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PIMCO Total Return: 1 Bill Gross-Less Year Later

Summary The PIMCO Total Return Fund assets under management have shrunk from $293B in early 2013 to less than $100B today. The new managers of the fund were part of the investment committee working with Bill Gross during his tenure so management style should remain consistent. The fund, at least in the year-to-date period without Gross managing, has outperformed its benchmark and Morningstar category. The managers are currently retaining a cautious approach to the portfolio in anticipation of future rate hikes. In the relatively mundane world of mutual fund investing there was perhaps no news bigger than last year’s surprising announcement that Bill Gross was leaving PIMCO – the company he founded – to jump over to Janus. The move resulted in a mass exodus from Gross’ Total Return Fund (MUTF: PTTRX ). Once the largest mutual fund in the world back in 2013 with $293B in assets now has less than $100B. Many investors felt that Gross was the key that drove the engine and fled for greener pastures when he departed (although his current fund – the Janus Global Unconstrained Bond Fund (MUTF: JUCDX ) – has just $1.5B in assets). For investors that have stuck around it’s worth wondering if the “new” PIMCO Total Return fund is the same now as it was when Gross was in charge. Gross himself has said in the past that investors maintain at least a five year outlook when formulating their portfolios. However, Gross has been known to quickly change directions. This is perhaps most notable in his 2011 call on interest rates. Gross thought that interest rates would rise once QE was done and took his portfolio’s allocation in Treasury bonds all the way down to zero. Of course, interest rates went down, the fund badly underperformed its benchmarks and the flow of money out of the fund began. The new fund managers for their part have pledged largely to maintain the groupthink investment style that was part of the decision making process even when Gross was involved. Style-wise, the fund still falls into Morningstar’s intermediate term bond category where it’s been for the last many years. There are a couple of important things to note in the figure above. First, performance on a one year basis can’t really be used as a long term predictor of success but at least the new managers are off to a reasonable start. Year-to-date, the fund is beating its benchmark index by 27 basis points and the broader intermediate term bond fund category by 64 basis points. That puts Total Return in the top 15% of funds – a notable departure from recent performance that saw the fund fall into the bottom half three of the last four years. Second, turnover and trading frequency remain at comparable levels to the end of Gross’ tenure. The fund is running at a turnover rate of about 265% which is fairly comparable to the past two years’ rate of 227%. Going forward, the fund’s managers are limiting duration in the United States anticipating coming rate hikes maintaining roughly ⅔ of the portfolio in government and mortgage-backed securities. Smaller allocations to corporates, high yields and even some emerging markets adds return potential and yield to the portfolio. Consistent with its more defensive outlook, the current portfolio duration is around 4 years – much lower than the benchmark’s 5.6. Conclusion It’s understandable that investors would begin looking elsewhere following Gross’ departure. But shareholders who have stuck around have done just fine in the meantime. I think we’ve seen in the first year post-Gross that the fund is managed in a substantially similar way. The consistency of the portfolio management team that worked behind Gross is still largely intact. Gross’ decades of expertise may no longer be around but Total Return is still in able and, at least thus far, in solidly performing hands. Despite the wave of outflows that is still occurring yet today there’s no reason why the current PIMCO Total Return fund shouldn’t at least be considered for the income part of a portfolio. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More…) I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

PIMCO Total Return Gets Its Mojo Back

PIMCO has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately, after more than $100 billion of clients money followed Bill Gross out of the door. But come early February there are signs the bond giant is getting its act together. While former CEO Bill Gross has moved down the street to run a new (much smaller) bond fund at Janus Capital Group Inc (NYSE: JNS ), his old fund – PIMCO Total Return Fund (MUTF: PTTRX ) – is doing just fine without him. The fund is performing so well in fact, that Morningstar has reinstated PTTRX with its coveted five star rating – the highest rating possible. PTTRX lost its fifth star at the end of 2013 following a long period of underperformance, caused by Gross betting the house against Treasuries in 2011. Gross was so sure Treasuries would fall he sold the entirety of PTTRX’s holdings, while using derivatives to bet against them. His bet was way-off, Treasuries went on to become one of the best-performing asset classes of the year. The result was PTTRX rankings plummeted to No. 87 in its category for 2011. They recovered in 2012 when PTTRX placed 12 – but the recovery didn’t last long. Gross’s mistimed call on equities meant PTTRX came in at Nos. 60 and 71 for 2013 and 2014, respectively. That patchy performance caused investors to start abandoning the fund long before Gross decided to quit. By September 2014 (Gross’s last month in charge.) PTTRX had suffered 16 consecutive months of outflows. At its peak in May 2013, PTTRX had assets of $290 billion. By the time Gross left, assets had fallen to $220 billion. In the wake of Gross’s departure, investors withdrew another $85 billion. But far from being the end of PTTRX, its trio of new managers have returned the fund back to winning ways. So far this year PTTRX has returned 1.45%, beating the Barclays U.S. Aggregate benchmark by 0.38 percentage points. While Morningstar ranks it at No. 6 in its category, beating 95% of its competitors. Despite the turnaround, investors are still abandoning the fund, with a reported $11.6 billion of outflows in January, leaving it with assets of $134.6 billion at month’s end. Sarah Bush, a Morningstar analyst, predicts the fund will continue shrinking through the first half of 2015. She believes that some institutional investors didn’t pull out of Total Return right away because they wanted to take some time to research comparable funds. Gross’s new fund on the other hand is still finding his footing, his new Janus Global Unconstrained Bond Fund (MUTF: JUCIX ) – ranks 80th in its category with a year-to-date return of -0.08. Indeed, JUCIX is lagging the bond benchmark by 1.15 percentage points. With the WSJ reporting that inflows into his new fund fell to about $86 in January, the lowest amount since Gross took over running the fund in early October. JUCIX has net assets of $1.5 billion, of which approximately $700 million comes from Bill Gross’s own account.