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ETFs & Portfolio Strategy Articles on Seeking Alpha © seekingalpha.com. Use of this feed is limited to personal, non-commercial use and is governed by Seeking Alpha’s Terms of Use (http://seekingalpha.com/page/terms-of-use). Publishing this feed for public or commercial use and/or misrepresentation by a third party is prohibited. SeekingAlpha.com http://seekingalpha.com Upgrade Your Fundamental Stock P/E Valuations With Behavioral Stock P/X Valuations http://seekingalpha.com/article/3966238-upgrade-fundamental-stock-p-e-valuations-behavioral-stock-p-x-valuations?source=feed_tag_etf_portfolio_strategy 3966238 Tue, 19 Apr 2016 10:47:40 -0400 AAPL SPY IVE SH SSO VOO SDS IVV SPXU UPRO SPXL RSP SPXS SPYG RWL VFINX EPS IVW SPYV RPG RPV VOOG VOOV SPLX SFLA FTA SPUU DHVW LLSP CAPX RYARX Peter F. 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