Tag Archives: mbb

Why I Still Like DoubleLine Total Return As A Core Bond Holding

Summary Certain bond funds, and fund managers, have proven to be successful navigators in the complex environment of security selection, duration, and risk management. I am a staunch advocate of ETFs and believe that they are one of the best tools in an investors’ arsenal. However, you simply can’t find this unique bond strategy in an ETF at this time, which is why we have continued to stick with the marginally more expensive mutual fund. Long time readers of our blog know that we are proponents of active management in the fixed-income world . Certain funds, and fund managers, have proven to be successful navigators in the complex environment of security selection, duration, and risk management. For that reason, we continue to recommend to our clients that they step outside the confines of a benchmark index to seek greater returns or reduced volatility as a result of interest rate fluctuations. One long-term core holding in our Strategic Income portfolio has been the DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund (MUTF: DBLTX ). This actively managed mutual fund is governed by Jeffrey Gundlach, who has risen to fame as one of the premiere fixed-income experts in the world. DBLTX invests more than 50% of its portfolio in mortgage-backed securities, but can also hold assets like Treasuries, corporate bonds, and cash when needed. Over the last year, Gundlach and his team have added a significant measure of alpha over a diversified bond index such as the iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (NYSEARCA: AGG ). For an accurate comparison, I have also over laid a sector-specific mortgage index in the iShares MBS ETF (NYSEARCA: MBB ) as well. DBLTX has returned nearly double the gains of AGG and has also significantly outperformed the dedicated mortgage index over the last 52-weeks. If we widen the time frame to 3 years, you can see how substantial this performance gap has become. I am a staunch advocate of ETFs and believe that they are one of the best tools in an investors’ arsenal. However, you simply can’t find this unique bond strategy in an ETF at this time, which is why we have continued to stick with the marginally more expensive mutual fund strategy . The manager has earned that higher fee through superior performance, which is just what you want to see when you are paying a premium versus cheaper passively managed indexes. Now the question becomes – how much more juice can a fund like DBLTX squeeze out in relative performance versus its benchmark moving forward? It’s important to remember that DBLTX is not a “go anywhere, do anything” strategy. It’s going to behave like a bond fund, not like a stock fund or alternative investment strategy. The manager has guidelines that allow a certain degree of flexibility, but it is ultimately going to be directed by the interest rate and credit environment in any given year. While the timing is difficult to ascertain, there will almost certainly be periods of sharply rising interest rates on the horizon. I believe that this is where the managers of active mutual funds such as DBLTX can add the most value versus passive indexes. Treasury and investment grade-heavy benchmarks with intermediate term durations are going to underperform in a rising rate environment. The longer the duration or higher quality the bonds, the greater volatility that index will endure. However, an actively managed fund that can lower its duration and adjust its holdings to coincide with pockets of value or momentum will likely continue to earn its keep and outpace the competition. The Bottom Line Doubleline has been in the right places at the right times over the last several years. However, that doesn’t make them infallible to an incorrect call on interest rates or underperformance as bond market trends change. As with any active strategy, it’s important to regularly monitor the fund’s performance versus its peer group and benchmark to ascertain that they are achieving returns in line with your goals and realistic expectations.

MBG: A Comps Leader With Stable Returns

Summary Fed backed mortgage securities are very safe and provide high interest payments. Of the 4 major mortgage security ETFs, MBG offers the most potential for the highest yields. MBG is well valued and backed by strong underlying assets. Introduction Fed backed mortgage securities are safe and reliable investments that provide high interest payments. Most mortgage backed securities, however, are too expensive for the average investor. Minimum investments generally reach as high as 25,000, for a mortgage pass-through. Additionally, MBS funds generally require a 1 million dollar minimum investment. MBS ETFs allow average investors to buy some exposure to a valuable fixed income security. There are 4 main players on the market, but the SPDR Barclays Capital Mortgage Backed Bond ETF (NYSEARCA: MBG ) offers the most potential for high yields. MBG Analysis There are many MBS ETFs on the market, but of those ETFs there are really four primary ETFs that offer attractive returns with minimal risk. The other MBS ETF options have too few AUM, poor liquidity, high expenses, inadequate exposure, poor returns, or risky underlying assets. For the sake of time, trust me when I say the proceeding four MBS ETFs are the best (and safest) choices, I included others in the link above. MBG is a strong MBS ETF. It holds over 151 million in total assets and it has a net asset value of 26.88. What sets MBG apart is its 12-month returns. Average yields fall between 1.4% – 2%, while MBG has 12 month returns in excess of 3.5%. It has a miniscule expense fee of 0.20%. MBG also exclusively holds AAA bonds and cash. MBG attains comparably optimal returns while maintaining an incredibly safe portfolio. All of MBG’s assets are also agency backed, which means they come with agency guarantee (or for Ginnie Mae’s the full faith and credit of the United States government). Comps Analysis What MBG lacks in total assets, exposure, and volume, It makes up with in asset strength and 12 month yields. Mortgage Securities Analysis Mortgage securities are inversely correlated to interest rates. With the possibility of an interest rate hike , one may want to wait for prices to decrease or adapt a long term-investing horizon. Capital appreciation, while possible, is a secondary objective when investing in mortgage securities. The stable distribution of fixed income payments ( in excess of treasury yields ), as well as portfolio diversification ought to be the primary objectives of MBS investing. In the long term, MBG’s volatility is negligible. To visually express this, I included a chart of the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF ( VTI) (total market returns) and the ten year treasury rate. Conclusion Mortgage securities offer a valuable source of fixed income. They can be used by retirees as a stable form of income, or they can be used as a tool for portfolio risk diversification. There are four investable MBS ETFs on the markets. MBG, while the smallest, historically has offered the highest comparable yields whilst maintaining a 100% AAA rated portfolio. For this reason, I consider MBG to be an attractive buy. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More…) I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.