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A Look At Direxion’s Revised S&P 500 Volatility Response Shares ETF

Summary Direxion’s newly revised VSPY offers investors a transparent, formula-based volatility hedge for U.S. equities. The fund employs dynamic, daily-rebalanced exposure, rather than attempting to time entry/exit points. I recreate a similar index to back-test Direxion’s strategy on two recent “black-swan” events. Back in January of 2012, Direxion made a few ripples when it announced the launch of three new ETFs giving investors access to the S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Dynamic Risk Control Index series. Unlike the few existing hedge products of the day, these ETFs didn’t try switching between the market and the VIX itself, rather they employed a more conservative approach and, in times of heightened volatility, switch into Treasury Bills instead. Certain aspects of these funds must have fallen out of favor however, as in August of 2014 Direxion announced an index and name change to its largest of the three funds, the Direxion S&P 500 RC Volatility Response Shares ETF (NYSEARCA: VSPY ) . VSPY follows the S&P DJI index of the same name (Bloomberg ID: SPXVRT). If you’re trying to find the index’s specific page on S&P’s website, I’m afraid it doesn’t exist. An e-mail to S&P in February returned the simple response “…the page is still under development at this time.” Regardless, VSPY’s literature explains the fund’s process in enough detail. Methodology From VSPY’s fact sheet : The strategy follows a quantitative rules-based equity index that seeks to mitigate risk by dynamically changing total equity exposure based on volatility signals. The strategy reallocates exposure between equities and U.S. Treasury Bills (T-Bills) based on recent volatility levels of the S&P 500 ® Index. The strategy employs a downside risk mitigation strategy during periods of higher volatility and increases equity exposure when appropriate. Basically, VSPY holds the S&P 500 U.S. Large-Cap Index and tracks some formula of market volatility to determine how much to stow away into Treasuries. That formula is comprised of two parts: a Volatility Level, and a Volatility Signal. The Volatility Level is simply determined by tracking the 20-day moving average of the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), and pulling the value from the following table: Calculation of the Volatility Signal is less clear. In “Step 2” on VSPY’s fact sheet, it’s referred to as simply the “…(standard deviation) of the S&P 500 Index,” yet from the fund’s prospectus, “The [fund] then reviews several volatility factors of the S&P 500 Index. The volatility factors of the S&P 500 Index are exponentially weighted with more emphasis placed on the most recent historical periods.” This duality begs a couple questions: What are these several factors? Over what period are these factors analyzed? How are they exponentially weighted? My guess is Direxion needs to keep at least some part of this fund a trade secret, but we digress. Once calculated, the fund then uses these two volatility values to determine its equity holding, according to the following formula: This method is fully capable of holding 100% equity, and per the rules, never holds less than 10%. Running the spectrum of possible inputs generates the following Equity Exposure chart: (click to enlarge) The result is the fund is able to withdraw from the market when the water gets choppy, and ease back in when volatility settles. The three distinct Volatility Levels (probably derived from historical analysis) allow the fund to maintain appropriate equity exposure during varying degrees of whatever happens to be “normal” volatility. VSPY, unlike most lumbering ETFs that rebalanced on a quarterly basis, has the ability to modify its exposure daily, and does so at least monthly. There’s mention of “thresholds” the fund employs to likely keep from rebalancing too often and running up transaction costs. Investors in VSPY of course want to know how it performs relative to just the plain old S&P 500. The SPDR S&P 500 Trust ETF (NYSEARCA: SPY ) is a good benchmark. Data for VSPY however only goes back to January 2012 when the fund began trading. It should be no surprise that throughout the ongoing bull market VSPY has underperformed the S&P 500. As the chart below shows, VSPY on average does return ~1.5% less volatility on a monthly basis; however, its low trading volume and lower yield have resulted in periods where its volatility actually exceeded that of the S&P 500: (click to enlarge) Obviously, comparing a volatility hedge fund to its equity index isn’t fair in a bull market. Since we’re essentially comparing risk-returns, I’m sure someone in the comments will ask “Well, why don’t you just compare their Sharpe Ratios?” I’ll caution that the Sharpe Ratio is best for apples-to-oranges comparisons where the strategies and holdings are different. VSPY and SPY hold the exact same equities; a chart of these funds’ returns vs. their risks will just be a translation of VSPY’s equity exposure chart. Notwithstanding, strategies like these still beg to be stress tested. As I discuss later, I believe VSPY’s target audience is probably the crowd that fears drawdowns above all. Two popular “black-swan” events of the recent past are the Dot-Com bust of the early 2000s and the Mortgage Bubble collapse of 2008. Since neither VSPY’s data (nor index) go that far back, we’ll need to use the equity allocation formula above to reconstruct this fund’s index. The Volatility Level is easily gathered from historical VIX values, however, that Volatility Signal remains a mystery. For this analysis, I’m using a 20-day moving average of the S&P 500’s annualized volatility. I also blindly (i.e. no threshold) rebalance the index once a week, based on the previous week’s determined equity exposure. The chart below compares my best attempt at recreating the S&P 500 Volatility Response Shares Index with VSPY: (click to enlarge) As you can see, it’s not perfect. Clearly, VSPY’s threshold for rebalancing and/or the mysterious means it uses to determine S&P 500 volatility are large performance factors. Despite the green-line correlation dipping negative for some moments, our recreated index’s overall correlation for this period is actually above 0.90. I believe that’s enough to press on with our stress tests, but please take the following charts with a bowl of salt: (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) At first glance, it works! VSPY’s equity allocation algorithm successfully allows the fund to avoid catastrophic plunges. The long game however is a different story. Since as far back as SPY’s data goes, our reconstructed index has struggled to keep up. I’ve also included the Vanguard Balanced Index Fund (MUTF: VBINX ) for comparison: (click to enlarge) Again, my attempt at reconstructing the S&P 500 Volatility Response Index was less than stellar and underperformed the actual VSPY for its first year. However, the inclusion of VBINX in the above chart is to emphasize that while a carefully constructed volatility hedging strategy might lessen the blow of an economic downturn, so does diversification. Replicating the Strategy Yourself One thing to watch out for is purveyors of these boutique funds like to charge significant expense ratios, some more justified than others. In VSPY’s case, the fund is simply switching between two components, the S&P 500 and short-term U.S. Treasuries. Go figure there’s a world of low-cost ETFs for both of those asset classes; we have SPY to access large-cap U.S. equities and the Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF (NYSEARCA: SCHO ) for short-term Treasuries. Expense ratios are 0.0945% and 0.08% respectively. In comparison, VSPY’s expense ratio of 0.45% is more than quadruple that of SPY, but there’s two catches: If your platform charges any more than $0.99 for commissions, rebalancing on a daily or weekly basis, even with just one ETF, will kill your returns. The 500 components of the S&P 500 all operate on different dividend schedules, when you lump them into an ETF like SPY, you as an investor have a once-a-month shot to capture those dividends. Since VSPY owns 500+ individual stocks within its equity portfolio, it can far more efficiently expose its assets to that income calendar. For these reasons, I think VSPY’s expense ratio of 0.45% is quite reasonable, it’s also half that of the average hedged ETF . Similar ETFs RBS runs a similar series of volatility-averse funds called the Trendpilot family. When a simple 200-day moving average trigger is reached, these funds dump all of their holdings into Treasuries until the trend breaks and they re-enter their equity position. Though the prospectus for their RBS U.S. Large Cap Trendpilot ETN (NYSEARCA: TRND ) claims long-term outperformance of its benchmark, the 100% on/off strategy can result in a very choppy investing experience. As I postulate in this article , these switching-style funds are most likely marketed towards the Nervous Nellie’s. Folks that reasonably don’t want to be caught off-guard by a dot-com bust or hidden mortgage crisis. On the same note however, I can also imagine how watching assets skyrocket while one’s supposed sleep-well fund is still holding flat-line Treasuries probably induces the same performance anxiety. Dynamic exposure, as we see in VSPY, is a fair compromise. Alternative Strategies As a dozen asset allocation articles on Seeking Alpha will tell you, diversification is not to be overlooked. The same risk-return profile offered by VSPY can easily be achieved with proper diversification. Replacing one’s equity portfolio allocation with VSPY might produce an interesting conservative combo. Selling calls against one’s equity holdings can also generate income and help reduce volatility. A variety of passive ETFs exist to make this alternative easy. Though it’s enjoyable to sell one’s own calls, watch your brokerage for added costs. I quit using OptionsHouse because they started charging a processing fee on letting options expire. Closing Remarks Direxion’s VSPY offers investors convenient, low-cost access to U.S. equities while hedging against short- to mid-term rises in volatility. Rather than attempt to time the market like similar ETFs, VSPY reacts organically, withdrawing when the water gets choppy and easing back in when skies begin to clear. Our reconstructed index shows the strategy can help avoid catastrophic downturns, but will lag in bull markets. Low volume and little dividends also hurt performance. Alternative strategies such as covered-call selling or asset diversification can probably produce the same hedging effects. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More…) I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Utilities Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha

Utilities Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha © seekingalpha.com. Use of this feed is limited to personal, non-commercial use and is governed by Seeking Alpha’s Terms of Use (http://seekingalpha.com/page/terms-of-use). Publishing this feed for public or commercial use and/or misrepresentation by a third party is prohibited. SeekingAlpha.com http://seekingalpha.com NRG Energy Is Ready For A Turnaround http://seekingalpha.com/article/3288025-nrg-energy-is-ready-for-a-turnaround?source=feed_sector_utilities 3288025 Sun, 28 Jun 2015 02:25:13 -0400 SCTY VSLR NRG Simple Investment Ideas PNM Resources: Potential Headwinds Diminish A Compelling Value Argument http://seekingalpha.com/article/3285845-pnm-resources-potential-headwinds-diminish-a-compelling-value-argument?source=feed_sector_utilities 3285845 Sat, 27 Jun 2015 08:45:43 -0400 PNM Tristan R. 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Union Pacific: How To Trade Around A Core Position

Summary After researching and developing a clear investment thesis, I designated Union Pacific a “core” equity position. Disciplined trading around core positions permits an investor to harvest gains, then buy back shares during routine over/undervaluation cycles. Here’s a step-by-step “How To Do It” featuring Union Pacific stock; including concepts, specific process, and results. Union Pacific Corp. (NYSE: UNP ) is a core position in my portfolio. Here’s my definition of a core position : An investment security identified as a foundation holding; a position the portfolio owner believes meets fully his/her investment philosophy and objectives. The owner expects the investment thesis to be strong, long-term, and durable. Notably, even if a core position, I own no “buy and hold forever” stocks. I scale in and scale out of equity positions; accumulating shares when prices appear discounted, and distributing shares when prices are deemed expensive. Typically, a core position “base” remains in my portfolio for years. The accumulation/distribution process usually takes months. As an example, we will use Union Pacific common stock. UP is America’s largest Class I railroad, effectively covering the western two-thirds of the country. In addition, the company has six gateway interchanges with Mexico, and a busy west coast marine/rail intermodal business. Union Pacific Investment Thesis About 2 years ago, Seeking Alpha editors published my initial article about Union Pacific . I outlined an investment thesis, then reinforced it in a subsequent article . That thesis is outlined below: The railroad business is an oligopoly, or a “large moat” enterprise. Carriers enjoy good returns on capital, generate profits in cash, and have strong franchises…and thus enjoy a level of pricing freedom. Based upon multiple operational and financial measures, I believe Union Pacific is the best-of-breed U.S.-based railroad. Its balance sheet is the strongest in the industry. The company operates primarily throughout the western two-thirds of the United States, offering superior span, scale, and future growth. Multiple west-coast and Mexican interchanges provide unique international opportunities. Union Pacific has experienced strong revenue growth via transportation of automobiles, industrial products, and chemicals. Historically, such freight lines do well in an expanding economy. UP expects these segments to continue to drive strong volumes and revenues. Coal volumes remain a concern for all major rail carriers. After a difficult 2013, coal shipments stabilized in 2014. In addition, UP has a heavy tilt to “oil” versus “coal.” While the long-term trend for U.S. coal consumption is at best uncertain, the trend for crude oil and related drilling materials (pipe, frac sand, etc.) is expected to be positive. UNP management is shareholder-friendly. The 5-year dividend growth rate is 27%. Since the end of 2006, share repurchase plans have reduced the number of diluted shares outstanding by more than 18%. The Initial Accumulation Phase Having developed an investment thesis, backed by fundamental due diligence, it was time to buy the stock. Here is an outline of my original UNP purchases. I bought shares in 3 transactions, beginning in early 2013. For illustrative purposes, I’ve denoted share quantities proportionally to round a sum total of “100” shares. Purchase prices are actual: Bought 40 shares @ $150 Bought 40 shares @ $153 Bought 20 shares @ $163 These 3 purchase events were spaced over 6 months. While I prefer to buy at lower and lower prices (yes, folks, I hope a stock goes DOWN after I begin to buy it), this time corporate performance and prices didn’t cooperate. I bought shares, waited, bought some more at just a little higher price, then waited several months before combining 2 related decisions: I thought it time to fill out the “100” share position I believed the stock was still trading significantly below fair value Note the last purchase was for a lesser amount of shares than the first two purchases. If the stock price had gone DOWN, instead of up, I would have bought even more shares. A Time to Wait Patiently After accumulating a “full” UNP position, I waited. Waiting isn’t idle time. All the while I monitored the investment and “did the homework.” This included reading and reviewing routine news releases, earnings reports, earnings conference call presentations/transcripts, investor presentations, and the SEC filings. Pleasantly, Union Pacific shares trended upward. By June 2014, prices topped $200 a share. I was faced with a high-grade problem: I deemed the shares overvalued. The Distribution Phase In June 2014, SA published another article I wrote about Union Pacific entitled, ” Premier Companies, But Overpriced Stocks – Part 1. ” At the time, I viewed UNP common shares to be trading too rich. Among the evidence, I offered the following F.A.S.T. graph: (click to enlarge) Notice how the black line (price) had become far upfield from operating earnings (the green shaded area). Shares were trading above expected full-year 2014 EPS and the year wasn’t half over yet. Note: In mid-2014, Union Pacific’s stock split 2-for-1. Post-split, I owned “200” shares each worth about ~$100. So, as aligned with my article, I began lightening up shares in June. Selling “40” post-split shares represented 20% of my original “100” share holding. The stock had appreciated ~38% from my first purchase. General Rule #1: When a stock is up more than 25%, sell about 25% of the original holding. “But Ray,” you may ask, “The stock was up more than 25% and you sold less than 25%! You didn’t follow your own rule!” Yes, you are correct. Indeed, I didn’t think the shares were overvalued until cracking $100; and when they breached that mark, the stock was running. Postponing the sale was buttressed additional rationale: the 1Q 2014 earnings report/forward guidance/ongoing fundamentals were outstanding, the technical charts were strong, and I tossed in a dash of intuition. Therein lies the beauty of being an Individual Investor . I don’t have to answer to anyone except myself. Yes, I have investment rules. But I can bend the rules. As an Individual Investor , I have the right to be delightfully inconsistent. After I sold shares at $104, I felt reasonably confident the price would hit a wall. I was wrong. The shares kept running up. So here’s another “rule” for consideration: General Rule #2: Never accumulate or distribute shares all at once, no matter how certain you are. Scale in and scale out in increments. To do otherwise is arrogant. While I bent my first rule, following the second one resulted in a lot of additional gains. Between June and the end of the year, I sold down as the stock went up: Sold 20 shares @ $121, and finally sold 40 shares @ 119. By the end of 2014, I had offloaded half my total UNP shares. Since Union Pacific was a core position, my plans were to sell not more than 50% of the original holding. I had a nice profit from the shares sold. Now it was time to wait again. Historically, the stock should revert to the mean and “come in” again; at such time, I would attempt to regain my old “100” share position. Why should I expect this? The stock was trading above fair value. I Hear the Train Coming! In late 2014 and early 2015, a confluence of news and events started to bang down railroad stocks. The price of oil plummeted, causing a perceived huge loss of crude-by-rail volumes, as well as oilfield materials. Coal shipments got soft. Striking longshoremen shut down Long Beach and LA container ports. Rail safety regulations were raised. Some investors fretted about the wider Panama Canal. Share prices began to fall. I agree some of the foregoing justified part of the decline. However, based upon historical P/E multiples, the shares were overpriced at $104. The stock ran up over $120. Did the business get much better to deserve that uplift? No. When shares went from $104 to $124.50 (the high), the underlying corporate fundamentals didn’t get better. The stock price and earnings just separated; and Union Pacific share price and earnings have a long history of following each other. General Rule #3: For the vast majority of stocks, price follows earnings and/or cash flow. Corollary: Sometimes stocks stay overvalued for a while. That’s ok. Don’t get greedy. Let’s look at an updated F.A.S.T. graph. It’s instructive: (click to enlarge) Despite all the media hoopla and brokerage house hand-wringing, we see that the price decline from $124 to 106 (a 15% correction) simply re-united Union Pacific stock price and earnings. UP 1Q 2015 Earnings: A Re-Calibration Opportunity During the 1Q 2015 earnings report, we found Union Pacific management wasn’t in a state of panic. Some facts: Operating earnings grew to $1.30 a share from $1.19 a year earlier A 64.8% operating ratio bested the full-year 2014 average Year-over-year net margins improved Operating cash flows were up YoY freight revenues were down 1%; volumes were down 2% During management’s earnings discussion and conference call, we learned that coal volumes are likely to remain soft throughout 2015. Energy transportation volumes are uncertain, but there’s no expectation of permanent impairment. Agriculture and automobile shipments are expected to be good. Intermodal transportation is forecast to recover in 2Q as west coast ports get back to business. Shares outstanding are down again on strong repurchase activity, and the first-quarter dividend was bumped up 10%. And while BNSF is rumbling to be get more competitive on some routes, Union Pacific expects 2015 “core pricing” to improve by 3.5%. Key Learning: The fundamental investment thesis outlined at the beginning of this article, set over 2 years ago…has not changed. Accumulating Shares To Rebuild The Position By March, the train arrived at the station. Share prices were “coming in,” falling below $110. Since March, here’s the action: Bought 20 shares @ $109 (a bit early, but refer to Rule #2!) Bought 20 shares @ $106 Bought 20 shares @ $104 Now, here’s one more general rule: General Rule: Don’t repurchase shares for more than you sold them. Never chase. Remember, I had distributed “60” shares at $119 and $121? Well, now I’ve bought these back at prices between $104 and $109. However, I “prematurely” sold the first “40” share block at $104. Therefore, I will not buy these last “40” shares back unless I can get them for AT LEAST a 7% discount. Otherwise, my net/net after tax could be a washout. I have placed a limit order and sold short puts, whereby I will not purchase additional long shares unless $97 or less. Conclusions Trading around a core position requires discipline and patience. Have a researched and complete investment thesis before buying any stock. Accumulate shares in increments. Determine at what price you believe this stock is overvalued. Distribute shares above your price. Sell down shares in increments. Never completely sell core positions, unless the ownership thesis has turned negative. When shares revert to fair value or less, you may begin to repurchase. Repurchase shares in increments. Only repurchase distributed shares at lower prices than those sold. Don’t chase. Union Pacific: Price, Volume and SMAs (2013-to-date) (click to enlarge) Courtesy of bigcharts.marketwatch.com Please do your own careful due diligence before making any investment. This article is not a recommendation to buy or sell any stock. Good luck with all your 2015 investments. Disclosure: The author is long UNP. (More…) The author wrote this article themselves, and it expresses their own opinions. The author is not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). The author has no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.