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Tactical Asset Allocation: Beware Of Geeks Bearing Formulas

By Wesley R. Gray, Ph.D. How Should I Tactically Allocate my Assets? A lot of investors ask this question as their wealth grows and the number of financial products grows exponentially. In order to generate a response, investors pay money to professional finance geeks who often present complex formulas as a solution to the asset allocation problem. Last year, when I was asked to present a seminar on the subject at the Morningstar ETF conference , I developed a tongue-in-cheek title for it: ” Beware of Geeks Bearing Formulas .” In this short research piece, we explore this seminar in detail. Our goal as evidence-based investors, and not story-based investors, is to set the record straight on the value of complexity in the context of asset allocation. Bottom line: simple seems to be better. Defining Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) What exactly is tactical asset allocation? I like to work backward to forward, since it helps to build the concept. Allocation (A) : Our baseline, or static allocation to assets in our universe. E.g., 50% stocks, 50% bonds, rebalanced annually. Asset (A) : Financial assets that can be traded with reasonable liquidity. A key component of being “tactical” is being liquid, which implies that hedge funds, private equity, and other asset classes with limited liquidity rights should be avoided in the context of “tactical” asset allocation. E.g. Stocks, bonds, commodities, alternatives (if liquid). Tactical (T) : Changing our baseline allocation based on some tactical rules. E.g., 50% stocks, 50% bonds -> 30% stocks, 70% bonds based on a market valuation signal . So there you have it, tactical asset allocation is tactically investing in liquid assets in order to beat a static benchmark allocation. Basic Asset Classes: There is an old investor adage that you shouldn’t put all of your eggs in one basket. For my classes, I dive into correlation mathematics to prove this point (see below), but the conceptual benefit of diversification is grounded in common sense. (click to enlarge) But how do we identify the eggs that go into our diversification basket? Meb Faber highlights in his Ivy Portfolio book, and reemphasizes in his new book Global Asset Allocation , that you don’t need to get fancy when it comes to asset class selection. One can capture the big muscle movements of the world by simply allocating across 5 asset classes: Domestic Equity = S&P 500 Total Return Index International Equity = MSCI EAFE Total Return Index Real Estate = FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITS Total Return Index Commodities = GSCI Index Fixed Income = Merrill Lynch 7-10 year Government Bond Index (click to enlarge) We label the return series as follows throughout the analysis: S&P 500 = S&P 500 Total Return Index EAFE = MSCI EAFE Total Return Index REIT = FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITS Total Return Index GSCI = GSCI Index LTR = Merrill Lynch 7-10 year Government Bond Index Common Asset Allocation Techniques We discuss five common asset allocation techniques that are commonly utilized in one form or the other by academics and/or practitioners. 1. Tangency Portfolio/ Max Sharpe Portfolio Modern portfolio theory, inspired by Markowitz ‘s work on mean-variance-analysis in the early 1950s, identified the optimal trade-off between risk and reward for a portfolio. Of course, the underlying assumptions serving as the foundation for this so-called “optimal” algorithm stretch the imagination, but the intellectual construct and concepts are rock solid. The punchline from modern portfolio theory is the so-called “tangency portfolio.” This portfolio is identified by the “x” with a vertical line through it and sits on the CAL (capital allocation line). For those of you who haven’t taken an investment management course in a while, the CAL represents all combinations of risk-free rate and the tangency portfolio. These are “optimal” portfolios because there is no possible way to achieve a higher risk/reward. The optimal allocation weights for a 100% risk investor (i.e., no allocation to risk-free bonds) are the tangency portfolio weights. (click to enlarge) The results are hypothetical results and are NOT an indicator of future results and do NOT represent returns that any investor actually attained. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and one cannot invest directly in an index. Additional information regarding the construction of these results is available upon request. 2. Minimum Variance Portfolio Many readers are probably familiar with minimum variance portfolios. As the name implies, minimum variance portfolio weights are identified such that the portfolio’s expected variance is minimized. We can’t get too excited over the minimum variance portfolio – being low variance doesn’t necessarily mean something is a good investment. We need to consider expected return. In a modern portfolio theory context, the minimum variance portfolio (represented by the diamond below) is actually sub-optimal and should never be used. Instead, an investor can simply hold a small portion in risk-free bonds and the tangency portfolio to achieve a result with the same risk, but higher return. (click to enlarge) The results are hypothetical results and are NOT an indicator of future results and do NOT represent returns that any investor actually attained. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and one cannot invest directly in an index. Additional information regarding the construction of these results is available upon request. Interestingly, even though there is no theoretical basis for its use, the minimum variance algorithm is often used in practice… 3. Risk Parity Portfolio Risk parity has been widely advocated recently, partly due to the success of the strategy’s largest proponent – Bridgewater Associates, LP. The basic concept behind risk parity is to equalize risk allocations across asset classes. For example, consider a traditional 60/40 stock/bond portfolio allocation. The “problem” with this allocation is that a large portion of the portfolio’s risk is driven by the stock allocation. Let’s say 90 percent of the risk is driven by the 60 percent allocation to stocks, and only 10 percent of portfolio’s risk is driven by the 40 percent allocation to bonds. Risk parity argues that we should allocate to stocks and bonds such that 50 percent of the portfolio’s risk is driven by the stock allocation and 50 percent is driven by the bond allocation. For example purposes, let’s say that a 50/50 risk contribution implies an 80 percent allocation to bonds and a 20 percent allocation to stocks. The figures below attempt to explain this via illustrations. Also, here’s a post that explains risk parity logistics. 4. Momentum Portfolio Momentum strategies overweight assets that have relative strength over the mid-term (e.g., 1 year) and underweight assets that have performed relatively poorly over the mid-term. This basic concept has been applied across asset classes, asset sectors, and on individual securities. As an example, the chart below shows the invested growth of high momentum portfolios and low momentum portfolios back to 1927. The data is from the French library . The historical performance of momentum strategies speaks for itself. In an asset allocation context, a momentum strategy will allocate more to relatively strong performing assets and relatively less to poor performing assets. (click to enlarge) The results are hypothetical results and are NOT an indicator of future results and do NOT represent returns that any investor actually attained. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and one cannot invest directly in an index. Additional information regarding the construction of these results is available upon request. 5. Simple Trend-Following Portfolios Simple moving averages represent a classic trend following strategy. The rule is simple: If the market is above the 200-day moving average rule, hold, otherwise go to cash. Wharton Professor Jeremy Siegel found that this simple technical rule outperforms a buy-and-hold approach, both in absolute terms and on a risk-adjusted basis. In general, while efforts to time the market should be viewed with skepticism, certain systematic timing strategies that have been explored in academia appear to reduce risk, without significantly impacting long-run returns. In particular, the application of simple moving average rules has been demonstrated to protect investors from large market drawdowns, which is defined as the peak-to-trough decline experienced by an investor. Siegel, in his book, “Stocks for the Long Run,” explores the effect on performance on the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1886 to 2006, when applying a 200-day moving average rule. (click to enlarge) Red circles highlight episodes where the current market price breaks the 12-month moving average. The results are applied on the S&P 500. The results are hypothetical results and are NOT an indicator of future results and do NOT represent returns that any investor actually attained. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and one cannot invest directly in an index. Additional information regarding the construction of these results is available upon request. Performance of Common Techniques Let’s run a horse race on the various asset allocation strategies described above. The back test period is from 1/1979 to 12/2013. Our core 5 assets are: S&P 500 = S&P 500 Total Return Index EAFE = MSCI EAFE Total Return Index REIT = FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITS Total Return Index GSCI = GSCI Index LTR = Merrill Lynch 7-10 year Government Bond Index (prior to 6/1982, Amit Goyal Data) Our back test asset allocation strategies are: RISK_PARITY = Risk parity on core 5 asset classes, 3-year rolling windows MOM_TAA = Relative momentum on core 5 asset classes, calculated using 12-month momentum MAX_SHARPE = Tangency portfolio weights on core 5 asset classes, 3-year rolling windows (weights constrained [-1,1]) MIN_VAR = Minimum variance portfolio weights on core 5 asset classes, 3-year rolling windows EW_INDEX = Equal-weight, monthly rebalanced across core 5 asset classes EW_INDEX_MA = Equal-weight, monthly rebalanced across core 5 asset classes, with 12-month moving average rule RANDOM = ¼ random chance of moving to risk-free rate, monthly rebalanced across core 5 asset classes Results are gross of management fee and transaction costs and for illustrative purposes only. These are simulated performance results and do not reflect the returns an investor would actually achieve. All returns are total returns and include the reinvestment of distributions (e.g., dividends). Max Sharpe weights are constrained between -1 and 1. Data is from Bloomberg and publicly available sources. Summary Statistics: Benchmarks (click to enlarge) The results are hypothetical results and are NOT an indicator of future results and do NOT represent returns that any investor actually attained. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and one cannot invest directly in an index. Additional information regarding the construction of these results is available upon request. Over the time period, the S&P 500 and 10-Year bond exposures perform the best. It is no wonder that a 60/40 portfolio is so popular these days-the strategy cherry picks the best performing assets over the past 30+ years. Summary Statistics: Asset Allocation with Core 5 The EW_INDEX strategy and the RANDOM strategies serve as benchmarks for the tactical asset allocation models (their construction is outlined above). The results can be summarized as follows: The tangency portfolio, or “max-sharpe” method perform the worst and cannot even compete with the benchmarks. Minimum variance beats the tangency portfolio, which is ironic, given the theoretical underpinnings for the tangency portfolio. Nonetheless, the strategy, while risk-managed, does poorly on upside returns, underperforming the simply 10-Year bond CAGR. The risk parity methodology performs admirably, with strong risk-adjusted statistics and strong drawdown containment. Momentum also performs admirably, with the highest CAGR, however, the strategy has to contend with large drawdowns. The EW index with trend-following performs the best, capturing much of the upside, but preventing large drawdowns. (click to enlarge) The results are hypothetical results and are NOT an indicator of future results and do NOT represent returns that any investor actually attained. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and one cannot invest directly in an index. Additional information regarding the construction of these results is available upon request. Overall, risk parity, momentum and EW w/ MA look like the top performers. Summary Statistics: Asset Allocation with Core 4 As a robustness test, we run all our tests for all tactical asset allocation models with and without 10-Year Treasury Bond exposure. We do these tests because the 10-Year has been on an epic tear over the past 30 years, which makes it challenging to ascertain whether a tactical strategy is lucky or good when a system chooses a large position in Treasury Bonds. If a tactical system is robust it should work on 2 assets, 4 assets, 5 assets, or 50 assets. Again, similar to the last table, we present the summary statistics for the EW_INDEX and RANDOM, which serve as benchmark performance guidelines when fixed-income is not included as an asset class. (click to enlarge) The results are hypothetical results and are NOT an indicator of future results and do NOT represent returns that any investor actually attained. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and one cannot invest directly in an index. Additional information regarding the construction of these results is available upon request. The results can be summarized as follows: Risk parity completely blows up and no longer works. Clearly, the results associated with risk parity are dependent on 10-Year Treasury exposure. Minimum variance and tangency portfolios do not beat the benchmarks. Momentum squeaks out a small gain on a risk-adjusted basis relative to the benchmarks, but the edge is much lower. The EW index with trend-following performs the best, capturing much of the upside, but preventing large drawdowns. We highlight the drawdowns associated with the top-performing asset allocation systems, but exclude 10 years as an allocation choice. The only system that provides robust drawdown protection is the trend-following system. (click to enlarge) The results are hypothetical results and are NOT an indicator of future results and do NOT represent returns that any investor actually attained. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and one cannot invest directly in an index. Additional information regarding the construction of these results is available upon request. So Trend-Following looks to be the winner – Time To Go All-In? Based on the results over the past 30+ years, trend-following looks to be the most effective and the most robust form of tactical asset allocation… But how has the trend-following system performed since the 2008 financial crisis? Well, in a word, terribly. The chart below highlights the performance path of the EW buy & hold strategy versus the EW w/ trend-following index. (click to enlarge) The results are hypothetical results and are NOT an indicator of future results and do NOT represent returns that any investor actually attained. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and one cannot invest directly in an index. Additional information regarding the construction of these results is available upon request. Conclusion There is no panacea when it comes to tactical asset allocation. The evidence seems to suggest that trend-following rules are the most effective and the most robust, but as the recent 5-year run highlights, NOTHING WORKS ALL THE TIME. Original Post

Clean Energy Fuels Remains A Buy Despite Stock Price Stagnation

Summary Clean Energy Fuels reported good growth in both volumes and margins. Being cleaner and cheaper than gasoline, natural gas usage is increasing in the transportation industry. Capex cycle is coming to a close and the company expects to turn EBITDA positive by the end of the year. Clean Energy Fuels (NASDAQ: CLNE ) has been a buy for me despite the stock price stagnating over the last couple of years at the ~$8-$12 levels. The stock took a big hit when crude oil prices crashed last year, leading to a carnage in energy stocks. However, CLNE has bounced back by more than 100% since it reached its 52-week lows, as the long-term fundamental growth story remains intact. CLNE is not for the impatient investor looking to make a quick buck. The company’s investment thesis is based on developing a market for natural gas vehicles in the USA. This will take a lot of capital investment and change in customer behavior. The US government is also not aggressively pushing its transportation industry to convert to natural gas from gasoline. This is surprising, given the abundance of natural gas in North America. Many countries with much higher natural gas prices (almost 4-5 times more) have mandated that vehicles use gas as it is a much cleaner source of fuel (e.g. India). CLNE has been performing well despite not being profitable and burning cash to roll out natural gas infrastructure in the US. The company is continuously getting traction as more and more big customers like United Parcel (NYSE: UPS ) and others covert their massive fleets to natural gas. The inflection point for CLNE’s stock will be when the business starts to generate operating cash flow. I think that CLNE is well positioned to take advantage of natural gas usage growth and would advise investors to keep holding on to their positions despite the 2 years of stagnation. Natural Gas is both cheaper and cleaner than gasoline Natural gas has an advantage over gasoline both in economic and environmental terms. Natural gas is ~40% cheaper than gasoline and is considerably cleaner than crude oil and its derivatives. Many countries have mandated public vehicles to use CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) in order to curb pollution. As climate change concerns become more pressing, natural gas usage should increase. The rollout of natural gas infrastructure makes the transformation easier for large customers. Some companies such as UPS are already converting to natural gas in order to being seen as environment friendly. Some companies such as Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL ), Google (NASDAQ: GOOG ) (NASDAQ: GOOGL ), etc., are sourcing all their power from renewable energy. The pressure is increasing on both the government and large corporates to increase their usage of green products and services. Converting to a cheaper option which is greener is a no-brainer in my view. Clean Energy Fuels is getting more and more traction Clean Energy Fuels reported another quarter of strong growth, with volumes increasing by 27% and good growth seen in all major segments such as trucking and refuse. Though revenues did not increase at the same pace, the reason was a fall in natural gas prices. The main metric of profit per gallon showed an increase both on a yearly and quarterly basis to 28 cents/gallon. More large fleet owners are converting to LNG Large fleet owners are converting more of their trucks to use CNG and LNG. Raven Transport, UPS, Dilon Transport, etc., are all increasing their usage of natural gas. Vehicle and engine manufacturers such as Ford (NYSE: F ) and Cummins (NYSE: CMI ) are also coming out with newer products which use natural gas. Westport (NASDAQ: WPRT ) is developing a spark ignited natural gas engine which should enable more natural gas conversions. A new area that has opened up for CLNE is the railways industry, where locomotive makers are looking to churn out LNG powered locomotives. The rationale for doing the conversion is the same as with the vehicle industry. There are savings in using natural gas as well as environmental benefits. Natural gas is still cheaper than crude oil despite the oil price crash Natural gas prices in North America have become extremely cheap due to the shale gas revolution and the prices should remain subdued for the medium term as well. This gives a huge advantage to natural gas users in the country. A lot of power plants have already converted from coal to natural gas. The transportation industry has taken some time to do the same because it is more fragmented and the conversion is not that convenient. However, the trend towards more gas usage is irreversible. Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price data by YCharts Clean Energy Fuels Risks a) Liquidity Risk – Clean Energy Fuels has been burning cash over the last 2-3 years as it continues to develop LNG stations across the length and breadth of the country. The returns on the LNG stations have not been that high as there is not enough volume generation. The number of LNG vehicles is still small, and it will need a critical mass of LNG vehicles before the LNG network can sustainably generate cash. Clean Energy Fuels is well funded for now, but if the increase in the natural gas fleets is less than predicted, then CLNE will face liquidity issues. This is a problem with all small companies in a new market. Stockholders might face huge losses if CLNE is forced to sell its assets or equity at distressed valuations. The company has plans to spend ~$59 million this year, while the cash on hand is $220 million. The capex will come down by ~35% from last year. The liquidity position is comfortable at present, but it cannot afford too many non-profitable years. The management is predicting that it will turn EBITDA positive by the end of the year. Overall, our core business is doing very well with growing volumes and expanding margins in relatively difficult environment. Although there was pressure on EBITDA this quarter, I want to reiterate that we still expect to be adjusted EBITDA positive for the full year. Source – Clean Energy Fuels transcript The immediate risk facing the company are $145 million of convertible notes that become due in August 2016. The company does not generate positive cash flow so it will have to refinance the debt either through more debt or through equity. b) Crude Oil Price Risk – Crude oil prices have rallied by almost 50% since touching new lows in 2015. The increase in crude oil price has been due to the weakening of the dollar, a rally in major commodity prices, and indications of strengthening demand in Europe and China. However, crude oil price can again fall drastically if growth slows down dramatically in China. There is also the risk of a supply spike if a deal is reached with Iran. If crude oil price falls to $20/barrel, then natural gas will not have a big advantage over gasoline. This will mean that major vehicle customers will have less of an incentive to convert their vehicles from gasoline to natural gas. Stock Performance and Valuation Clean Energy Fuels’ stock has rebounded sharply from a low of $3.99, as crude oil prices have increased and the energy sector has shown signs of recovery. The company is cheap with a P/S ratio of ~1.9x and P/B ratio of ~1.8x, with a market capitalization of $800 million. CLNE data by YCharts The company’s valuation has come down based on P/B multiple. CLNE Price to Book Value data by YCharts Summary Clean Energy Fuels’ stock price has not improved much in the last couple of years as investors keep waiting for the company to become profitable. However, the low stock price was to be expected, given that the company needed to make large investments to build natural gas infrastructure. Most of the capital investments have been made and the company is predicting that it will turn EBITDA positive by the end of the year. CLNE is riding a wave of increasing natural gas usage in the transportation industry. The trend is irreversible in my view because natural gas is both cheap and clean. More industries and companies are increasing their usage of natural gas. The recent sharp rebound in CLNE’s stock price shows that investors still believe in the CLNE story. The company performed well in the last quarter, growing both volumes and per gallon margins. I would look to keep adding CLNE on dips. Disclosure: The author has no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More…) The author wrote this article themselves, and it expresses their own opinions. The author is not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). The author has no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.