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5 Catalysts That Will Lift India ETFs In 2015 Even After 2014’s Big Gains

Summary India trades at low valuations compared to the U.S. and developed markets. India is home to a burgeoning consumer population entering their prime earning and spending years. India’s consumer market is under penetrated compared to the oversaturated developed markets. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s business-friendly regime will attract foreign investors. The central bank lowered interest rates, which will stoke business growth. (click to enlarge) India’s ETFs and stock market were among the top destinations of 2014. The WisdomTree India Earnings ETF (NYSEARCA: EPI ) jumped 28% in 2014, while the iShares MSCI India Index ETF (BATS: INDA ) climbed 22%. They far outdid foreign developed markets, which fell 5%, and emerging markets, which shed 4%. 2014’s returns were driven by a perfect storm of government reforms and a dive in oil prices – a major import – that relieved a huge burden on government subsidies. The planet’s biggest democracy shows no signs of slowing down in 2015. Among numerous reasons I’m bullish on India, here are the top five. 1. Attractive Valuations EPI in changing hands at a price-to-earnings ratio of 14, price-to-book value of 2 and price-to-sales of 1.1. It’s trading at higher valuations than China and other emerging markets, but is lower than foreign developed markets and the U.S. The iShares MSCI EAFE ETF (NYSEARCA: EFA ) sports a P/E of nearly 15, P/B of 1.6 and P/S of 1. The SPDR S&P 500 Trust ETF (NYSEARCA: SPY ) has a price-to-earnings ratio of 17, price-to-book value of 2.5 and price-to-sales of 1.8. Corporate earnings in India are expected to accelerate and perhaps double over the next few years, indicating companies deserve higher valuations. 2. Ideal Demographics More than half of India’s people are under age 25 and more than 65% are younger than 35. Demographers forecast by 2020 India’s median age will be 29 years, compared to 37 for China and 48 for Japan. A younger population goes hand in hand with more consumer spending as people form households and raise children. In addition, there are more workers supporting fewer retirees. Currently home to 17.5% of the world’s population, India is projected to be the world’s most inhabited country by 2025 with 1.396 billion people, outnumbering China with 1.394 billion. India has more young consumers in addition to an underserved market compared to the oversaturated Western markets. As of 2009, only 11 people per 1,000 owned cars in India versus 34 for every 1,000 in China and 440 for every 1,000 in the U.S. 3. Business-Friendly Reforms Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s win in the May election brought hope that the country would lighten gold import restrictions, ease environmental regulations to better compete with China and take on more infrastructure development. Modi lifted a ban in June on industrial growth in 43 areas that the Ministry of Environment and Forests had in place since 2010. Modi designated a new like-minded environmental minister and industrial projects that were once stalled are now being approved quicker. The government in November did away with the 80:20 gold importation law. The controversial rule required that 20% of gold imported be exported before new gold deliveries could be brought in. In November, gold imports vaulted to 150 tons – a fivefold jump year over year. Modi issued in late December five ordinances, akin to executive orders, to kickstart the economy. The most significant one eased land acquisition rules to reduce bureaucratic bottlenecks that had hindered development projects totaling almost $300 billion. One ordinance would allow private sector involvement in coal mining, while another aims to increase foreign investments in the insurance sector. India’s parliament has to pass the new ordinances at their next confab in February for the ordinances to be enacted. Some 311 million people in India live without electricity, but the government wants to provide access to the entire country by 2017. In an effort to achieve that, Modi is asking the government – which controls 90% of the coal reserves but is very inefficient – to auction its coal mines to private mining companies. India has the fifth largest coal reserves on the planet. The country is estimated to have lost $68 billion in economic output, or 4% of GDP, in 2013 because of power outages. Any electricity grid improvements would greatly benefit economic activity. India stands to draw more foreign investments thanks to a business-friendly regime at the helm. 4. The “Make in India” Program Modi unveiled in September the “Make in India” campaign to create jobs and boost manufacturing. The government has promised to remove entry barriers to business, and create a competitive tax environment to encourage manufacturing of low-cost products for both the foreign and domestic markets. 5. Central Bank Easing The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) surprised markets around the world this month by cutting its key interest rate by 0.25 percentage points to 7.75%. It marked the first rate reduction in almost two years, as the country experiences lower inflationary pressure thanks to lower food and oil prices. Lower interest rates will improve corporate balance sheets and encourage business expansion, especially in interest-rate sensitive industries such as banking and real estate. India’s economy will expand by 6.4% in 2015 after growing 5.6% last year, the International Monetary Fund forecasts.

Why Lower Inflation In India Is A Good Sign For International Investors

With lower inflation in India than previous years, HSBC forecasts the Indian rupee will remain highly stable this year, reducing exchange rate risk for investors. The Sensex stock market index has vastly outperformed that of Brazil, China and Russia – India’s stock market offers very attractive growth prospects. As an English-speaking country and a centre of technology worldwide, I believe India is at a distinct competitive advantage relative to its peers. Of all the four BRIC economies, I believe that India in particular has the potential to become the most powerful emerging market in the world by 2040. The country has never been over-reliant on manufacturing to sustain economic growth – India’s English speaking workforce along with the country’s status as a major technology give its economy a distinct advantage compared to that of Brazil, China and Russia. In particular, with India now set to meet inflation targets, this could mean very good news for international investors looking to get in on the India growth story. In comparing inflation rates across the BRIC economies, we can see that China has the lowest inflation rate currently at 1.50%, with Russia having the highest inflation rate at 11.40%. India’s inflation rate stands at 5.00%. Inflation is clearly an important consideration for international investors. As an American investor (or a European one, in my case), inflation has a direct impact on exchange rates – higher inflation typically results in a lower exchange rate as consumers stop spending due to higher prices. If this is the case, then a weakening Rupee means that our investment is worth less in dollars or euros. (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) Sources: Trading Economics In terms of inflation rates, India has been successful in bringing inflation down from a previous rate of 8% in 2012. All else being equal, China would appear to look more favorable as a lower rate of inflation would not have as great an impact on investment value. However, deflation is currently more of a concern in China and this could also lead to exchange rate risks for international investors. Moreover, we can see that of the four emerging stock market indexes, the Indian Sensex Index has vastly outperformed those of China, Brazil and Russia: (click to enlarge) Source: Yahoo Finance Additionally, HSBC projects that the Indian rupee will continue to maintain strength, as lower oil prices will continue to lead to improvements in current account and inflation targets. HSBC reports that the rupee is expected to oscillate between 62.5 and 63 to the dollar this year, which should lead to a high degree of exchange rate stability for international investors. I expect that the long-term outlook for India’s stock market will remain positive due to effective management of inflation and strong fundamentals – stable exchange rates and inflation management means that the Sensex is likely to experience less volatility than that of other emerging markets. In conclusion, India’s use of effective monetary policy in reducing inflation to sustainable levels is clearly working. This is especially significant to international investors who are looking for stable returns yet vibrant growth. Additionally, given that the Sensex has vastly outperformed the stock indexes of the other BRIC economies, I am highly optimistic on India’s growth story going forward. Now that you’ve read this, are you Bullish or Bearish on ? Bullish Bearish Sentiment on ( ) Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Why are you ? Submit & View Results Skip to results » Share this article with a colleague