO ), Wix ( WIX ), Philips ( PHG ), Volkswagen ‘s ( VLKAY ) Audi, (and Tata Group’s) Jaguar and Range Rover,” Blackledge said. Public clouds “are likely to be a highly competitive market where customer stickiness will be challenged by new technologies that make it easier to move workloads between public cloud vendors,” Macquarie Research analyst Ben Schachter wrote in industry research note on Wednesday. “It clearly has become a major focus area for Google and one in which it intends to compete directly against Amazon and Microsoft.” Competition between the three groups will rise “particularly as enterprises become increasingly comfortable migrating select workloads to public cloud environments,” according to Cloud Computing Today . Cloud services is “a $25 billion jump ball” that will likely be captured by the big three competitors: Alphabet’s Google Cloud Platform, Amazon’s AWS and Microsoft’s Azure, Pacific Crest Securities analyst Evan Wilson said in a Wednesday industry research note. “With it being early in this opportunity, we think there will be wins and losses along the way, but we believe (Google) will be a significant competitor in the years to come, and it could help drive growth.” Apple recently signed a contract worth between $400 million and $600 million to use Google’s Cloud Platform, according to CRN . Apple now uses cloud services from Amazon and Microsoft, but it intends to end its reliance on all its rivals in the next few years as it builds its own data centers, according to Re/Code. In February, music service Spotify, a high-profile customer of Amazon’s Amazon Web Services, said it would use  Google’s cloud for some computing infrastructure. Google’s cloud business generated about $500 million in revenues last year, according to analysts at Goldman Sachs, as cited by Reuters . That compares with $74.5 billion overall for parent company Alphabet, but the cloud business is one of its fastest-growing business areas. Overall, Reuters said Google ranks as the No. 4 player in the cloud infrastructure industry, with 4% of the market last year, according to Synergy Research. Amazon’s Amazon Web Services had a 31% share, Microsoft’s Azure had a 9% share, and IBM ( IBM ) had 7%, according to the group. Google is also building up its data centers across the world, launching two new regional centers in Japan and Oregon to bring the number of regions it serves to five. Cloud computing is an increasingly popular way for companies to run their IT operations, and the $20-billion-a-year business is forecast to grow 35% over the next year, according to Gartner Inc. Alphabet stock was down a fraction in late afternoon trading in the stock market today , near 755. Microsoft stock was up a fraction, near 54. Apple stock was down marginally, near 106, and Amazon stock was up more than 2%, near 581.

Microsoft, Not Apple Or Alphabet, Is Wearables King … In Patents

The 2014 debut of Apple’s iWatch and the release of the Google Glass computing eyewear the prior year stamped both tech giants as leading innovators of wearables. Except that neither Apple ( AAPL ) nor Google parent Alphabet ( GOOGL ) is actually the leading innovator in wearables. Microsoft ( MSFT ) is. At least, Microsoft is No. 1 worldwide when looking at patents for wearable-related technology, according to LexInnova, a patents-consulting firm. Microsoft has 757 wearables patent filings, Rana Pratap, LexInnova’s principal consultant for technology, told IBD. At least 53 filings are directly related to wrist devices. Another 13 are related to eyewear. Netherlands-based Philips ( PHG ) is right behind in wearables-related intellectual property, with 756 wearables patents and patent applications. Alphabet, parent of Google, has 602 to place at No. 3, and the patent numbers drop off precipitously from there, says LexInnova, which recently researched the topic . Apple, for instance, has only 197 filings, says LexInnova. Wearables startup Fitbit ( FIT ) has 192 filings. That is a good bit of patent activity, but then again, this market is already generating a good bit of revenue. “We estimate the wearables market at $8.9 billion in wholesale device revenue in 2015,” Cliff Raskind, an analyst for market research firm Strategy Analytics, told IBD. While some of Microsoft’s wearables portfolio is getting old — U.S. patents last no more than 20 years — Pratap says that, collectively, the patents remain strong. So, Microsoft’s wearables patent portfolio doesn’t just have quantity, but also quality. LexInnova uses a proprietary algorithm involving about 50 factors, including patent age, the number of times a patent has been cited in other companies’ patent filings, and court rejection of challenges to a patent, to judge the quality of patent portfolios, Pratap explains. Without giving details, he said Microsoft’s is strong. What Are Microsoft’s Plans For Wearables? But the ramifications of Microsoft’s wearables-patent activity are unclear. Satya Nadella, who was promoted to Microsoft CEO two years ago, is focused on companywide strategies designed to recharge Microsoft’s growth. Microsoft, like any company, could develop products based on its patents, license its patents or both. The company last month disclosed that it has signed 1,200 licensing agreements of all kinds since launching its IP licensing program in December 2003. One of the most recent agreements  involved licensing wearables-related technology to Olio Devices, a niche watchmaker. “Maybe Microsoft has been watching what Google’s doing (with technology licenses) and longingly remembering their big (operating system) licensing days,” said Raskind. “That could be where they are going with the Olio deal.” Pratap says 700 of Microsoft’s wearables patents are based on Microsoft’s own research. “According to our analysis, 49 patents and applications (were) acquired from Tangis,” he said. Microsoft  acquired another seven from Osterhout Group and one was acquired from Antenova. So what, if anything, is Microsoft planning in wearables? “I’m not necessarily watching for a Microsoft wearables pop-up retail store next Christmas,” said Amy Webb, founder of technology forecasting and strategy consulting firm Webbmedia Group. Webb and others say there are more lucrative, near-term markets for wearables for Microsoft to exploit with its portfolio. More on that in a moment… Microsoft’s intellectual-property cache might surprise some. The company sells only one internally developed wearable product, the Band 2 fitness tracker bracelet, and executives say they will begin selling eyewear called HoloLens by April. Plus, executives rarely discuss Microsoft’s large overall patent portfolio. Indeed, Microsoft declined to comment for this story. “Whenever we do a patent analysis like this, we find that the biggest (technology) companies in a sector have the most patent filings,” Pratap said, thanks to their often large research-and-development units. R&D spending by Microsoft has been gradually rising since 2010, reaching $12 billion in 2015, according to market-statistics firm Statista. Pratap points out that Microsoft’s wearables portfolio began before it had a wearables product line. The earliest relevant patents resulted from other research projects. Over time, these innovations were recognized as addressing the new wearables market. This is common for tech and manufacturing companies, he says. Microsoft Tech Licenses Built Its Business Like all successful technology innovators, Microsoft has much experience — good and bad — with developing products and licensing technology. The company’s first hits were the MS-DOS and Window operating systems, both of which were licensed so extensively that Microsoft endured years of antitrust lawsuits in the U.S. and Europe. There have been notable failures, too. Microsoft intellectual property was used to develop the firm’s Zune digital music hardware. Microsoft also licensed Zune technology. Neither approach could save the entertainment player, which was discontinued last fall. Webb says developing products and licensing technology each have advantages and disadvantages. Licensing intellectual property typically brings modest, low-risk and ongoing revenue. A disadvantage of licensing is that it can put the licensee in the background when the technology succeeds in someone else’s product. Development costs more compared with licensing and puts any failure in a company’s lap. But the potential revenue upside is far larger, and the company is tied visibly to market success. While Webb says she has not had any contact with Microsoft regarding wearables, she feels the company is not likely to focus its related intellectual property solely or even primarily on consumer goods like fitness trackers. She said the most immediate market is for business-to-business applications (as was the case for MS-DOS), and what she calls “B-to-D” — business-to-doctor. Health-monitoring and diagnostic roles for wearables are growing today, and they should continue to expand as medical wearables become small, inexpensive and sophisticated, Webb said. But rival Apple is making an aggressive bid to invade health care with mobile devices, including the iWatch, and HealthKit, the company’s software platform for health-related applications. According to Black Book Market Research, almost 70% of physicians using medical apps do so on iPhones . That is a size-14 foot in the door for Apple. Webb says the promise of significant new revenue and the need to keep Apple at bay are likely to persuade Nadella to sift Microsoft’s patent portfolio for related innovations.

Philips Buying Volcano To Boost Image-Guided Therapy

Diversified Dutch giant Royal Philips (PHG) agreed to acquire San-Diego-based medical imaging company Volcano for $1.2 billion in cash Wednesday, sending the latter’s stock up 55% in morning trading in the stock market today, near 18. Philips said Volcano’s (VOLC) catheter-based imaging technology, used in heart surgery, will add to the portfolio of image-guided surgery products it’s been building over the past few years. “Volcano’s impressive and