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3 Best-Ranked Mid-Cap Value Mutual Funds

Mid-cap value mutual funds provide excellent opportunities for investors looking for returns with lesser risk by gaining exposure to stocks that are available at a discounted price. While large companies are normally known for stability and the smaller ones for growth, mid caps offer the best of both the worlds, allowing growth and stability simultaneously. Companies with market capitalization between $2 billion and $10 billion are generally considered mid-cap firms. Meanwhile, value mutual funds are those that invest in stocks trading at discounts to book value, plus having low price-to-earnings ratio and high dividend yields. Value investing is always a very popular strategy, and for a good reason. After all, who doesn’t want to find stocks that have low P/Es, a solid outlook, and decent dividends? However, not all value funds solely comprise companies that primarily use their earnings to pay dividends. Investors interested in choosing value funds for yield, should be sure to check the mutual fund yield. Below, we share with you 3 top-rated mid-cap value mutual funds. Each has earned a Zacks Mutual Fund Rank #1 (Strong Buy) and is expected to outperform its peers in the future. Lord Abbett Mid Cap Stock Fund A (MUTF: LAVLX ) seeks capital growth. LAVLX invests heavily in securities of undervalued companies having medium size market capitalization. LAVLX invests in companies located throughout the globe. LAVLX may also invest in ADRs. The Lord Abbett Mid Cap Stock A fund has a three-year annualized return of 8.3%. As of September 2015, LAVLX held 79 issues, with 2.58% of its assets invested in Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. (NYSE: HIG ). Sterling Capital Mid Value Fund A (MUTF: OVEAX ) invests the lion’s share of its assets in equity securities of undervalued mid-cap companies. According to the advisors, a mid-cap company is defined as one with market capitalization within $1 billion to $30 billion. OVEAX predominantly invests in common stocks of both domestic and foreign firms that are traded in the U.S. The Sterling Capital Mid Value A fund has a three-year annualized return of 10.2%. OVEAX has an expense ratio of 1.19% as compared to the category average of 1.21%. Federated Absolute Return Fund A (MUTF: FMAAX ) seeks positive return consistent with low level of correlation with the U.S. equity market. FMAAX invests in both equity and debt securities of both U.S. and non-U.S. issuers. FMAAX focuses on acquiring securities that are believed to be mispriced or misperceived. The Federated Absolute Return A fund has a three-year annualized return of 3.5%. Dana L. Meissner is the fund manager of FMAAX since 2009. Original Post

The Bear Market Playbook

As many markets enter bear market territory around the globe, investors are inevitably getting skittish. Bear markets are a regular part of the financial markets, but that doesn’t make them easy to handle. Here are some keys to handling a bear market: 1. Don’t lose your perspective. In the last 45 years, a globally allocated 60/40 stock/bond portfolio has never had a negative rolling 5-year return. Of course, it’s not easy to maintain a 5-year time horizon, but if you have less than a 5-year time horizon, you probably shouldn’t be owning stocks and bonds in the first place. Resisting recency bias is the greatest struggle for most investors. And unfortunately, most people never overcome it…. I’ve witnessed this for decades with clients. The financial markets are a revolving door of investor after investor dying one funeral at a time, thanks to excessive short-termism. You don’t have to be irrationally long term, but focusing on the short term is just as irrational. Of course, if you don’t have a proper allocation in the first place, then you need to ensure that your risk profile is aligned with your asset allocation . 2. Turn off the news. Most of the financial media isn’t there to help you. They’re there to get your attention so they can earn a profit selling ad placements. Unfortunately, there is no emotion more powerful than fear. This is why financial TV ratings surge during bear markets. You tune in, get scared out of your wits, churn up a bunch of taxes and fees in your account, sell into panics, rinse wash repeat. I turned off financial TV almost a decade ago. It was one of the best financial decisions I ever made. 3. Stop looking at your account. Fidelity once found that investors who don’t log in to their accounts perform better than investors who log in regularly. The best thing most investors could do is lose their password to their account about once every five years. Logging in and incessantly focusing on your portfolio is just about the best way to ensure that you become a victim of recency bias. If you have a reasonable plan in place, you just need to let time do the heavy lifting for you. 4. Focus on something else. Get your mind off the short-term swings in the market. There is nothing you can do to control the markets. Excessive activity is the illusion of control during the course of creating inefficient portfolio frictions. Get your mind off your portfolio by focusing on hobbies or work. Sitting around worrying about your portfolio isn’t going to help you or your portfolio.

Portfolio Analysis In R: Part VI | Risk-Contribution Analysis

Do you know where the risk in your portfolio is coming from? Well, of course, you do. After all, you designed the portfolio, and so the asset weights reflect the risk contribution. A 50% weighting in stocks translates into a 50% contribution to risk for the portfolio overall, right? That’s a reasonable first approximation, but it’s a crude estimate, and one that’s prone to error as market conditions change – particularly for a strategy that holds a mix of asset classes. For a precise profile of the relative contributions from each piece of the portfolio – an essential piece of intelligence for risk management – we’ll have to go deeper into the analytical toolkit. The reasoning for decomposing portfolio risk into its constituent parts is straightforward – the relationship of risk across assets is in constant flux through time. As a result, correlation and volatility are changing. The main takeaway: Your portfolio’s risk profile may differ from your assumptions, perhaps radically so at times. The only way to know if your estimates match reality is to routinely run the numbers and make periodic adjustments to the asset allocation when appropriate. An exaggerated example tells us why this facet or risk management is essential. Let’s say that you’ve designed a portfolio with a 10% allocation to emerging market stocks on the assumption that 10% of total portfolio risk will be driven by these assets. Because of shifting relationships with other assets, however, it turns out that the risk contribution from emerging markets rises to twice your assumption after three months – 20%. The problem is that this change might not be obvious without formally modeling the risk-contribution factor. Let’s dig into some details with a real-world example. As in previous installments in this series (see list of articles below), we’ll use our standard sample portfolio (unrebalanced in this case), which consists of 11 funds for testing a global mix of assets, spanning US and foreign stocks, bonds, REITs and commodities, based on the following target allocations: Calculating risk contribution requires building a covariance matrix and running matrix algebra calculations, but don’t worry – we can streamline the task with user-friendly functions in the PortfolioAnalytics package via calculations in ” R ” (here’s the code for generating the raw data that’s discussed below). For simplicity, we’ll use the conventional definition of risk-standard deviation, aka return volatility. In practice, we can apply other risk measures, such as value at risk, extreme tail loss, and other quantitative metrics. But in the example below, we’ll stick to standard deviation to illustrate the basic outline. As a preliminary step, here’s the risk contribution for the sample portfolio (defined above). Note that this is based on the daily data from 2004 through yesterday (January 11). It’s no surprise to find that the contributions generally align with the target allocations. For instance, the 30% weight for the US stocks (NYSEARCA: SPY ) compares with a risk contribution of roughly 33%, as shown in the chart below. But there are some deviations as well. Consider how real estate investment trusts (REITs) compare in terms of the target allocation versus the risk contribution. We initially allocated 5% to REITs (MUTF: VGSIX ), but it turns out that the risk contribution is twice as high at nearly 10%. Note too that the risk contribution is slightly negative for the allocation to Treasuries (NYSEARCA: IEF ). The negative number indicates the relatively strong degree of volatility reduction that this asset brings to the mix. As a result, the negative risk contribution means that increasing (lowering) the weight to IEF will lower (raise) the portfolio’s volatility. In other words, IEF’s unique role as a diversification agent is quite clear when we run the numbers for this portfolio. The problem with looking at risk contribution across long periods of time as a single data set is that the analysis suggests that this facet of the portfolio is static. In fact, risk contribution is constantly changing. The evolution is usually gradual, but it’s valuable to keep an eye on the changes through time in order to minimize the surprise factor vis-à-vis sudden shifts in the portfolio’s risk profile that may conflict with the investment goals, risk tolerance, etc. For a more realistic (dynamic) measure of risk contribution, we can monitor the ebb and flow based on rolling historical windows. For example, here’ how the risk contributions for the funds compare on a rolling one-year basis, as shown in the next chart below. Based on this history, we can see that the risk contributions are relatively well behaved through time. The allocation to US equities, for instance, has generated risk contributions ranging from the high-20% level up to around 40%. We may or may not find these results satisfactory, depending on the portfolio’s goals and our risk expectations. The key point here, however, is that we now have hard data on the historical relationship between the relative share of risk for each asset. What can we do with this information? There are several applications that may be productive. Let’s consider just one by focusing on the US equity holding (SPY) in terms of its rolling 1-year return versus its risk contribution (see chart below). As you see, there’s a moderately negative correlation between the two metrics. The relationship implies that there may be useful signals here that tell us that an asset allocation adjustment is timely, particularly when the risk contribution and trailing return move to relatively extreme levels simultaneously. Monitoring risk contribution doesn’t replace other risk-management tools – instead, it’s a compliment that enhances our overall risk-management process. It’s part of what is known as the risk budgeting process. Although conventional asset allocation focuses on the relative share of each holding’s capital contribution, there’s a strong case for monitoring portfolios through a risk lens as well. In fact, it’s reasonable to consider the possibilities via a risk allocation process versus a traditional capital allocation framework. Ultimately, it’s the risk exposures that matter for engineering return outcomes. That’s an intuitive point, of course, and one that’s been widely embraced. Using a risk-attribution toolkit allows us to refine the concept in order to maximize the associated benefits and minimize any unexpected results that can arise when relying on vague rules of thumb for managing risk. *** Previous articles in this series: Portfolio Analysis in R: Part I | A 60/40 US Stock/Bond Portfolio Portfolio Analysis in R: Part II | Analyzing A 60/40 Strategy Portfolio Analysis in R: Part III | Adding A Global Strategy Portfolio Analysis in R: Part IV | Enhancing A Global Strategy Portfolio Analysis in R: Part V | Risk Analysis Via Factors Tail-Risk Analysis In R: Part I