Tag Archives: chtr

Clinton Rattles Cable TV Stocks On Broadband Pricing

Cable TV stocks rebounded on Thursday, a day after Hillary Clinton’s comments on U.S. broadband pricing sparked worries over her plans if elected. “Broadband is now clearly a campaign issue,” said Paul Gallant, an analyst at Guggenheim Partners, in a research report. Charter Communications (CHTR) stock fell 5% on Wednesday, but it was up 1.5% in early trading in the stock market today. Regulators are reviewing Charter’s proposed acquisitions of

Should Comcast Woo Unhappy AT&T DSL Subscribers?

AT&T (T) and CenturyLink (CTL) are vulnerable to further broadband market share losses vs. Comcast and other cable TV firms, says Morgan Stanley, based on customer dissatisfaction in areas where copper-based DSL broadband service is available. While cable TV firms — including Comcast (CMCSA), Charter Communications (CHTR), Time Warner Cable (TWC) and privately held Cox Communications — already dominate the broadband market, there’s still upside

Comcast Enterprise Services Takes On Verizon, AT&T

Comcast (CMCSA) announced early Wednesday that it was creating an Enterprise Services unit to offer broadband, Wi-Fi and other more to the biggest U.S. companies nationwide, posing a new challenge to AT&T (T) and Verizon (VZ). Comcast will provide services even outside its home markets by reaching wholesale deals with Time Warner Cable (TWX), Charter Communications (CHTR), Cablevision (CVC) and more. That cable industry alliance, Comcast