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Is Security Analysis Dead? Why Ben Graham Eventually Embraced Efficient Markets

Could the man who literally wrote the book on security analysis actually have thrown it all away? If you’re a value investor, or have already requested free net net stock picks , you’ve undoubtedly heard of the father of value investing himself, Benjamin Graham . Most investors come to Graham through the writings of Warren Buffett, and for good reason. Buffett has continuously called Graham the biggest investing influence in his life, so it’s only natural to pay homage to the legendary teacher. But Graham was also a legendary investor and prolific writer, producing two of the best investment books books ever written: Security Analysis and the Intelligent Investor. Both went on to become long running series. What many value investors are less aware of, however, is that in one of the last seminars given before his death, Graham actually rejected the idea that detailed security analysis added much value. Those comments were made available in an article titled “A Conversation With Benjamin Graham,” published in the Financial Analyst Journal, and are definitely surprising given Graham’s focus on dissecting a firm’s financial statements to uncover superior value investment opportunities. What exactly did he mean? What changed? The Death of Security Analysis The first thing you should recognize is that Graham still favored buying common stocks as part of an investment portfolio. In his words, “[The] investment value and average market price [of common stocks] tend to increase irregularly but persistently over the decades, as their net worth builds up through the reinvestment of undistributed earnings–incidentally, with no clear-cut plus or minus response to inflation.” A decent assessment of stocks in general, and it’s easy to see why. Given that stocks provide, on average, a higher average return than pretty much any other asset class, Graham was well justified in his assessment. But while Graham liked the idea of buying stocks, he also revealed a decided shift on how he viewed the practical use of detailed analysis. In his words, “I am no longer an advocate of elaborate techniques of security analysis in order to find superior value opportunities. This was a rewarding activity, say, 40 years ago, when our textbook “Graham and Dodd” was first published; but the situation has changed a great deal since then. In the old days any well-trained security analyst could do a good professional job of selecting undervalued issues through detailed studies; but in the light of the enormous amount of research now being carried on, I doubt whether in most cases such extensive efforts will generate sufficiently superior selections to justify their cost. To that very limited extent I’m on the side of the “efficient market” school of thought now generally accepted by the professors.” It’s shocking that Graham could be seen on the side of the efficient market crowd, given that he based his career on the ability of individual investors to make above average returns using his value investing techniques. When it came to institutional investors in general, Graham described another devastating handicap. “…institutions have a relatively small field of common stocks to choose from–say 300 to 400 huge corporations–and they are constrained more or less to concentrate their research and decisions on this much over-analyzed group.” Give the ocean of analysts and mutual funds that are now choking the investment world, if Graham was right in 1976 when he made those remarks, things have only gotten worse. Yet, a number value investors have forged great track records since 1976, suggesting another path to great returns. Ben Graham’s New Path Forward Graham spent a lot of his investing life learning about securities and studying a wide range of investing strategies. It should be no surprise that Ben Graham’s shift towards believing in efficient markets still left open the possibility for great investment success. “…the typical investor has a great advantage over the large institutions. ………most individuals can choose at any time among some 3000 issues listed in the Standard & Poor’s Monthly Stock Guide. Following a wide variety of approaches and preferences, the individual investor should at all times be able to locate at least one per cent of the total list–say, 30 issues or more–that offer attractive buying opportunities” Professional investors often have to manage billions of dollars in a single fund, and most funds are well over $100 Million USD. Because of that, these managers only ever have a small pool of stocks to pick from. In comparison, individual investors can choose among far more investments, including the stocks of tiny companies that professional investors just can’t touch. This means that small private investors face much lower competition if they stick to small, mirco, and nano cap stocks. But how did Graham think a small investor should capitalize on this? “The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator. This means, in sum, that he should be able to justify every purchase he makes and each price he pays by impersonal, objective reasoning that satisfies him that he is getting more than his money’s worth for his purchase–in other words, that he has a margin of safety, in value terms, to protect his commitment.” Ben Graham clarifies, “[I recommend] a highly simplified [strategy] that applies a single criteria or perhaps two criteria to the price [of a stock] to assure that full value is present and that relies for its results on the performance of the portfolio as a whole–i.e., on the group results–rather than on the expectations for individual issues.” Benjamin Graham’s suggestion for a value strategy is exactly what many investors today call “quantitative value investment strategies,” or “mechanical” strategies. He continues, “The investor should have a definite selling policy for all his common stock commitments, corresponding to his buying techniques. Typically, he should set a reasonable profit objective on each purchase–say 50 to 100 per cent–and a maximum holding period for this objective to be realized–say, two to three years. Purchases not realizing the gain objective at the end of the holding period should be sold out at the market.” Graham’s recommended buy and sell strategy is much simpler than the strategy he used to favor, thorough analysis in the hopes of uncovering unrecognized value. According to Ben Graham’s comments, investors can forget about industry and competitive analysis, or even income and balance sheet assessments, in favor of buying a diversified group of stocks based on simple metrics. Ben Graham did also have something to say about the sort of metrics that investors should be looking for. His favorite, in his words, “…[this] technique confines itself to the purchase of common stocks at less than their working-capital value, or net-current-asset value, giving no weight to the plant and other fixed assets, and deducting all liabilities in full from the current assets. We used this approach extensively in managing investment funds, and over a 30-odd year period we must have earned an average of some 20 per cent per year from this source.” Graham used to buy 100s of “working-capital value,” or net net, stocks to fill out his portfolio yet was able to earn returns in excess of 20% per year. That’s a great record, but as I’ve written to those who’ve requested free net net stock picks , by using the growing body of research covering net nets to focus on the best possible opportunities investors should be able to earn even better returns. That’s the approach that I’ve adopted, and it’s worked quite well. As Graham describes, “…we found it almost unfailingly dependable and satisfactory in 30-odd years of managing moderate-sized investment funds. ………I consider it a foolproof method of systematic investment–once again, not on the basis of individual results but in terms of the expectable group outcome.” What other endorsement do you need? Ben Graham’s Net Net Stock Problem There is a well known problem when it comes to buying net nets, however. They tend to dry up as markets advance. This has been a problem for people who insist on only investing in their own domestic market. Graham’s experience was no different. “For a while, however, after the mid-1950’s, this brand of buying opportunity became very scarce because of the pervasive bull market. But it has returned in quantity since the 1973-74 decline. In January 1976 we counted over 300 such issues in the Standard & Poor’s Stock Guide–about 10 per cent of the total.” I started Net Net Hunter to solve this very problem. By branching out to friendly international markets, investors can widen the pool of available investment candidates enormously. This is the same technique legendary Canadian value investor Peter Cundill employed during his career. But by looking internationally, investors don’t just find more net nets, they can also significantly improve the quality of the net nets in their portfolio. So while Ben Graham gave up on detailed security analysis at the end of his life, he by no means abandoned hope that small investors can beat the market by significant margins if they play their cards right. When it comes to your own portfolio, you have a tremendous advantage over the pros if you’re willing to look at tiny companies and buy a diverse group of ugly, beaten down, stocks such as Graham’s famous net nets. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Invest In The Next Boom

By Carl Delfeld “My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.” – Charles Kettering One of the best economic thinkers out there right now is Robert Gordon, who gave a great speech about the American economy at a recent TED conference. Gordon spoke about America’s amazing run of economic growth from 1870 to 1970 with innovation being a big part of the story. Breakthroughs such as electricity, indoor plumbing, transportation (trains, cars, and aircraft), infrastructure, communications, and medical care – in addition to rising educational achievements and population growth – drove steady increases in American productivity, income, profits, and a rising middle class – the backbone of any healthy economy. Looking ahead, Gordon thinks that America’s economy will have a tougher time keeping the momentum. Why? Because instead of enjoying tailwinds, it now faces challenging headwinds such as poor demographics, weak education, crushing debt, and rising inequality. This is pretty consistent with the mood in the country right now, and forms the talking points of many of the candidates running for president – with the significant exception of Marco Rubio. But a new book by Alec Ross paints an altogether different picture of America’s future: The Industries of the Future. Ross paints an upbeat, lively picture highlighting many emerging industries, from cyber security and big data to financial technology, along with a huge, emerging trillion-dollar industry at the heart of life sciences – genomics. He sees huge opportunities for young people in this industry, as there’s a sizable skills gap with many good-paying jobs for those with only a technical degree. Broaden Your Horizon From an investment point of view, I think the current challenges China is facing – as well as the weak relative performance of emerging markets over the last several years – are blinding many to the real opportunity. In short, you need to move emerging markets from the fringes of your portfolio, to the very center of your investment strategy. And corporate America needs to put selling to emerging market consumers at the top of its growth agenda. Why not capture the growth of markets that offer significant tailwinds that supercharge growth and profits? Just think of it. About 70% of the world’s population is just beginning to enjoy the many innovations that propelled Americans’ growth from 1870 to 1970. And per capita incomes and production rates of emerging nations are at about 10% to 15% of Americans’. Many living in emerging markets still don’t have access to electricity, clean water, or indoor plumbing. The need for better infrastructure is enormous. Demand for better transportation, consumer goods, technology, education, medical care, and luxury goods, is booming along with the means to pay for them. This “catch up” of past innovations plus the ready adoption of new technologies is fuel for much higher growth and investment returns. You need to capture this growth – or risk falling behind. The Right Strategy Is Crucial To capture most of these big gains, and avoid these downturns, you need the right strategy. This means a disciplined, opportunistic, active, and value-based approach. What is the common denominator of all great value investors? At all costs, they avoid buying into emerging market companies after they have made a nice run, have become too expensive, and are vulnerable for a pullback. With emerging and frontier markets cheap and out of favor, this is the time to take action. Finally, if you want to really supercharge your wealth, you must look far beyond the usual suspects of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC). With the possible exception of India, they have significant flaws. There are much better opportunities in many other countries – some offer us better opportunities than the China of 20 or 30 years ago. These markets are also completely off the radar screen of Wall Street analysts and the financial pundits. Investments and capital are headed to these markets, and it’s starting to show up in the performance numbers. By shifting your emerging market strategy away from “buy and hold,” and the BRIC countries , to an active value approach targeting other emerging markets, you’ll put the probabilities of success in your favor. Original Post

3 Lies About The Stock Market

We’ve all been told outright lies about the stock market that do not square with the evidence. Today, we’re going to debunk some insidious lies. Lie #1: “Superior returns come from stock picking.” This lie is especially dangerous because it is partially true. High returns can come from stock picking. But higher returns most often come from not picking stocks. For example, if you had been smart enough to predict that Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL ) would trounce most of the S&P 500 after the unpleasantness of the financial crisis, you would be a great stock picker – you just wouldn’t be very bright at generating extremely high returns with a solid MAR ratio (CAGR/Maximum Drawdown). A 50/50 portfolio of leveraged S&P 500 and leveraged long duration government bond exposure would have trounced Apple. Take a look at 50% ProShares UltraPro S&P 500 ETF (NYSEARCA: UPRO )/50% Direxion Daily 30-Year Treasury Bull 3x Shares (NYSEARCA: TMF ), rebalanced weekly, vs. the performance of Apple. It’s not even close. And that’s holding stocks and bonds! The dramatic diversification not only provides Apple-trouncing performance but also does so with much higher Sharpe and MAR ratios. (click to enlarge) Click to enlarge Which leads us to: Lie #2: “Focus investing leads to the highest returns.” Absolutely not. As we have seen above, holding two major asset classes is the opposite of Phil Fisher style focus investing. If holding Apple (the greatest growth company of all time) since the summer of 2009 is not as good as holding two leveraged ETPs which give exposure to stocks and bonds, focus investing is not optimal. Focus investing may be better than holding the entire S&P 500, but it is not as good as holding the entire S&P 500 and long duration government bonds – i.e., dramatic diversification boosts returns more than focus. Remember, correlations between asset classes are, as a rule, more persistent than company earnings growth. Lie #3: “If you’re going to pick stocks, you need to predict earnings.” This lie is especially dangerous. Guessing quarterly earnings is a loser’s game. Here’s what’s better – measure the number of competitors in an industry. Long’s Law is the ultimate reductionist statistic which is predictive of sustained company outperformance. Long’s Law states that long-term free cash flow margins (FCF/revenue) in any industry over a multi-decade time frame tend towards the inverse of the number of competitors in that industry. Dozens of seemingly predictive statistical ratios really collapse causally to one number – the number of competitors in the industry. And there are the added benefits of determining if the measured outperformance is sustainable, and if and when the outperformance is threatened (the entrance of meaningful new competition, etc.). For example, in an industry with three competitors, FCF margins will tend towards 33.33% or 1/3. However, Economic “Laws” should best be termed Economic “Tendencies.” The rule roughly holds across a vast array of industries. But why is this important? FCF margins directly impact the sustainability of high long-term Return on Assets (ROA) rates. And longer term, sustained high ROA numbers dictate the unlevered return of a business. But the key word is “sustainable”. And high FCF margins, according to Long’s Law, are only sustainable longer term in industries with few substantial competitors. But what are examples of publicly traded companies that might rank very highly under Long’s Law? Here is an illustrative, but by no means complete, list below: Major Payment Networks (Network Effect Businesses) Visa (NYSE: V ) MasterCard (NYSE: MA ) Major Futures Exchanges (Network Effect Businesses) CME Group (NASDAQ: CME ) Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE: ICE ) CBOE Holdings (NASDAQ: CBOE ) Major Credit Rating Agencies (De Facto Regulators) Moodys (NYSE: MCO ) McGraw-Hill Financial (NYSE: MHFI ) Get the picture? Don’t predict earnings. Measure the number of competitors in the industry. Longer term, margins and sustained earnings growth follow the lack of or the brutality of competition in an industry. The robber barons understood this, and you should too. And you don’t even need to pick stocks, but if you’re going to, pick oligopoly businesses with few competitors. You’ll earn much higher returns than the major equity indices over time, but without the need to guess quarterly earnings. Why are these 3 lies so persistent and widespread? It’s because they are partially true. But if we want to optimize returns, we need to discard these lies, and replace them with evidence-based thinking. Thanks for reading. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.