Tag Archives: nreum

Are Rate Spreads And Volatility Good Market-Timing Indicators?

Summary This is part of a research on systemic market indicators. A summary on two rate spreads and the VIX index used as market timing indicators. A reminder of a 4-component systemic indicator presented in a former article. MTS (Multi-Timing Scores) are systemic aggregate indicators, focused on a long-term investing horizon and including the 4 main categories of market analysis: sentiment, economy, fundamentals, technicals. MTS10 is used in GHI Premium Service to send market timing alerts and size a hedge according to the systemic risk. A GHI subscriber asked me if adding parameters on credit spreads and volatility might improve it. Here is a summary of my thoughts on 3 related indicators. 10-year / 3-month spread Yield curve inversion (when long-term yields fall below shorter-term yields) has been studied in academic publications as a predictor of economic recessions in the US and other countries. The most studied data in the U.S. is the spread between rates of the 10 year bond (NYSEARCA: IEF ) and the 3 month bill (NYSEARCA: BIL ). It has worked quite well to predict recessions since 1960, with only 1 miss (the spread didn’t cross the zero line before 1960 recession) and two false signals in 1966-67. However, it gives little information about the timing. It just tells that a recession may happen in the next 6 to 20 months. Moreover, the signal (negative spread) may have disappeared before the recession really starts. It looks useful for economists and politicians, but of little help for investors. (click to enlarge) Source: New York FED As the average elapsed time between a negative spread and a recession is about 1 year, some economists have inferred a probability of recession 12 months ahead. This method predicts a probability of recession below 5% until June 2016. (click to enlarge) TED Spread The TED spread is the difference between the 3-month LIBOR and the 3-month U.S. T-bill rate. For this one, a spike is a bad omen. It did a good job at “predicting” the 1987 crash (in fact I doubt that someone was interested in it at this time) and the 2008 recession. But it was late in 1990, gave a bunch of false signals, missed the 2001 recession, and gave a late signal in 2011 during the latest meaningful market correction. (click to enlarge) Source: Saint Louis FED VIX index The VIX index measures an aggregate implied (expected) volatility on S&P 500 stocks calculated from their options. It is known as the “fear index” and may be seen as an indicator of the cost of insurance against a large market move. It usually goes up when stock indices go down. The VIX can be traded using futures, options and ETNs ( VXX , VXZ ). Two of its most interesting properties are: an attraction to its moving averages a higher probability to go up again after a day up The risk increases when the VIX goes away from its average to the downside (a sign of possible complacency) or to the upside (a sign of nervousness). It is easier to put a trigger on the downside because both properties above play in the same direction. They are opposite when the VIX goes up, making the game riskier. The next chart represents the equity curve of investing in SPY , and going in cash when the VIX is below 2% under its 10-day simple moving average (benchmark in blue is SPY “buy-and-hold”). The choice of a 10-day sma is not random, it is well-known by traders interested in the VIX. (click to enlarge) Source: portfolio123 The chart looks great, but there are a lot of intra-week signals. Global Household Index is weekly. The performance of a weekly signal is much less attractive: (click to enlarge) It is even worse with a 0.1% rate for transaction cost ($10 for $10k): (click to enlarge) I think the VIX may be very useful in setups for swing-traders, much less for investors with a mid-term or long-term horizon. This is not an original idea: in this article Mark Hulbert came to the same with other arguments. Conclusion : The 10-year / 3-month credit spread is a good recession predictor, but not a good timer. The TED spread has given timely qualitative signals twice in the past, but signals were late, missing or flawed in other cases. I didn’t find a way to use it in a quantitative indicator. The VIX index gives signals that can be used as confirmations by traders, but doesn’t seem to be a great help for investors working in weekly or longer time units. I don’t plan to integrate these indicators in my market timing scores. MTS10 components cannot be disclosed here. Interested readers can use for non-commercial purposes ( CC BY-NC 4.0 International License ) an open-source variant with 4 indicators (MTS4). It is less robust and more sensitive to economic data revisions. The component indicators are S&P 500 companies’ average short interest (bearish when the 52-week sma is above the 104-week sma); unemployment (bearish when above its value 3 months earlier); S&P 500’s current-year EPS estimate (bearish when below its value 3 months earlier); and S&P 500’s price (bearish when the 50-day sma is below the 200-day sma). When all four are bearish, it’s time to go in full hedge. This page explains how to get a limited free access to MTS4 in a popular screener, backtest it and get its value at any time. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More…) I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

The Good Business Portfolio: All 24 Positions

Summary The portfolio of good company businesses is doing 3.62% better than the DOW average year to date (YTD) of -0.41%. The 24 businesses comprise 99% of the portfolio with the other 1% cash and the average total return over the DOW average for the 30 month test period is 32.52%. Create a portfolio that is balanced, not income, not dividend growth, not bottom fishing, not value, but balanced among all styles. Of the 24 companies in the portfolio 19 beat the DOW average for total return and 5 missed the total return over the test period of 30 months. This article gives my 10 guidelines for company investment selection for the complete Good Business Portfolio. The intent in these guidelines is to create a portfolio that is a large cap balanced portfolio between the different styles of investing. Income investors take too much risk to get their high yields. Bottom fishing investors get catfish. Value investors have to have a foresight to see the future. You see from the guidelines below that I want a portfolio that is defensive, provides income and does not take high risks. I limit the portfolio to 25 companies; more than this is almost impossible to keep track of. At present I have 24 companies and have open slots awaiting General Electric (NYSE: GE ) and Hewlett Packard (NYSE: HPQ ) spin-offs. Guidelines (Company selection) 1. NEVER buy any company or security that has more than three letters in the symbol. I know this eliminates just about all mutual funds, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL ), Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT ), Intel (NASDAQ: INTC ) and a lot of other large cap good companies, but it also eliminates the small cap startups and many others that are not good investments for a retirement portfolio. The only exception to this guideline is the purchase of a high grade corporate investment grade bond fund. 2. Capitalization should be at least $7 Billion (share price times number of shares outstanding) 3. Company should have a dividend of at least 1.0% on a yearly basis and the dividend should have been increased in 7 of the last 10 years. 4. Cash flow should be strongly positive. This allows dividends to increase, do share buy backs, and purchase of other companies to expand the company business. You can’t make cash up by accounting tricks like World Com and Enron. 5. The company should be listed on a Major exchange (NYSE) or NASDAQ, NO over the counter and pink sheets, NO venture capital. 6. The company business should be understood. Don’t invest in business models or products you don’t understand. Would you buy the whole company if you could is the question. If yes the company can be bought (Peter Lynch). As an example I don’t understand Google (NASDAQ: GOOG ) (NASDAQ: GOOGL ). If you can actually understand how Google will continue to grow then you can buy it, except that it violates guideline number 1. 7. Never invest in the following class of companies; – Airline operations business (poor business model). They should charge a price that they can make money on. – Banking small and large (can’t tell what assets are worth). – BDCs (too much debt and bad businesses). High dividends are not worth it. It’s better to have a real company like Harley Davidson (NYSE: HOG ), that has an iconic product. 8. S&P Capital IQ rating should be at least 3 or better. Consider selling when its rating drops to 2 or 1. 9. Remember you are not buying stock; you are buying shares in a company. Consider yourself an owner; you are. This idea may seem silly but it’s one of the best in this list, very important. As an owner do your home work, read about the company every few days and check prices at least once a week. Having a list on your favorite financial site like Seeking Alpha or web home page will help. 10. Compound annual growth rate for the next three years should be projected at least 6% per year. These are guidelines and not rules. They are meant to be used as filters to get to a few companies where further analysis can be done before adding the company to the portfolio. So it’s alright to break a guideline if the other guidelines indicate a Good Company Business. I’m sure this eliminates some really good companies but it gets me a short list to work on. There are too many companies to even look at 10% of them. Portfolio Performance The performance of the portfolio created by the guidelines have year in and year out beat the DOW average for over 22 years giving me a steady retirement income and growth. The table below shows the portfolio performance for 2012, 2013, 2014, and YTD of 2015. Year DOW Gain/Loss Good Business Beat Difference Portfolio 2,012 8.70% 16.92% 8.22% 2,013 27.00% 39.70% 12.70% 2,014 6.04% 8.67% 2.63% 2015 YTD -0.41% 3.21% 3.62% In a great year like 2013 the portfolio did fantastic. In a normal year like 2014 it beat the DOW by a fair amount. So far this year the portfolio is doing good at 3.62% total return gain above the Dow average loss of -0.41%. All 24 Companies In The Portfolio The 24 companies and their percentage in the portfolio and total return over a 30 month test (starting Jan 1 2013) period is shown in the table below. I chose this time frame since it included the great year of 2013 and the moderate year of 2014 and 2015 YTD. The DOW baseline for this period is 35.54% and each of the top five easily beat that baseline. The next 19 have five companies that did not beat the DOW baseline but still are great businesses. I limit the portfolio to 25 companies and let the winners grow until they reach 8% – 9% of the portfolio and then I trim the position. BA , DIS and HD are now in trim position. I start the companies at a base percentage of the portfolio of 1% and add to the position if they perform well during the next six months. At 4% of the portfolio I stop buying and let the company percentage of the portfolio grow until it hits 8% then it’s time to trim. In the portfolio only one company is actually losing money over the 30 month test period – Freeport McMoRan Inc. (NYSE: FCX ). This is my full list of 24 Good Businesses. I hope to write individual articles on some of these businesses as time permits. DOW Baseline 35.54% Company Total Return Difference Percentage of Portfolio Cumulative Total 30 Months From Baseline Percentage of Portfolio Boeing (NYSE: BA ) 92.08% 56.53% 8.77% 8.77% Home Depot (NYSE: HD ) 86.52% 50.98% 8.66% 17.43% Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS ) 127.27% 91.72% 8.05% 33.19% Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ ) 48.98% 13.44% 7.70% 25.14% L Brands Inc. (NYSE: LB ) 99.39% 63.85% 6.73% 39.92% Harley Davidson Inc. 20.06% -15.49% 6.24% 46.17% Cabela’s Inc. (NYSE: CAB ) 16.41% -19.13% 6.03% 52.20% Altria Group Inc. (NYSE: MO ) 72.57% 37.03% 6.16% 58.36% Philip Morris INTL INC. (NYSE: PM ) 6.63% -28.92% 5.49% 63.85% McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE: MCD ) 17.78% -17.76% 5.49% 69.34% Eaton Vance Enhanced Equity Income Fund II (NYSE: EOS ) 53.55% 18.01% 5.49% 74.83% General Electric 34.39% -1.15% 4.83% 79.66% Automatic Data Processing (NASDAQ: ADP ) 46.03% 10.49% 4.12% 83.78% Ingersoll-Rand plc (NYSE: IR ) 73.55% 38.01% 2.83% 86.61% Hewlett Packard 113.11% 77.57% 2.44% 89.05% Novartis AG (NYSE: NVS ) 71.37% 35.83% 1.65% 90.70% Omega Health Inv. (NYSE: OHI ) 64.02% 28.48% 1.53% 97.35% Mondelez (NASDAQ: MDLZ ) 60.52% 24.98% 1.48% 94.64% Texas Instrument (NASDAQ: TXN ) 54.02% 18.48% 1.30% 93.16% Amerisource Bergen (NYSE: ABC ) 155.97% 120.42% 1.17% 95.82% Freeport McMoran -43.95% -79.49% 1.16% 91.86% Kraft Heinz Corp. (NASDAQ: KHC ) 82.08% 46.54% 0.82% 98.17% Alcoa (NYSE: AA ) 18.06% -17.48% 0.68% 98.85% Hanes brands Inc (NYSE: HBI ) 263.04% 227.50% 0.18% 99.03% Average 32.52% Recent (last month) Portfolio Changes and Comments Added a starter position of HBI to the portfolio. If the next earnings are good I will add to this position as the above 8% positions get trimmed to balance the portfolio. I have to see if they can continue this great performance going forward. Continued selling covered calls against part of the MCD position. I am selling out of the money calls with short duration of two weeks. MCD is a great business but is being hurt by the strong dollar and its ability to compete against new startups. I have made a little extra money while we wait for MCD to turn around. Added to EOS position now 5.5% of the portfolio. I needed some extra income so I bought a little more of EOS to increase my income. I have also started selling covered calls against FCX and CAB. I am selling out of the money calls with short duration of two weeks to three weeks. One comment: I have never bought commodity companies before and both (AA and FCX) have disappointed me. A new guideline is in the making to avoid commodity companies , it just seems too much risk and uncontrolled world events to predict what the price of a commodity will be in the future. Earnings Season Has Just Started. Alcoa had a mixed report with earnings missing the expected earnings of 0.24 compared to the actual earnings at 0.19, but the revenue beat by 110 Million. The transformation of Alcoa is starting to take effect and I will wait at least two more quarters to see if it’s a turnaround or sell. I always like earnings season since most of my Good Business companies have increasing earnings. Looking forward I expect Boeing to beat the expected earnings of $2.06 this quarter but will not trim it until it reaches 10.0% of the portfolio. Last year Boeing got above 10% and I trimmed it a little to get it below 10% of the portfolio. Conclusion The 10 guidelines in the article give me a balanced portfolio of good companies that are large cap and can grow their revenues, earnings, and dividends for years. They have the staying power to fix what ever goes wrong. In each case the company has the size and good management to fix the problem. The portfolio has growth companies, defensive companies, income companies and companies with international exposure giving it what I call balance. Of the 24 companies presently in the portfolio five are underperforming the DOW average. All five companies are being hurt by the strong dollar since they are multi-national and have a large portion of their income coming from foreign operations. it is my intention to write separate comparison articles on individual companies. If you would like me to do a review of one of my Good Business Companies please comment and I will try to do it. Of course this is not a recommendation to buy or sell and you should always do your own research and talk to your financial advisor before any purchase or sale. This is how I manage my IRA retirement account and the opinions on the companies are my own. Disclosure: I am/we are long BA, HD, DIS, JNJ, LB, HOG, CAB, MO, PM, MCD, EOS, GE, ADP, IR, HPQ, NVS, OHI, MDLZ, TXN, ABC, FCX, KHC, AA, HBI. (More…) I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Evaluating Opportunity In The Eurozone When Greece Is (Yet Again) The Word

Summary With the eurozone accounting for 17% of the world’s GDP, I believe globally minded investors clearly need to contemplate a strategic allocation to this region. I believe a volatility-managed solution may be a sensible approach for investors to gain exposure to this critical region. In addition, I believe the divergent monetary policy between the ECB and the Fed emphasizes the need for investors to consider a currency hedge to mitigate foreign exchange risk. A currency-hedged low volatility approach could help investors pursue the region’s upside potential while managing risk By John G. Feyerer, Vice President, Director of Equity ETF Product Strategy, Invesco PowerShares Capital Management LLC The never-ending Greek tragedy continues to take twists and turns as the news surrounding Greece’s fate in the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) seems to change minute to minute. This saga has and will likely continue to result in greater volatility in equity markets, yet could also provide potential buying opportunities for European stocks as the dust settles. As pundits opine on the likelihood of various outcomes from the current crisis, I believe investors should step back and evaluate the longer-term opportunity to invest in the eurozone. Eurozone economic indicators point to continued expansion… With the eurozone accounting for 17% of the world’s GDP 1 , I believe globally minded investors clearly need to contemplate a strategic allocation to this region. Trends in the major economic indicators point to continued expansion, which should bode well for equity performance in Europe. Business activity in the 19-member bloc expanded at its fastest pace in four years in June, as measured by the Markit Composite Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), which tracks manufacturing and service sector equities The indicator rose to 54.2 (from 53.6 in May), representing continued solid footing above the 50 mark that divides expansion and contraction. 2 PMI data from Europe’s two biggest economies – Germany and France – also painted a bright outlook for the eurozone economy. The survey also indicated that employment and new orders had risen at the strongest rates in four years over the second quarter, although growth slowed in both cases in the month of June as concern over the re-emergence of the Greek debt crisis surfaced yet again. … While technicals are still supportive Eurozone stock prices, as measured by the Euro Stoxx 50 Index, maintained levels of support across the previous highs established in June 2014 and November 2014 – between 3,275 and 3,375, as seen below. In addition, the chart illustrates that the Euro Stoxx 50 Index is still firmly in the uptrend established in September 2011, while still 25% off the market highs established prior to the global financial crisis. European stocks are in an uptrend, but still off of market highs Euro Stoxx 50 Index high, low and closing values from Aug. 1, 2003, to July 6, 2015 Source: Bloomberg L.P. as of July 6, 2015. Past Performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investments cannot be made directly into an index. Additional tailwind courtesy of the weak euro? The 17% drop 3 in the value of the euro relative to the US dollar since June 30, 2014, coupled with the tremendous run-up in European equities earlier this year, begs the question: Where do eurozone equities go from here? Historically, the year-over-year change in the EUR/USD exchange rate has led the direction of the Euro Stoxx 50 Index by approximately one year. Therefore, euro weakness in the past portends continued upside for eurozone equities, in my view. The chart below illustrates the strong correlation between movements in the EUR/USD exchange rate and the region’s subsequent one-year stock market performance. As described above, the strong PMI levels should augur strong earnings growth, which would support continued appreciation of equities within the eurozone. Correlations have historically been strong between movements in the EUR/USD exchange rate and the region’s subsequent one-year stock market performance Euro Stoxx 50 Index year over year vs. EUR/USD exchange rate plus one year. Note that we’ve inverted the exchange rate line to more clearly illustrate the trends in movement. In reality, downward movements in the exchange rate have tended to precede upward movements in stocks, and vice versa. Source: Bloomberg L.P. as of June 30, 2015. Past Performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investments cannot be made directly into an index. Projections shown are based on the past trends shown in this graphic and are the opinion of the author. There is no guarantee that the projections shown will come to pass. Elevated eurozone valuations highlight potential risk While economic indicators, stock market technicals and the tailwind from the weak euro point to potential continued upside in the eurozone, an analysis of equity valuations underscores the potential risks. Using the Euro Stoxx 50 Index, the chart below illustrates the degree to which valuations are being stretched. Regardless of the metric used (and many were reviewed), the nearly 100% run-up in the eurozone since the September 2011 low has resulted in valuations that despite recent volatility related to the referendum in Greece, are approaching, or have surpassed, decade-long highs. Eurozone equity valuations are approaching or have surpassed decade-long highs Euro Stoxx 50 Index estimated price-earnings (P/E) and price to cash flow Source: Bloomberg L.P. as of June 30, 2015. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. In addition, since the launch of the EMU’s 60 billion euro a month quantitative easing (QE) program in March 2015, it is instructive to look at the relationship between the Euro Stoxx 50 Index earnings yield relative to the German government 10-year yield to understand the current relative valuation between stocks and bonds in the region. This is shown in the chart below. The current reading reveals that, unlike in the US, eurozone stocks do not appear at this point to be inexpensive relative to bonds, given that the yield spread is near the middle of the range observed since 2005. QE has helped depress German bond yields, but hasn’t thus far resulted in a material difference between the historical relationship between earnings yield and the 10-year German government bond yield. This is due to the fact that stock prices have rallied sharply in recent years, as investors have looked to take advantage of the favorable economic outlook. Eurozone stocks do not appear inexpensive relative to bonds Euro Stoxx 50 Index estimated earnings yield relative to German government 10-year bond yields Source: Bloomberg L.P. as of June 30, 2015. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investments cannot be made directly into an index. Managing volatility amidst eurozone opportunity and uncertainty Given the potential upside of equity exposure to the eurozone (for reasons outlined above), the risk associated with the rise in valuation levels and the ongoing uncertainty associated with a potential Greek exit from the eurozone (or “Grexit”), I believe a volatility-managed solution may be a sensible approach for investors to gain exposure to this critical region. In addition, I believe the divergent monetary policy between the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve highlights the downside risk to the value of the euro and emphasizes the need for investors to consider a currency hedge to mitigate the foreign exchange risk. A currency-hedged low volatility approach provides investors the opportunity to participate in the upside in the face of stretching valuations and exchange rate risk, as well as a downside risk mitigation smart beta strategy. PowerShares Europe Currency Hedged Low Volatility Portfolio PowerShares has introduced the first ETF offering a currency-hedged low volatility approach to Europe – the PowerShares Europe Currency Hedged Low Volatility Portfolio (NYSEARCA: FXEU ). FXEU provides exposure to the S&P Eurozone Low Volatility USD Hedged Index, which is composed of the 80 least volatile stocks in the S&P Eurozone BMI. Index holdings are currency hedged to the US dollar using rolling one-month forward contracts that are adjusted monthly. The ETF and index constituents are reconstituted quarterly. Constituents are weighted relative to the inverse of the trailing 12-month realized volatility, with the least volatile stocks receiving the highest weights. Learn more about FXEU 1 Source: WorldBank, as of December 2013 – report printed December 2014 2 Source: Markit Economics press release July 3, 2015 3 Source: Bloomberg L.P. as of June 30, 2015 Important information Markit Composite Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), a commonly cited indictor of the manufacturing sectors’ economic health, is calculated by the Institute of Supply Management. Price-earnings (P/E) ratio, also called multiple, measures a stock’s valuation by dividing its share price by its earnings per share. Price-to-cash-flow ratio is a stock’s capitalization divided by its cash for the fiscal year. Yield spread is the difference between yields on differing debt instruments, calculated by deducting the yield of one instrument from another. Earnings refer to the amount of profit a company produces during a specific period, typically usually a calendar quarter or year. Valuation is how the market measures the worth of a company or investment. S&P Eurozone BMI is a comprehensive benchmark that includes large, mid, and small caps from developed and emerging Eurozone countries. It is a regional subindex of the S&P Global BMI. The Euro Stoxx 50 Index measures the performance of blue-chip eurozone equities. Valuation is how the market measures the worth of a company or investment. There are risks involved with investing in ETFs, including possible loss of money. Shares are not actively managed and are subject to risks similar to those of stocks, including those regarding short selling and margin maintenance requirements. Ordinary brokerage commissions apply. The Fund’s return may not match the return of the Underlying Index. The Fund is subject to certain other risks. Please see the current prospectus for more information regarding the risk associated with an investment in the Fund. The risks of investing in securities of foreign issuers, including emerging market issuers, can include fluctuations in foreign currencies, political and economic instability, and foreign taxation issues. The Fund may invest in foreign markets and because foreign exchanges may be open on days when the Fund does not price its shares, the value of the non-US securities in the Fund’s portfolio my change on days when you will not be able to purchase or sell your shares. The dollar value of foreign investments will be affected by changes in the exchange rates between the dollar and the currencies in which those investments are traded. Investments focused in a particular industry or sector are subject to greater risk, and are more greatly impacted by market volatility, than more diversified investments. Derivatives may be more volatile and less liquid than traditional investments and are subject to market, interest rate, credit, leverage, counterparty and management risks. An investment in a derivative could lose more than the cash amount invested. Currency hedging can reduce or eliminate losses or gains and can also be subject to imperfect matching between the derivative and its reference asset. There is no assurance the Fund’s hedging strategy will be effective. Some foreign currency forward contracts are less liquid, which may result in the Fund being unable to structure its hedging transactions as intended and may be unable to obtain sufficient liquidity in an underlying currency. As a result, the Fund’s hedging transactions may not successfully reduce the currency risk included in the Fund’s portfolio. The Fund’s investments in futures contracts will cause it to be deemed to be a commodity pool, subjecting it to regulation under the Commodity Exchange Act and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) rules. The Adviser, a registered Commodity Pool Operator (CPO), and the Fund will be operated in accordance with CFTC rules. Registration as a CPO subjects the registrant to additional laws, regulations and enforcement policies; all of which could increase compliance costs, affect the operations and financial performance of funds whose adviser is registered as a CPO. Registration as a commodity pool may have negative effects on the ability of the Fund to engage in its planned investment program. Many countries in the European Union are susceptible to high economic risks associated with high levels of debt, notably due to investments in sovereign debts of European countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain. The Fund may hold illiquid securities that it may be unable to sell at the preferred time or price and could lose its entire investment in such securities. The Fund is non-diversified and may experience greater volatility than a more diversified investment. There is no assurance that the Fund will provide low volatility. The information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation of the suitability of any investment strategy for a particular investor. Invesco does not provide tax advice. The tax information contained herein is general and is not exhaustive by nature. Federal and state tax laws are complex and constantly changing. Investors should always consult their own legal or tax professional for information concerning their individual situation. The opinions expressed are those of the authors, are based on current market conditions and are subject to change without notice. These opinions may differ from those of other Invesco investment professionals. Before investing, investors should carefully read the prospectus/summary prospectus and carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. For this and more complete information about the Funds call 800 983 0903 or visit invescopowershares.com for prospectus/summary prospectus. NOT FDIC INSURED MAY LOSE VALUE NO BANK GUARANTEE All data provided by Invesco unless otherwise noted. Invesco Distributors, Inc. is the US distributor for Invesco Ltd.’s retail products and collective trust funds. Invesco Advisers, Inc. and other affiliated investment advisers mentioned provide investment advisory services and do not sell securities. Invesco Unit Investment Trusts are distributed by the sponsor, Invesco Capital Markets, Inc., and broker-dealers including Invesco Distributors, Inc. PowerShares® is a registered trademark of Invesco PowerShares Capital Management LLC (Invesco PowerShares). Each entity is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Invesco Ltd. ©2015 Invesco Ltd. All rights reserved. Evaluating opportunity in the eurozone when Greece is (yet again) the word by Invesco Blog.