Tag Archives: decision

Regulatory Decision Confirms Attractive Value At Capstone Infrastructure

Competition Markets Authority released its summary decision, with management confident that dividends can be sustained under new rates. Management discussed additional levers to find value at Bristol Water, including new financing options, additional efficiencies and increased leverage. Overall, following the decision, valuation has been derisked and significant upside maintained. Nearly two months ago, we published a report on Capstone Infrastructure Corporation ( OTCPK:MCQPF ), a Canadian small-cap infrastructure company. The company has a variety of critical infrastructure assets, from solar, wind, hydro and biomass power generation, to natural gas co-generation, district heating and a water utility. The firm’s assets are geographically diverse, with the power assets located in Canada, the district heating business in Sweden and the water utility located in the U.K. The company has a market capitalization of just over C$300 million (US$230 million) and is traded primarily on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “CSE.” Today, we would like to share some analysis of a recent regulatory decision that we believe adds considerable certainty to the future sustainability of Capstone Infrastructure and confirms the company as an attractive value play. At the time of publication of our initial report, one of the material risk factors to Capstone’s valuation was the pending U.K. Competition Markets Authority (CMA) decision in the appeal of a previous Ofwat regulatory decision for its Bristol Water business. This pending decision was a major factor in the decline in Capstone’s share price and has been a drag on the stock’s value for the past several months. We are happy to now see this decision released, and investors can largely put this concern behind them. The regulator’s press release and a summary decision regarding Bristol Water was released on October 6 , clarifying several factors for the business, including increased operating expenses, increased capital expenditures on a reduced scope, a higher return on equity and higher customer billing rates. While the company felt that the billing revenue side of the decision was disappointing, overall the decision will, in the view of management , enable Bristol Water to maintain its dividend level going forward. We agree that their approach to managing the lower rates does seem reasonable and that dividends at or very near the previous levels should be able to be maintained. The trading response to this decision has been fairly muted, perhaps because the outcome is not substantially different from the preliminary findings of CMA released earlier this year. But today we stand faced with more certainty about the short-term sustainability of the dividend, which at nearly 10 percent is underpinning a great deal of the company’s value today. In our valuation case presented in our original piece, we indicated that the impact of the Bristol Water decision would be plus or minus C$7 million on adjusted funds from operations. It seems that via management’s responses on the conference call, overall distributions from Bristol Water should be maintained at their previous levels, in line with our “mid-case.” With this uncertainty removed from the picture, we can tighten the 2017 share price target range from C$2.92-7.53 to C$3.82-6.56, maintaining our mid-case target of $4.90 per share. (thousands) Low Case Mid Case High Case Comments Start: 2014 AFFO $56,412 $56,412 $56,412 Impact of Cardinal ($36,000) ($36,000) ($30,000) Low case is with project financing, high case is without. Impact of Bristol $0 $0 $0 2015 Commissioned Wind $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 Skyway 8, Saint-Philemon, Goulais 2015 AFFO $25,412 $26,412 $33,412 2016 Commissioned Wind $2,500 $3,500 $4,000 2016 AFFO $27,912 $29,912 $37,412 2017 Commissioned Wind $0 $3,500 $4,000 Corporate Savings $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 Management projects $10 million in corporate SG&A, project cost, interest and tax savings 2017 AFFO $29,912 $38,412 $51,412 2017 Projected Share Count 96,408 96,408 96,408 Based on 93,573 outstanding at Dec 31, 2014, increased by 1% annually for DRIP 2017 AFFO per Share $0.31 $0.40 $0.53 Payout Ratio 80% 80% 80% Projected 2017 Dividend/share $0.25 0.32 $0.43 Projected Dividend Yield 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% Conservative dividend level based on peer group 2017 target share price (CAD$) $3.82 $4.90 $6.56 There are still risks present in this valuation of course, including Bristol’s inability to implement cash flow enhancements to the level that management currently anticipates, or potential schedule issues or underperformance on their new energy assets. Even if these risks materialize, however, we believe the downside is not much lower than where the stock is trading today. At a significant discount to book value, this is a true value play with considerable upside for investors. We believe there is considerable short-term upside here heading into the third-quarter results in early November, and of course stand behind our call for considerable upside into 2017. To summarize, this decision derisked the situation at Capstone Infrastructure, while in the subsequent trading days, the company has maintained a substantial discount to what we perceive as a fair value. With a dividend that we’re comfortable with calling sustainable at near 10 percent and future cash flow growth supported by a higher degree of regulatory certainty, Capstone Infrastructure is currently positioned as a fantastic value play for investors with a greater than 50 percent upside to our target price and a sustainable 10 percent dividend. Editor’s Note: This article discusses one or more securities that do not trade on a major U.S. exchange. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.

Not If, But When – A Breakdown Of MSCI’s Decision On China’s Onshore Equity Market

Summary On June 9th, MSCI stated that onshore Chinese equities will be added to their broad-based international indices. We believe investors should consider taking a position in the onshore markets today as international investment increases and China implements policies to sustain the onshore market rally. Three issues need to be resolved before immediate inclusion can take place. MSCI, a leading provider of index solutions globally, announced on Tuesday, June 9th that onshore Chinese equities will be added to their broad-based international indices upon the resolution of three outstanding issues. We previously wrote about the potential impact of this inclusion. As an MSCI client, KraneShares, along with several dozen mutual fund families and institutional brokers, attended MSCI’s Index Review Seminar, which was held the morning after the announcement. MSCI’s message at the seminar was clear; investors need to proactively prepare for the coming changes. Changes like the one MSCI announced on June 9th are rare, but when they happen they have historically driven performance in the affected economies. For example, in 2012 MSCI announced that it would include the United Arab Emirates in its emerging market index between 2012 and 2014; when the UAE’s inclusion was implemented, the MSCI United Arab Emirates IMI Index rose 238%1. This dwarfs the 130% rise the onshore Chinese markets have achieved since the rally began in the second quarter of 20142. We believe the onshore markets still have room to grow. Beyond MSCI’s decision, the recent surge in China’s onshore markets is backed by meticulous structural developments that have been decades in the making. We have listed a few examples of these developments below: Raising Domestic Consumption China’s policy makers are prioritizing increased domestic consumption in order to alleviate export dependency to the European Union and United States. Evidence of the policy’s success can be seen in China’s Year over Year retail sales data. According to China’s National Bureau of Statistics, retail sales in May increased 10.1% to $390 billion. The numbers indicate that China is catching up to well-established domestic markets like the United States. Additionally, the strong stock market has a trickle-down wealth effect on domestic consumption allowing Chinese investors to spend more freely. Stock Investing Replaces Housing China’s household savings rate is the third highest in the world at 51% of its GDP3. This rate is 300% higher than that of the United States4. Due to limited investment options in China, housing has traditionally been one of the most popular investment vehicles for Mainland Chinese citizens, which in return supported China’s urbanization policy. With housing softening, savings are finding a new home in the stock market. In fact, 4.4 million new onshore brokerage accounts have been opened by Chinese investors this year5. Monetary Policy China’s central bank has started to ease monetary policy. There have been two interest rate cuts and several adjustments to the reserve requirement ratio, which is the minimum amount of customer deposits that commercial banks must hold in reserve before making loans. The reserve requirement ratio was cut to 19.5% this year from 20% in 20146. More bank requirement cuts and targeted monetary policy are likely as policy makers continue to support growth. However, we do not believe that there will be more interest rate cuts because China’s leadership wants to keep the renminbi, RMB, stable ahead of the International Monetary Fund’s decision on the RMB’s inclusion into its basket of reserve currencies. Unlocking Shareholder Value in State Owned Enterprise Historically, China’s State Owned Enterprises, SOEs, have been undervalued compared to their privately owned counterparts. Unlocking shareholder value in state owned enterprises is a top policy in China today. This will take the form of increased mergers and acquisitions like the recent merger of China South Railroad with China North Railroad to form CRRC, one of the largest train manufacturers globally. Removing inefficiencies should raise the return on equity for State Owned Enterprises versus their private equivalents. We envision reform to heavily emphasize traditional sectors including industrials, basic materials and energy. One Belt, One Road Recently, China implemented the One Belt, One Road policy, which links Chinese manufacturers to Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East through improved overland transportation linkages and maritime port and logistic facilities. This spearheaded the launch of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB, to help finance this policy. Debt Deleveraging China heavily restricted Initial Public Offerings and secondary offerings in the onshore markets for several years. Chinese companies had to rely on issuing debt to raise capital due to this limiting environment. The strong performance of the stock market allows new companies to list and for legacy companies to issue new shares. Proceeds can be used to pay down debt. The MSCI decision overview As the inclusion of the onshore market into MSCI broad indices has become a matter of when not if, China’s leadership is preparing its economy for massive inflows of foreign capital. Currently, China’s Securities Regulatory Commission, CSRC, is working with MSCI to address the three pending issues. The issues center around the programs China implemented in order to phase in the opening up of its economy. China has tightly regulated quota systems to allow foreign investors access to its onshore markets. The first program China launched was the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor program, QFII, which gives specific foreign institutions access to the onshore markets. The second program to launch was the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor Program, RQFII, which is issued primarily to Chinese asset managers, and has been the catalyst for the launch of onshore China funds. China is gradually shifting focus from the QFII and RQFII programs in favor of even more accessible “connect” programs. The first connect program to go live was the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect that linked the Shanghai Stock Exchange to the fully internationally accessible Hong Kong Stock Exchange. We believe the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect program should follow soon, which will make the entire onshore market fully accessible to international investors. The three issues: Quota Allocation Process: In its announcement MSCI stated that QFII and RQFII quota is still an issue because: “Large investors should be given access to quota commensurate with the size of their assets.”7 We believe this issue will be settled in the near future because quota restrictions are consistently being loosened. Capital Mobility Restrictions: The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has a daily limit on the amount of stocks that can be purchased, which, if reached, could leave managers without access. MSCI would like to see this limit removed. Additionally the QFII program has a weekly redemption window, which MSCI would like to see increased to a daily window. Beneficial Ownership: Unlike ETFs and mutual funds, investors in separate managed accounts own the actual underlying securities held by their custodian. MSCI wants to ensure that investors with separate accounts are confident in their ownership in Chinese stock. Before the June 9th announcement there were lingering questions around how the onshore markets would be phased in. MSCI clarified that initially 5% of the onshore Chinese equities’ free float market cap would be included into their broad indices and that this weight will be increased incrementally. At full inclusion, China’s weight within MSCI Emerging Markets would be 43.6% overall, 20.3% Hong Kong listed companies, 20.5% onshore Chinese companies, and 2.8% U.S.-listed companies7. An incremental increase of onshore equities within broader indices is a logical strategy based on the large amount of money needing to be reallocated. We previously wrote about how the lack of a formal announcement on the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect program could be problematic for inclusion. We suspect an official announcement about the launch of this program in the next several months. Ultimately the impediments are coming down as MSCI calls the launch of the Shenzhen-Connect program “imminent” and believes “further liberalization of the RQFII program”7 is coming. China’s leadership is motivated to continue opening up its economy to international investors. Having China’s onshore markets included into international indices helps bolster this goal. We believe investors should consider taking a position in the onshore China markets today as their inclusion within broad MSCI indices – and the accompanying international fund flows – are imminent and China is enacting policies to sustain the onshore market rally. 1 Return based off the MSCI United Arab Emirates IMI Index from January 2012 to May 2014. Definition: The MSCI United Arab Emirates Investable Market Index is designed to measure the performance of the large, mid, and small cap segments of the UAE markets. With 22 constituents, the index covers approximately 85% of the UAE equity universe. 2 Return based of the MSCI China A International Index from start of market rally 3/1/2014 through 5/31/2015. MSCI China A International Index Definition: The MSCI China A International Index captures large and mid-cap representation and includes the China A-share constituents of the MSCI China All Shares Index. It is based on the concept of the integrated MSCI China equity universe with China A-shares included. 3 Source: World Bank as of 2013 4 Source: World Bank as of 2013 5 Source: China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation as of 5/2015 6 Source: CEIC Data as of 2/5/2015 7 Source for quote – MSCI, “Results of MSCI 2015 Market Classification Review” 6/9/2015 8 MSCI as of 6/2015 Disclosure: I am/we are long KBA, KEMP, KCNY, KFYP, KWEB. (More…) I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Additional disclosure: ©2015 KraneShares Carefully consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risk factors, charges and expenses before investing. This and additional information can be found in the Funds’ prospectus, which may be obtained here: KBA, KFYP, KWEB, KCNY, KEMP Read the prospectus carefully before investing. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. There can be no assurance that a Fund will achieve its stated objectives. The Funds focus their investments primarily with Chinese issuers and issuers with economic ties to China. The Funds are subject to political, social or economic instability within China which may cause decline in value. Fluctuations in currency of foreign countries may have an adverse effect to domestic currency values. Emerging markets involve heightened risk related to the same factors as well as increase volatility and lower trading volume. Current and future holdings are subject to risk. Narrowly focused investments and investments in smaller companies typically exhibit higher volatility. Internet companies are subject to rapid changes in technology, worldwide competition, rapid obsolescence of products and services, loss of patent protections, evolving industry standards and frequent new product productions. Such changes may have an adverse impact on performance. The ability of the KraneShares Bosera MSCI China A ETF to achieve its investment objective is dependent on the continuous availability of A Shares and the ability to obtain, if necessary, additional A Shares quota. If the Fund is unable to obtain sufficient exposure due to the limited availability of A Share quota, the Fund could seek exposure to the component securities of the Underlying Index by investing in depositary receipts. The Fund may, in some cases, also invest in Hong Kong listed versions of the component securities and B Shares issued by the same companies that issue A Shares in the Underlying Index. The Fund may also use derivatives or invest in ETFs that provide comparable exposures. The ability of the KraneShares FTSE Emerging Markets Plus ETF to achieve its investment objective is dependent, in part, on the continuous availability of A Shares through the Fund’s investment in the KraneShares Bosera MSCI China A Share ETF and that fund’s continued access to the China A Shares market. If such access is lost or becomes inadequate to meet its investment needs, it may have a material adverse effect on the ability of the Fund to achieve its investment objective because shares of the KraneShares Bosera MSCI China A Share ETF may no longer be available for investment by the Fund, may trade at a premium to NAV, or may no longer be a suitable investment for the Fund. The KraneShares FTSE Emerging Markets Plus ETF and KraneShares Bosera MSCI China A Share ETF may be concentrated in the financial services sector. Those companies may be adversely impacted by many factors, including, government regulations, economic conditions, credit rating downgrades, changes in interest rates, and decreased liquidity in credit markets. This sector has experienced significant losses in the recent past, and the impact of more stringent capital requirements and of recent or future regulation on any individual financial company or on the sector as a whole cannot be predicted. These ETFs may also invest in derivatives. Investments in derivatives, including swap contracts and index futures in particular, may pose risks in addition to those associated with investing directly in securities or other investments, including illiquidity of the derivatives, imperfect correlations with underlying investments, lack of availability and counterparty risk. The use of swap agreements entails certain risks, which may be different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in the underlying asset. The KraneShares E Fund China Commercial Paper ETF is subject to interest rate risk, which is the chance that bonds will decline in value as interest rates rise. It is also subject to income risk, call risk, credit risk, and Chinese credit rating risks. The components of the securities held by the Fund will be rated by Chinese credit rating agencies, which may use different criteria and methodology than U.S. entities or international credit rating agencies. The Fund may invest in high yield and unrated securities, whose prices are generally more sensitive to adverse economic changes. As such, their prices may be more volatile. The Fund is subject to industry concentration risk and is nondiversified. The KraneShares E Fund China Commercial paper ETF invests in sovereign and quasi-sovereign debt. Investments in sovereign and quasi-sovereign debt securities involve special risks, including the availability of sufficient foreign exchange on the date a payment is due, the relative size of the debt service burden to the economy as a whole, and the government debtor’s policy towards the International Monetary Fund and the political constraints to which a government debtor may be subject. In order to qualify for the favorable tax treatment generally available to regulated investment companies, the Fund must satisfy certain income and asset diversification requirements each year. If the Fund were to fail to qualify as a regulated investment company, it would be taxed in the same manner as an ordinary corporation, and distributions to its shareholders would not be deductible by the Fund in computing its taxable income. Narrowly focused investments typically exhibit higher volatility. Internet companies are subject to rapid changes in technology, worldwide competition, rapid obsolescence of products and services, loss of patent protections, evolving industry standards and frequent new product productions. Such changes may have an adverse impact on performance. The KraneShares ETFs are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Company, 1 Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456, which is not affiliated with Krane Funds Advisors, LLC, the Investment Adviser for the Fund.