Tag Archives: outlook

Bespoke’s ETF Asset Class Performance Matrix – 5/6/16

Below is a look at our asset class performance matrix using key ETFs included in our daily ETF Trends (Subscription required) report. For each ETF, we include its performance in May, so far in Q2, and year to date. Equities are down across the board in May, with the worst pullbacks coming outside of the U.S. in countries like Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Russia and the U.K. In the U.S., major indices are down roughly 1% across the board, and sectors like Energy, Materials and Telecom are down 2%+. The Consumer Staples and Utilities sectors are the only ones higher so far this month. For Q2, the Nasdaq 100 (NASDAQ: QQQ ) and the Tech sector (NYSEARCA: XLK ) have been clear areas of pain, while the Energy sector is leading with a gain of 6%. Commodities are up nicely in Q2, with oil and silver leading the way. On a year-to-date basis, Brazil has posted a monstrous 33.85% gain. Gold and silver are the next best performers, with gains of 21.8% and 26.5%, respectively. The S&P 500 (NYSEARCA: SPY ) is as close to flat as it gets on the year with a gain of 26 basis points.

Difference Between Value Stocks And Growth Stocks

Analysts like to separate stocks into two categories: value and growth. What is the difference between value stocks and growth stocks, and which style provides better returns? There is no exact definition explaining the difference between value stocks and growth stocks, but each has its own distinct characteristics. In general, value stocks have low price ratios and growth stocks have high price ratios. Value stocks as a whole have been shown to outperform growth stocks over time. Future Expectations The low price ratios of value stocks are a result of investors being cautious about the future of the underlying companies. Similarly, the high price ratios of growth stocks are a result of investors being excited about the future of the underlying companies. While discussing mutual fund investing using either growth or value stocks, Fidelity says the following : Growth funds focus on companies that managers believe will experience faster than average growth as measured by revenues, earnings, or cash flow. The goal of value funds is to find proverbial diamonds in the rough; that is, companies whose stock prices don’t necessarily reflect their fundamental worth. In the stock market, companies are valued based on future expectations. Wonderful vs. Weak If a company’s growth begins to slow down or its profits start to decrease, the result will be a lower share price. Value stocks are typically companies with recently poor operating results and negative outlooks. The weak performance could be due to macroeconomic events or company specific challenges. It could be a temporary setback or a major loss of market share. If a company is growing and its profits are increasing rapidly, the result will be a higher share price. Growth stocks are typically companies with recently phenomenal operating results and bright futures. The wonderful performance could be due to a rising tide in a particular industry or great management of a specific company. If growth stocks are “wonderful” and value stocks are “weak”, how can value stocks be better investments than growth stocks? Value Premium It turns out that human nature causes value stocks to provide better long-term returns than growth stocks. People get too excited about growth stocks and too afraid of value stocks. While discussing the recent trend of investors moving away from value opportunities, Morningstar’s Ben Johnson said : What we’ve seen historically is that it’s exactly this sort of capitulation, this sort of behavioral function that may actually lead to the existence, the creation, the persistence of the value premium. Value exists because there are suckers on the other side of the poker table willing to take the flipside of the value bet. They are betting on growth or something else. Real, true, strong hands at that poker table, in all likelihood will continue for many years to come, to reap the benefits of that value bet, assuming that they are strong hands. The optimism towards growth stocks makes them overvalued. The pessimism toward value stocks makes them undervalued. Investors become overly confident about a growth stock’s future and overly scared about a value stock’s future. Herd Behavior Through a phenomenon called herd behavior, human nature causes a gap to occur between the value of a stock and its price. Herd behavior says that “individuals in a group will act collectively without centralized direction.” In Thomas Howard’s book, Behavioral Portfolio Management , he talks about how following the crowd is an evolutionary trait. It was beneficial at one point but now does more harm than good, especially in investing. Howard says: Doing the same thing as everybody else, the definition of social validation, also made sense thousands of years ago when life was full of danger. Since we lived in small groups then, we depended on others to sense danger and react instinctively. You didn’t want to be the slowest member of the group when fleeing the tiger. In contrast, today we frequently want to take positions different from the emotional crowd as a way to harness the price distortions resulting from collective behavior. Because the stock market is nothing more than a group of individual investors, herd behavior is a common occurrence. No investor wants to be left behind. As prices start climbing, everyone wants to jump on board. This results in the high valuations of most growth stocks. Once prices start falling, investors dump the underperforming stocks in mass. This results in the low valuations of value stocks. It’s important to refrain from following the crowd and to avoid investing in overvalued stocks rather than undervalued stocks. The Difference Between Value Stocks and Growth Stocks A summary of the difference between value stocks and growth stocks is: Value stocks are undervalued, out-of-favor companies with recently poor operating performance and slowing growth. Investors overreact to these stocks and value them lower than they should be. Growth stocks are overvalued, “hot” companies with recently great operating performance and rapid growth. Investors overreact to these stocks and value them higher than they should be. Understanding the difference between value stocks and growth stocks will allow investors to profit greatly over time.

Pakistan Likely To Enter MSCI Emerging Markets Index

MSCI is considering reclassifying the Pakistani equity market from frontier to emerging market status on June 14th, 2016. MSCI – a leading provider of research-based indexes and analytics – announced that it will release on June 14, 2016, shortly after 11:00 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST), the results of the 2016 Annual Market Classification Review. As a reminder, three MSCI Country Indexes are currently included on the review list of the 2016 Annual Market Classification Review: MSCI China A and MSCI Pakistan Indexes for a potential reclassification to Emerging Markets and MSCI Peru Index for a potential reclassification to Frontier Markets. It is important to note that MSCI is not the only index provider that classifies markets but is considered the reference benchmark for many markets. MSCI and other index providers base their market classification on a number of quantitative measurable and comparative criteria while aiming to avoid qualitative and/or subjective criteria. PAKISTAN: ECONOMY IN FOCUS Pakistan is a country with a population of 190 million people. Pakistan’s GDP stands at USD 250 billion (Year 2015). Pakistan’s economy continued to pick up in the fiscal year 2015 as economic reform progressed and security improved. Inflation markedly declined, and the current deficit narrowed with favorable prices for oil and other commodities. Despite global headwinds, the outlook is for continued moderate growth as structural and macroeconomic reforms deepen. Selected economic indicators (%) – Pakistan 2015 2016 Forecast 2017 Forecast GDP Growth 4.2 4.5 4.8 Inflation 4.5 3.2 4.5 Current Account Balance (share of GDP) -1.0 -1.0 -1.2 Source : Asian Development Bank CPEC : THE GAME CHANGER FOR PAKISTAN China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a mega project of USD 46+ billion, taking the bilateral relationship between Pakistan and China to new heights. The project is the beginning of a journey of prosperity for Pakistan and China’s Xinjiang. The economic corridor is about 3,000 kilometers long consisting of highways, railways and pipelines that will connect China’s Xinjiang province to the rest of the world through Pakistan’s Gwador port. The investment on the corridor will transform Pakistan into a regional economic hub. The corridor will be a confidence booster for investors and attract investment not only from China but other parts of the world as well. Other than transportation infrastructure, the economic corridor will provide Pakistan with the telecommunications and energy infrastructure. MSCI INDICES AND PAKISTAN – A QUICK RECAP It is important to mention that between 1994-2008, Pakistan was part of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. After the Balance of Payment crisis in 2008, KSE was shut down for 4 months after which the country was kicked out of the Emerging Markets Index. In May 2009, Pakistan was added back in the MSCI Index, but this time it was added in the Frontier Markets Index. In June last year, MSCI put Pakistan up for official review regarding inclusion into the Emerging Markets Index. Now, as per today’s press release, MSCI will make its decision whether to upgrade or not on 14th of June. RECAP: THE MSCI PAKISTAN INDEX Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click Here for MSCI Fact Sheet INDEX METHODOLOGY The index is based on the MSCI Global Investable Indexes (GIMI) Methodology – a comprehensive and consistent approach to index construction that allows for meaningful global views and cross regional comparisons across all market capitalization size, sector and style segments and combinations. This methodology aims to provide exhaustive coverage of the relevant investment opportunity set with a strong emphasis on index liquidity, investability and replicability. The index is reviewed quarterly – in February, May, August and November – with the objective of reflecting change in the underlying equity markets in a timely manner while limiting undue index turnover. During the May and November semi-annual index reviews, the index is rebalanced and the large and mid capitalization cutoff points are recalculated. SOME IMPORTANT NUMBERS/STATS Click to enlarge WHAT TO LOOK FOR IF PAKISTAN ENTERS MSCI EMERGING MARKETS INDEX? If the decision is positive, emerging markets funds with 40-50 times the capital of frontier funds will be forced to have a look at Pakistan. In our view, this is an opportunity with a risk-reward skewed heavily towards the positive side. PSX – Pakistan Stock Exchange – currently trades at 9.0x earnings; companies have grown faster than their regional peers in USD over the last ten years. Should Pakistan enter MSCI Emerging Markets, it does so at more than 40% P/E discounts to its Asian EM peers. We don’t believe this is sustainable, hence calls for a positive re-rating of the valuations. ETFs IN FOCUS: Several ETFs and mutual funds invest in emerging markets; on the other hand, a small number of ETFs focus on frontier markets. For comparison purpose, we are taking BlackRock Capital ETFs. BlackRock Capital offers the iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (NYSEARCA: EEM ), asset base of which is approx USD 25 billion when compared to BlackRock Capital’s iShares MSCI Frontier 100 Index ETF (NYSEARCA: FM ), asset base of which is merely USD 420 million. It is important to note that the fund size of most of the frontier markets ETFs are very small when compared with emerging markets ETFs. Hence, we don’t see any major selling pressure from the liquidation of frontier market funds which are invested in Pakistan, as that selling will be absorbed easily by the emerging market funds. In fact, emerging markets funds will bring in more liquidity in the market, hence, providing frontier market funds an easy exit. OUR STANCE We are of the view that it is likely that Pakistan will be given a green signal for entering MSCI Emerging Markets on June 14th, 2016. We caution against the notion that reclassification is a panacea for market ills or underperformance. Typically, reclassification (both upgrades and downgrades) have followed or been accompanied by economic and financial policy reforms, including improvements in market infrastructure. It is these more fundamental and structural reforms that attract and retain international investors and boost the confidence of domestic investors. Reclassifications are best viewed as signaling a confirmation of policy reforms and changes in market conditions. Hence, an identification problem may arise whereby improved market conditions are attributed to market reclassification decisions, whereas they are due to policy actions and reforms which lead to a reclassification. Similarly, we note that reclassification may have perverse effects if there is an ‘overshooting’ effect whereby speculation leads to higher prices in advance of a reclassification, over and above what would be justified by market/ economic fundamentals. Prices then adjust on the actual reclassification event. As highlighted in the article, Average Annual Revenue and Net Profit Growth of companies listed in Pakistan have been phenomenal between 2005-2015. Moving forward with CPEC in place, Pakistan’s inclusion in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index will be beneficial for both local as well as global investors. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.