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Ivy Portfolio Year End Update

Scott’s Investments provides a daily Ivy Portfolio spreadsheet to track the 10-month moving average signals for two portfolios listed in Mebane Faber’s book The Ivy Portfolio : How to Invest Like the Top Endowments and Avoid Bear Markets. Faber discusses 5, 10, and 20 security portfolios that have trading signals based on long-term moving averages. I have replaced the Google Docs Ivy and Commission Free portfolio with a new spreadsheet. Please update any bookmarks or links to the newest spreadsheets found here . The Ivy Portfolio spreadsheet tracks the 5 and 10 ETF Portfolios listed in Faber’s book. When a security is trading below its 10-month simple moving average, the position is listed as “Cash.” When the security is trading above its 10-month simple moving average the position is listed as “Invested.” The spreadsheet’s signals update once daily (typically in the late evening) using dividend/split adjusted closing price from Yahoo Finance. The 10-month simple moving average is based on the most recent 10 months including the current month’s most recent daily closing price. Even though the signals update daily, it is not an endorsement to check signals daily or trade based on daily updates. It simply gives the spreadsheet more versatility for users to check at his or her leisure. The page also displays the percentage each ETF within the Ivy 10 and Ivy 5 Portfolio is above or below the current 10-month simple moving average, using both adjusted and unadjusted data. If an ETF has paid a dividend or split within the past 10 months, then when comparing the adjusted/unadjusted data you will see differences in the percent an ETF is above/below the 10-month SMA. This could also potentially impact whether an ETF is above or below its 10-month SMA. Regardless of whether you prefer the adjusted or unadjusted data, it is important to remain consistent in your approach. My preference is to use adjusted data when evaluating signals. The current signals based on December’s adjusted closing prices are below. The spreadsheet also provides quarterly, half year, and yearly return data courtesy of Finviz . However, this data is not currently importing properly so is not included in the screenshot below: (click to enlarge) I also provide a “Commission-Free” Ivy Portfolio spreadsheet as an added bonus. This document tracks the 10-month moving averages for four different portfolios designed for TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, and Vanguard commission-free ETF offers. Not all ETFs in each portfolio are commission free, as each broker limits the selection of commission-free ETFs and viable ETFs may not exist in each asset class. Other restrictions and limitations may apply depending on each broker. Below are the 10-month moving average signals (using adjusted price data) for the commission-free portfolios: (click to enlarge) (click to enlarge) Many of you have asked for return data of the Ivy strategy. Below is data for a 10-month moving average system using the Ivy 10 and Ivy 5 portfolio tracked on my site. The test was conducted using ETFReplay.com, so while signals should match mine the returns listed below are strictly hypothetical. The backtest will invest in the chosen ETFs on the close of the LAST DAY of the period. The test was run 2010-2014 and returns have been underwhelming compared to a traditional balanced mutual fund: Ivy 10 (click to enlarge) Ivy 5 (click to enlarge) Disclosure: None

Stock Market Reversal In January: The Potential Effect Of Capital Gain Taxes

The S&P 500 index was up 11% in 2014 and up 64% over the past 3 calendar years before dividends. When the stock market is at or near all-time highs at the end of December the following January has on average posted a negative return. This reversal effect, likely due to delayed selling because of capital gains taxes, is stronger when the recent 1-year and 3-year returns are high. The past three calendar years have been quite good for the US stock market. Using S&P 500 index data from Yahoo Finance we have only seen better returns for three consecutive calendar years in the late 1990s and the mid-1950s. The S&P 500 data we use begins with full calendar year data in 1951, so we have 63 calendar years of data in our sample through 2013. What can we expect going forward for the stock market or more specifically the S&P 500 index ETFs, (NYSEARCA: SPY ), (NYSEARCA: IVV ), and (NYSEARCA: VOO ), after such a great run? It’s hard to come to any significant conclusions with just five data points, so we want to expand the sample size a bit before analyzing the data. One distinction we can make for this year versus the average year is that we are at all-time highs for the S&P 500. On a monthly closing basis the all-time high was in November with the S&P 500 closing at 2067. December’s close of 2058 is basically right there. There are 25 calendar years in our data set where the December closing level is within 2% of the all-time high. That is enough data to start to draw some conclusions. If we filter this some more by removing years where the last calendar year price change (return before dividends) was less than +10% we have 20 data points. Filtering with a +15% price change gives us 16 data points. We use price change rather than total return because returns from dividends don’t affect decisions about whether to take capital gains or not. The results of various filters are shown in the table below. In the filter criteria, “Near ATH” means December close is within 2% of the monthly closing all-time high, “1-yr ret” means the price change over the prior calendar year, and “3-yr ret” means the price change over the prior three calendar years. (click to enlarge) The confidence level in the last row of the table is a statistical measure that tells us the likelihood that the average January return of each subset of years is actually lower than the typical January return and the difference is not just due to statistical noise. In other words looking at the “Near ATH” column in the table we see there is an 89% chance that Januaries that begin near the all-time high for the S&P 500 can be expected to be worse than the typical January. While this doesn’t pass common statistical tests than require 95% or 99% confidence, it is still worth keeping in mind as investors consider what to do with their portfolios in the New Year. The filter that most closely matches the current environment is the far right column. There have been 11 years since 1951 that end near all-time highs, had greater than +10% price change and finish a three-year period with price change greater than 40%. The subsequent Januaries average price return was negative at -1.11%. The standard error on this sample mean estimate is 1.45%, so while the -1.11% seems significantly different from +0.89% (the average of all years), the difference between the two numbers isn’t that much more than the standard error. The eleven years that match this criteria are shown in the following table. Six out of 11 years are down in January and five are up. The best January in the table follows 1998 with a +4.0% return and the worst follows 1989 with a -7.1% return. Clearly the one year variation is fairly wide, so we can’t expect this January to have exactly a -1.11% decline. How should an investor use this information? Here are a few possibilities. If she wants to add to her equity position, waiting until February might be wise. If rebalancing is in order for a portfolio, and that involves reducing equity exposure, do it sooner rather than later. If it involves adding to equity exposure, wait a month. If there are capital gains in a taxable account and there is any need for the cash this year, sell sooner in January rather than later. If this potential January reversal takes place before an investor can act, it’s probably not a good idea to sell equities out of fear of further declines. For the months of February and March following the eleven Januaries in the table above the combined average returns were +4.1%. We can’t expect this January reversal phenomenon to persist into February and March. We attribute this reversal of returns in January to the impact of capital gains taxes, and delayed selling over the recent past to delay the capital gains tax until April 2016. There could always be some other reason for further selling, or for buying that overwhelms the tax impact to give us a positive return in January. There are a lot of possibilities for what happens to markets in January and in all of 2015. This is just another piece of data to consider that we view as important in the next month. Now that you’ve read this, are you Bullish or Bearish on ? Bullish Bearish Sentiment on ( ) Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Why are you ? Submit & View Results Skip to results » Share this article with a colleague

RiverPark Large Growth Fund, January 2015

By David Objective and strategy The fund pursues long-term capital appreciation by investing in large cap growth stocks, which it defines generously as those with capitalizations over $5 billion. The manager describes his style as having a “value orientation toward growth.” Their discipline combines a macro-level sensitivity to the effects of powerful and enduring secular changes and on industries which are being disrupted, with intense fundamental research and considerable patience. The fund holds a fair fraction of its portfolio, about 20% at the end of 2014, in mid-cap stocks and has a small lower market cap, lower turnover and more compact portfolio than its peers. Most portfolio positions are weighted at about 2-3% of assets. Adviser RiverPark Advisors, LLC. RiverPark was formed in 2009 by former executives of Baron Asset Management. The firm is privately owned, with 84% of the company being owned by its employees. They advise, directly or through the selection of sub-advisers, the seven RiverPark funds. Overall assets under management at the RiverPark funds were over $3.5 billion as of September, 2014. Manager Mitch Rubin, a Managing Partner at RiverPark and their CIO. Mr. Rubin came to investing after graduating from Harvard Law and working in the mergers and acquisitions department of a law firm and then the research department of an investment bank. The global perspective taken by the M&A people led to a fascination with investing and, eventually, the opportunity to manage several strategies at Baron Capital. He’s assisted by RiverPark’s CEO, Morty Schaja, and Conrad van Tienhoven, a long-time associate of his. Mitch and his wife are cofounders of The IDEAL School of Manhattan, a small school where gifted kids and those with special needs study and play side-by-side. Strategy capacity and closure While Morty Schaja describes capacity and closure plans as “somewhat a comical issue” for a tiny fund, he estimates capacity “to be around $20 billion, subject to refinement if and when we get in the vicinity.” We’ll keep a good thought. Active share 79.6, as of November 2014. “Active share” measures the degree to which a fund’s portfolio differs from the holdings of its benchmark portfolio. High active share indicates management which is providing a portfolio that is substantially different from, and independent of, the index. An active share of zero indicates perfect overlap with the index, 100 indicates perfect independence. As a rule of thumb, large cap funds with an active share over 70 have legitimately “active” managers while the median for Morningstar’s large cap Gold funds is 76. The active share for RiverPark Large Growth is 79.6, which reflects a high level of independence from its benchmark, the S&P 500 index. Management’s stake in the fund Mr. Rubin and Mr. Schaja each have over $1 million invested in the fund. Between them, they own 70% of the fund’s institutional shares. One of the fund’s three trustees has invested between $10,000 and $50,000 in the fund while the other two have not invested in it. As of December 31, 2013, the Trustees and officers of the Trust, as a group, owned 16.27% of the outstanding shares of the fund. We’d also like to compliment RiverPark for exemplary disclosure: the SEC allows funds to use “over $100,000” as the highest report for trustee ownership. RiverPark instead reports three higher bands: $100,000-500,000, $500,000-1 million, over $1 million. That’s really much more informative than the norm. Opening date September 30, 2010. Minimum investment The minimum initial investment in the retail class is $1,000 and in the institutional class is $100,000. Expense ratio Retail class at 1.25% after waivers, institutional class at 1.00% after waivers, on total assets of $69 million. Comments If we had written this profile in January 2014 instead of January 2015, our text could have been short and uncontroversial. It would read something like: Mitch Rubin is one of the country’s most experienced growth managers. He’s famously able to follow companies for decades, placing them first in one of the small cap funds he has run, later in a large cap fund before selling them when they plateau and shorting them as they enter their latter years. With considerable discipline and no emotional investment in any of his holdings, he has achieved outstanding results here and in his earlier charges. From inception through the end of 2013, Large Growth has dramatically outperformed both its large cap growth peer group and the S&P 500, and had easily matched or beaten the performance of the top tier of growth funds. That includes Sequoia (MUTF: SEQUX ), RiverPark/Wedgewood (MUTF: RWGFX ), Vanguard PrimeCap (MUTF: VPMCX ) and the other Primecap funds. Accurate, true and sort of dull. Fortunately, 2014 gave us a chance to better understand the fund and Mr. Rubin’s discipline. How so? Put bluntly, the fund’s short-term performance sort of reeked and it managed to reduce a five-star rating down to a three-star one. While it finished 2014 with a modest profit, the fund trailed more than 90% of its large-growth peers. That one year slide then pulled its three-year record from “top 10%” to “just above average.” The question is: does 2014 represent “early” (as in, the fund moved toward great companies whose discount to fair value kept growing during the year) or “wrong” (that is, making an uninformed, undisciplined or impulsive shift that blew up)? If it’s the former, then 2014’s lag offers reasons to buy the fund while its portfolio is underpriced. If it’s the latter, then it’s time for investors to move on. Here’s the case that Mitch, Conrad and Morty make for the former. They’re attempting to invest in companies which will grow by at least 20% a year in the future, in hopes of investing in stocks which will return 20% a year for the period we hold them. Since no company can achieve that rate of growth, the key is finding growth that is substantially underpriced. There’s a sort of time arbitrage at work, a claim that’s largely substantiated by a lot of behavioral finance research. Investors generally do not give companies credit for high rates of growth until that growth has been going on for years, at which point they pile in. RiverPark’s goal is to anticipate where next year’s growth is going to be, rather than buying where last year’s growth – or even this year’s growth – was. The proper questions then are (1) is the company’s performance outpacing its stock performance? And, if so, (2) can that performance be sustained? If you answer “yes” to both, then it’s probably time to buy. The mantra was “buy, hold, and, if necessary, double down.” If they’re right, in 2014 they bought a bunch of severely underpriced growth. The firms in the portfolio are growing earnings by about 20% a year and they’re paying a 16x p/e for those stocks. Investors in the large cap universe in general are also paying a 16x p/e, but they’re doing it for stocks that are growing by no more than 7% annually. Those lower quality firms have risen rapidly, bolstered by low interest rates which have made it cheap for them to buy their way to visibility through financial engineering; debt refinance, for example, might give a one-time boost to shaky earnings while cheap borrowing encourages them to “buy growth” by acquiring smaller firms. Such financial engineering, though, doesn’t provide a basis for long-term growth. For the Large Growth portfolio, they target firms with “fortress-like balance sheets.” So, they buy great growth companies for cheap. How does that explain the sudden sag in 2014? They point to three factors: Persistently low interest rates : in the short term, they prop up the fortunes of shaking companies, whose stock prices continue to rise as late-arriving investors pile in. In the interim, those rates punish cash-rich financial services firms like Schwab (SCH) and The Blackstone Group (NYSE: BX ). Energy repricing : about 13% of the portfolio is focused on energy firms, about twice the category average. Three of their four energy stocks have lost money this year, but are cash-rich with a strong presence in the Marcellus shale region. Globally natural gas sells for 3-4 times more than it does in the US; our prices are suppressed by a lack of transport capacity. As that becomes available, our prices are likely to move toward the global average – and the global average is likely to rise as growth resumes. Anti-corruption contagion : the fund has a lot of exposure to gaming stocks and gaming companies have a lot of exposure to Asian gambling and retail hubs such as Macau. Those are apt to be incredibly profitable long-term investments. The Chinese government has committed to $500 billion in new infrastructure investments to help middle class Chinese reach Macau, and Chinese culture puts great stock in one’s willingness to challenge luck. As a result, Chinese gamblers place far higher wagers than do Western ones, casinos catering to Chinese gamblers have far higher margins (around 50%) than do others and the high-end retailers placed around those casinos rake in about $7,000 per square foot, well more than twice what high-end stores here make. In the short term, though, Prime Minister Xi’s anti-corruption campaign has terrified Chinese high-rollers who are buying and gambling a lot less in hopes of avoiding the attention of crusaders at home. While the long-term profits are driven by the mass market, in the short term their fate is tied to the cowed high-wealth cohort. Sooner rather than later, the managers argue, energy prices will rise and firms like Cabot Oil & Gas (NYSE: COG ) will see their stocks soar. Sooner rather than later, the gates of Macau will be opened to hundreds of millions of Chinese vacationers, anxious to challenge luck and buy some bling and stocks like Wynn Resorts (NASDAQ: WYNN ) will rise dramatically. This is not a high turnover, momentum strategy designed to capture every market move. Almost all of the apparent portfolio turnover is simply rebalancing within the existing names in order to capture a better risk/return profile. It’s a fairly patient strategy that has, for decades, been willing to tolerate short-term underperformance as the price of long-term outperformance. Bottom Line The argument for RiverPark is “that spring is getting compressed tighter and tighter.” That is, a manager with a good track record for identifying great underpriced growth companies and then waiting patiently currently believes he has a bunch of very high quality, very undervalued names in the portfolio. They point to the fact that, for 26 of the 39 firms in the portfolio, the firm’s underlying fundamentals exceeded the market while the stock price in 2014 trailed it. It is clear that the manager is patient enough to endure a flat year or two as the price for long-term success; the fund has, after all, returned an average of 20% a year. The question is, are you? Fund website RiverPark Large Growth . Folks interested in hearing directly from Messrs. Rubin and Schaja might listen to our December 2014 conference call with them, which is housed on the Featured Fund page for RiverPark Large Growth.