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What ‘Smart Beta’ Means To Us

Summary The absence of a generally accepted definition of “smart beta” has given people license to describe a wide range of products as smart beta strategies. In equity investing, we use smart beta to refer to valuation-indifferent strategies that break the link between the price of an asset and its weight in the portfolio while retaining. By sharing our thoughts about the term, we hope to guide the discussion towards the real issue: how best to manage investor assets. As with most new expressions, “smart beta” is in the process of seeking an established meaning. It is fast becoming one of the most overused, ill-defined, and controversial terms in the modern financial lexicon. Unfortunately, the success of so-called smart beta products has attracted a host of new entrants purporting to be smart beta products when, frankly, they aren’t! They stretch the definition of smart beta to encompass their products, a natural business strategy. Without a simple, generally accepted meaning, the term “smart beta” risks becoming meaningless. Is that a bad thing? Probably not to the critics of the term smart beta. These are mainly the definitional purists. Bill Sharpe, who coined and defined “alpha” and “beta” in his seminal work (1964), famously remarked that the term makes him “definitionally sick.” His objection is completely legitimate: Bill defined beta as merely a measure of the non-diversifiable risk of a portfolio, measured against the capitalization-weighted market, and defined alpha as the residual return that’s not attributable to the beta. Some providers of traditional cap-weighted indices similarly object, either because they believed that there is only one “true” beta or because they infer from the smart beta label that its advocates believe that cap weighting is “stupid beta.” C’mon folks, is the beta relative to the S&P 500 Index-an actively selected broad-market core portfolio- really the one true beta?! Also, the practitioner community has increasingly embraced the notion of seeking beta (which has already morphed in meaning to refer to exposure to chosen markets, not the total market portfolio of investable assets, as CAPM originally defined it) for free, and paying for alpha. Viewed in this context, smart beta actually can mean something useful: a smarter way for investors to buy beta with alpha . After all, if one can find a more reliable alpha, and pay less for it, that would be pretty smart. The early critics of our Fundamental Index™ work were quick to point out that it was just a backtest and was merely clever repackaging of value investing. Well, it was a backtest, and it has a value tilt against the cap-weighted market. (Or, just to be provocative, does the cap-weighted market have a growth tilt against the broad macroeconomy, providing investors with outsized exposure to companies that are expected to grow handily, and skinny exposure to troubled companies?) It’s not a backtest anymore, as we approach our 10th anniversary of live results; and it has outperformed the cap-weighted market in most of the world, during a time when value generally underperformed growth . Critics have become more muted, as the efficacy of the Fundamental Index method (and other so-called smart beta strategies) is better understood. Defining Smart Beta for Equity The term smart beta grew out of attempts by people in the industry to explain the Fundamental Index approach vis-à-vis existing passive and active management strategies. When Towers Watson, a leading global investment consulting firm, coined the expression smart beta, it was not their intent to label cap-weight as “dumb beta.” Indeed, they referred to it as “bulk beta,” because it could be purchased for next-to-nothing. There is nothing “dumb” about cap-weighted indexing. If an investor wants to own the broad market, wants to pay next to nothing for market exposure, and doesn’t want to play in the performance-seeking game, cap-weighted indexing is the smartest choice, by far. People are beginning to understand that the dumb beta is the fad-chasing investor who buys whatever is newly beloved and sells whatever is newly loathed, trading like a banshee. Fortunately or unfortunately, these folks are legion, as is well documented in Russ Kinnel’s important “Mind the Gap” white papers (2005, 2014). As the debate over the smart beta label grew, Towers Watson (2013) sought to clarify the meaning of their expression with the following definition: Smart beta is simply about trying to identify good investment ideas that can be structured better… smart beta strategies should be simple, low cost, transparent and systematic. This straightforward definition indicates what investors ought to expect of a smart beta product. Our research suggests, however, that many alternative beta strategies fall short of this definition. Some are overly complex or opaque in the source of value added. Others will incur unnecessary implementation costs. Many so-called alternative beta strategies don’t seem so smart, by Towers Watson’s definition. The problem may be that even this definition is not clear enough. The absence of a rigorous, generally accepted definition gives me-too firms enough latitude to stamp smart beta on anything that’s not cap-weighted indexing. The way the term is bandied about, without much regard for meaning, is a disservice to investors. We don’t presume to define smart beta for the industry, but we would like to see more consistency in how the label is applied. Our definition builds on the Towers Watson definition, adding more specificity as it relates to equity strategies, where the smart beta revolution began almost a decade ago: A category of valuation-indifferent strategies that consciously and deliberately break the link between the price of an asset and its weight in the portfolio, seeking to earn excess returns over the cap-weighted benchmark by no longer weighting assets proportional to their popularity, while retaining most of the positive attributes of passive indexing. Earning Excess Returns The shortcomings of cap-weighted indices are by now well understood and widely acknowledged. Cap-weighted indices are “the market,” and they afford investors the market return. That’s indisputable. Nonetheless, because constituent weights are linked to price, they automatically increase the allocation to companies whose stock prices have risen, and reduce the weight for companies whose stock prices have fallen. If the market is not efficient, and prices some companies too high and some too low, then cap-weighted indices naturally have disproportionately large concentrations in companies that are likely to be overvalued and light allocations in companies that are disproportionately undervalued. This structure creates a return drag that is overcome by breaking the link between price and weight in a portfolio. 1 In fact, our research indicates that any structure that breaks the link between price and weight outperforms cap weighting in the long run. 2 In this sense, our work on the Fundamental Index concept is not special! 3 Equal weight, minimum variance, Shiller’s new CAPE index, and many others, all sever this link, and empirically add roughly the same alpha. This can be done simply, inexpensively, and mechanistically; these ideas show good historical efficacy all over the world; and some have live experience that roughly matches the backtests. Accordingly, this way to pursue a particular beta might rightly be considered “smart.” In periodically rebalancing to target weights that are unrelated to price, smart beta strategies engage in value investing: They buy low and sell high (we have demonstrated this result elsewhere 4 and will return to it in a moment). It will surprise many readers to learn that the value tilt is empirically a far smaller source of return than is the rebalancing process itself. 5 After all, what could be more uncomfortable than systematically trimming our holdings in the most extravagantly newly beloved companies, while topping up our holdings in the most newly feared and loathed companies? These portfolios look perfectly reasonable; their trading does not. That’s where the alpha is sourced: contratrading against the legions of investors who chase fads and shun recent disappointments . Accordingly, breaking the link with price is, in our view, the most important component to any useful definition of smart beta. Strategies that use market capitalization in selecting or weighting securities, such as cap-weighted value indices, are not smart beta using our definition: they leave money on the table due to the same return drag that afflicts any cap-weighted strategy. 6 Best Attributes of Passive Investing Compelling as it might be to define smart beta simply as those equity strategies that break the link with price, 7 we believe that tapping a reliable source of excess return is not sufficient to merit the label smart beta. As our general definition for equity market smart beta indicates, we also think smart beta solutions should retain some of the key benefits of passive investing, including: Smart beta strategies are transparent. The principles of portfolio construction and the intended sources of excess return are clearly stated and easy to understand. Investors know what they are getting. Smart beta strategies are rules-based. Their methodology is systematic and mechanically executed. Investors know that the process is disciplined. These strategies can be independently tested, including in out-of-sample tests covering new time spans or new markets. Smart beta strategies are low cost relative to active management . 8 In addition to lower fees, they have lower due diligence and monitoring costs. As a result, they offer investors affordable access to potential excess returns. Smart beta strategies have large capacity and the liquidity to accommodate easy entrance and exit. Smart beta strategies are well-diversified and/or span the macro economy. Because stock weights are uncoupled from prices, smart beta strategies do not expose investors to sector and industry concentrations arising from misvaluations. We think of these traits as family traits. Few will have every one of these traits; we’d be inclined to apply the smart beta label to a strategy that displays most or all of them. To us, the trait in our primary definition is sacrosanct: Any strategy that is not valuation-indifferent, that does not break the link between the weight in the portfolio and price (or market cap), is not smart beta. Performance Record We’ve described what smart beta means to us, and, in the process, indicated what we think investors should expect of products that are marketed as smart beta strategies. Is it also reasonable to expect long-term outperformance relative to cap-weighted indices? We cannot know the future. Perhaps, in the years ahead, investors will be rewarded by owning more of whatever is most expensive and less of whatever is least expensive. Personally, I doubt it. We can know the past. So-called smart beta strategies have produced value-added returns in long-term historical testing, all over the world, and on many 9 live-asset portfolios. And this outperformance has been driven, in large part, by the inherently value-based trading that takes place when smart beta portfolios are rebalanced to non-price-related weights. In long-term simulations, smart beta strategies have generated excess returns relative to cap-weighted indices. For instance, Figure 1 traces the hypothetical cumulative returns of a fundamentally weighted U.S. index and the comparable returns of two cap-weighted indices-a broad market index and a traditional value style index-over the 35-year period from 1979 through 2013. The fundamentally weighted index outperformed both of the indices whose weighting methods incorporate market prices. 10 A cautionary note is in order. As with any strategies, smart beta investing is a long-term strategy. Only a charlatan would encourage customers to expect 100% probability of future outperformance. There have been prolonged periods of underperformance, especially in secular bull markets. Smart beta strategies are contrarian, and they make sense only for investors with long-term planning horizons and a willingness to tolerate uncomfortable (even profoundly uncomfortable) portfolio rebalancing trades. In Closing Smart beta has been roundly dismissed as a marketing buzzword, rather than a significant development in finance theory and investment practice. We like the name, partly because it is jarring and controversial, but we don’t for a moment deny that it has been misused to flog me-too products. We hope that, by sharing our thoughts about the nomenclature, we can nudge the discussion in the direction of the real issue: how to best manage investor assets. Endnotes 1 To be sure, the cap-weighted index of the market cannot have a performance drag relative to itself. Here, we refer to a performance drag relative to the opportunity set. 2 Brightman (2013); Arnott, Hsu, Kalesnik, and Tindall (2013). 3 How many investment managers will say this about their own best products?! 4 Arnott, Hsu, Kalesnik, and Tindall (2013). 5 Chaves and Arnott (2012). 6 Hsu (2014). Note also that cap-weighted value strategies have a powerful, statistically significant negative Fama-French alpha. They derive value-added from their value tilt and then lose much of it due to cap weighting. 7 For bonds and other asset classes, our core definition can still apply. But, it’s a bit more nuanced. Do we want to weight a bond portfolio by the debt appetite of a borrower, and then be forced to buy more of the issuer’s debt as they seek to borrow more? That’s what cap weighting will do in bonds. Alternatively, do we want to weight a bond portfolio by the debt service capacity of the borrower, which is loosely related to the aggregate economic scale of the borrower? That’s one of many ways to construct a smart beta strategy in bonds. Historically, it works. 8 It should go without saying, but these strategies cannot price-compete with conventional cap weighting, nor should they. Did Vanguard charge 7 bps for their first S&P 500 fund? No, they did not. Should product innovation be rewarded? Of course. Reciprocally, these strategies must charge much less than the active strategies that purport to offer similar incremental returns, in order to justify their relevance. 9 We can’t say “most” because we don’t have access to the track record of all practitioners in this space. But, I personally am confident that the word “most” would be accurate… even though value has underperformed growth in most of the past decade! 10 Kalesnik (2014). References Arnott, Robert D., Jason Hsu, Vitali Kalesnik, and Phil Tindall. 2013. ” The Surprising Alpha from Malkiel’s Monkey and Upside Down Strategies .” Journal of Portfolio Management , vol. 39, no. 4 (Summer):91-105. Brightman, Chris. 2013. ” What Makes Alternative Beta Smart? ” Research Affiliates (September). Chaves, Denis B., and Robert D. Arnott. 2012. ” Rebalancing and the Value Effect. ” Journal of Portfolio Management , vol. 38, no. 4 (Summer):59-74. Hsu, Jason. 2014. ” Value Investing: Smart Beta vs. Style Indexes. ” Journal of Index Investing , vol. 5, no. 1 (Summer):121-126. Kalesnik, Vitali. 2014. “Smart Beta: The Second Generation of Index Investing.” IMCA Investments & Wealth Monitor (July/August): 25-29, 47. Kinnel, Russ. 2005. “Mind the Gap: How Good Funds Can Yield Bad Results.” Morningstar FundInvestor (July). —. 2014. “Mind the Gap 2014.” Morningstar Fund Spy (February 27). Sharpe, William F. 1964. “Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions of Risk.” Journal of Finance , vol. 19, no. 3 (September):425-442. Towers Watson. 2013. “Understanding Smart Beta.” Insights (July 23). This article was originally published on researchaffiliates.com by Rob Arnott and Engin Kose . Disclaimer: The statements, views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of Research Affiliates, LLC. Any such statements, views or opinions are subject to change without notice. Nothing contained herein is an offer or sale of securities or derivatives and is not investment advice. Any specific reference or link to securities or derivatives on this website are not those of the author.

Schwab Intelligent Portfolios: Intelligent Investing Or Marketing Hype?

Summary Schwab has joined the rapidly growing robo-adviser market with its “Schwab Intelligent Portfolios.” Cash drag can dramatically diminish investor returns. Smart beta does not live up to its hype of superior returns. “No adviser fee” is just a marketing hype that can cost an investor millions of dollars when cash drag and ETF expenses are taken into account. Schwab Intelligent Portfolios won’t be a game changer for many reasons. Due to the increasing popularity of robo adviser investing, Charles Schwab (NYSE: SCHW ) has entered this market with its introduction of Schwab Intelligent Portfolios . For a minimum of $5,000 initial investment, Schwab sets an asset allocation using ETFs and rebalances the portfolio periodically. For a minimum of $50,000, a client may elect tax loss harvesting by the program. No adviser fees are charged on top of the fees charged by the ETFs. Is this a game changer? Should you enroll? How much will it cost? One major implicit cost is cash drag. Schwab Intelligent Portfolios hold 6-30% of assets in cash, allowing Schwab to earn the spread between the interest it pays on the cash deposits (currently around 0.12%) and investment income from such deposits. Assuming average stock market return of around 10%, a 6-30% cash allocation costs 0.6-3% annually ! That is at least twice as much as the 0.3% annual adviser fees charged by other similar robo adviser programs, as stated in Schwab’s disclosure . For comparison, neither Wealthfront nor Betterment mandate cash allocations. After all, if I want to hold cash, why do I need to give it to a robo adviser? While Schwab pays only 0.12% on cash deposits, you can earn over 8 times as much with a high yield savings account , which also allows you to withdraw money anytime. This implicit 0.6-3% annual fee from cash drag belies Schwab’s claim as a no-fee robo adviser. But that is not all. The ETFs selected have fees of their own. The asset allocation recommended is based on risk tolerance and investment horizon. The lowest cost asset allocation possible, recommended with the highest risk and return potential, and minimum 6% cash allocation, is shown below: Stocks 94% Probable ETF Expense U.S. Large Company Stocks 11% SCHX 0.04% U.S. Large Company Stocks – Fundamental 17% FNDX 0.32% U.S. Small Company Stocks 7% SCHA 0.08% U.S. Small Company Stocks – Fundamental 11% FNDA 0.32% International Developed Large Company Stocks 9% SCHF 0.08% International Developed Large Company Stocks – Fundamental 13% FNDF 0.32% International Developed Small Company Stocks 4% SCHC 0.18% International Developed Small Company Stocks – Fundamental 6% FNDC 0.48% International Emerging Market Stocks 4% SCHE 0.14% International Emerging Market Stocks – Fundamental 6% FNDE 0.47% U.S. Exchange-Traded REITs 4% SCHH 0.07% International Exchange-Traded REITs 2% VNQI 0.24% Cash 6% 0.00% Total 100% 0.23% Schwab will likely use its own funds whenever possible, but may switch to other funds under its program as part of tax loss harvesting. While the fees of traditional Schwab cap-weighted index funds are among the lowest in the mutual fund industry, the fees of fundamental index ETFs are much higher, as seen above. The net result is an additional 0.23% annual fee for the overall portfolio. In sum, Schwab Intelligent Portfolios cost at least 0.83% of assets annually . That does not account for costs associated with capital gains tax and bid-ask spread for periodic rebalancing. What is the effect of a 0.83% annual expense? Due to the effect of compounding, an investor will lose 14% of their assets in 20 years, 20% in 30 years, 26% in 40 years, and 32%, or almost a third of their potential wealth, in 50 years. As shown by the following graph, $100,000 invested over 50 years earning 10% return will grow to $11.7 million, but the investor paying 0.83% fee would end up with only $8.0 million, losing $3.7 million to fees over the years. (click to enlarge) Do fundamental index funds offer higher returns, thereby justifying their higher fees? The research suggests no. The table below shows that such so-called smart beta funds actually underperform the market: Smart beta funds vs. S&P 500 Name 3-year annualized total return 5-year annualized total return 10-year annualized total return Net expense ratio Strategic beta ETFs* 13.33% 12.5% 7.9% 0.48% Strategic beta mutual funds** 18.17% 13.69% 6.98% 1.17% S&P 500 index 20.42% 15.45% 7.67% Source: Morningstar. Returns are through Dec. 31, 2014. *Results from 394 strategic beta exchange-traded funds covered by Morningstar. **Results from 43 strategic beta open-end mutual funds covered by Morningstar. Fundamentally weighted indices have outperformed traditional capitalization-weighted indices by greater allocation to value stocks and small size stocks. ETFs and mutual funds constructed from fundamental indices, however, fail to live up to their promise of superior returns, mainly due to higher expense ratios and turnover costs. As John Bogle famously said about investing: You get what you don’t pay for. Impact on the Robo Advisor Industry Adam Nash, CEO of Wealthfront, wasted no time to attack Schwab’s new robo advisor program as a marketing gimmick by presenting something as no fee that was in fact high cost. Schwab was equally quick to issue a response , arguing that cash is actually an investment and the interest rate will eventually rise, that fundamentally weighted indices have historically delivered excess returns, and that the 0.25% advisor fee charged by Wealthfront is a real sunk cost. Betterment also wrote an article to attack Schwab’s program as costly due to cash drag . It is revealing that both Wealthfront and Betterment, the two leaders in the robo advisor industry, each with over one billion dollars in assets under management (AUM), felt compelled to respond with such rapidity. They clearly felt threatened. And rightly so. Most investors too lazy to manage their own investment portfolio and willing to pay 0.15-0.25% advisor fee that Betterment and Wealthfront charge will probably not look too closely at the real cost of cash drag, but rather be attracted by the superficial charm of Schwab posing as a “no fee” advisor. Robo advisor services, which are new technologies, mainly appeal to younger investors, who tend to like free things and new, fashionable things, such as smart beta, one of the latest financial innovations. It is probably inevitable that Schwab will take away some market share in the robo advisor industry. Nonetheless, the products offered by the three robo advisors are differentiated enough to have their own moats. Below are the highest risk and return portfolios from Wealthfront and Betterment: Wealthfront: Asset ETF Allocation Expense ratio U.S. Stocks VTI 35% 0.05% Foreign Stocks VEA 22% 0.09% Emerging Markets VWO 28% 0.15% Dividend Stocks VIG 5% 0.10% Natural Resources DJP 5% 0.75% Municipal Bonds MUB 5% 0.25% Total 100% 0.13% Betterment: Asset ETF Allocation Expense ratio U.S. Total Stock Market VTI 16.2% 0.05% U.S. Large-Cap Value VTV 16.2% 0.09% U.S. Mid-Cap Value VOE 5.2% 0.09% U.S. Small-Cap Value VBR 4.5% 0.09% Developed Markets VEA 37.5% 0.09% Emerging Markets VWO 10.5% 0.15% Municipal Bonds MUB 5.5% 0.25% U.S. Corporate Bonds LQD 0.6% 0.15% International Bonds BNDX 2.4% 0.19% Emerging Market Bonds VWOB 1.6% 0.34% Total 100.2% 0.11% For some reason, probably due to rounding error, the Betterment allocations don’t exactly add up to 100%. The table below summarizes the differences between the three portfolios. Schwab Wealthfront Betterment Stocks 92% 89% 89% Bonds 0% 5% 10% Cash 6% 1% 1% Alternatives 2% 5% 0% U.S. Stocks 52% 40% 41% Foreign Developed Market 33% 26% 38% Emerging Market 7% 23% 10% Value 58% 59% 58% Growth 42% 41% 42% Large Cap 59% 81% 76% Mid/Small Cap 41% 19% 24% Price/earnings 17.5 16.14 16.26 Price/book 1.81 1.94 1.79 Return on equity 14.61 18.21 16.61 Average Market Cap 16.0B 29.3B 29.0B Expense ratio 0.24% 0.13% 0.11% Number of Holdings 13 6 10 Overall stock allocation is similar, with Wealthfront and Betterment both at 89%, while Schwab is slightly higher at 93%. The rest is mostly in cash for Schwab, partly in bonds and partly in alternatives for Wealthfront, and mostly in bonds for Betterment. In terms of allocation to world regions, Schwab is U.S. centric. Wealthfront has a significantly higher allocation to emerging markets at 23%. All three are similar in value versus growth allocation. Schwab has significantly higher allocation to small cap stocks. The price ratios are similar for all three. Schwab has a significantly higher expense ratio, twice as much as its competitors; it also has the higher number of holdings in its portfolio. Wealthfront would appeal to investors who prefer simplicity (the portfolio has only 6 holdings), emerging markets, and alternative investments. Betterment would appeal to cost conscious investors. Schwab would appeal to investors who prefer complexity, small cap, smart beta, and tax loss harvesting (more holdings create more opportunities for tax loss harvesting). But the $64,000 question is, will this be a game changer? I doubt it, for several reasons. First, the robo advisor market is relatively small within the entire asset management business. Even if Schwab could reach $1 billion AUM, at 0.83% fee, that would still generate only a tenth of one percent of Schwab’s 2014 revenue of $6.157 billion, too small to move the needle. Second, Schwab Intelligent Porfolios might even eat into Schwab’s high margin core business, as it could cause Schwab clients using traditional advisor services and expensive actively managed mutual funds to switch over to Schwab’s robo advisor service, causing loss of revenue. Third, robo advisor service may not be a sustainable business model, as it has never been tested under bear market conditions. Young investors confident in a bull market may not feel so confident when the next bear market comes, especially without the hand-holding and long-term relationship of a personal investment advisor, causing funds to go out as fast as they had come into the robo advisor industry. Fourth, investors will probably come to the realization that cash drag is a significant hidden cost, and Schwab Intelligent Portfolios may end up being a total flop. Finally, even if Schwab does succeed in gaining market share and the industry continues to grow, the success itself will attract fierce competition from yet bigger firms, such as Merrill Lynch, ultimately driving profits down. Even though Schwab’s new robo advisor service would not alter Schwab’s fundamentals, robo advisor service is a Wall Street fad worth paying attention to for the enterprising investor. If Schwab succeeds in penetrating the market, it could generate undue optimism, creating good selling opportunities. Watch for its growth in AUM relative to the competitors, new market entrants, and how it handles a bear market. If the new robo advisor service fails, on the other hand, it could generate undue pessimism, leading to a selloff in Schwab’s stock, creating good buying opportunities. Conclusion Don’t fall prey for the marketing hype of Schwab’s “no fee” robo investing. One should hold enough cash as an emergency fund for 6 months worth of living expenses, but not in an investment portfolio meant to last 20 years or more. Put the cash in a high yield savings account, where you can earn over 8 times as much interest, and be able to withdraw anytime you want, rather than be forced to hold at least 6% cash at all times. Forget about smart beta. For higher returns, allocate more to value and small cap, and minimize costs. Schwab Intelligent Porfolios is good marketing, but it won’t be a game changer. Whether or not it succeeds, the potential market is too small to move the needle for Schwab; nonetheless, its success or failure may create price discrepancies for the enterprising investor to exploit. Disclosure: The author has no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More…) The author wrote this article themselves, and it expresses their own opinions. The author is not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). The author has no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.