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Chickens And Eggs

Are you a chicken farmer, or an egg farmer? Chicken farmers raise chickens for their meat. Egg farmers raise chickens for what they lay. Investors who plan to sell their stocks to pay for college or to buy a second home are chicken farmers. Investors who hope to use the income from their investments are egg farmers. The financial press doesn’t understand egg farmers. Every day they report market prices and how they’ve changed. But they almost never report on dividends. This bias sometimes causes income-oriented egg-farmer investors to forget who they are and believe that they are chicken farmers. If they get confused, they may have a hard time reaching their goals. Prices are volatile. If you’re a chicken farmer, when you buy, and especially, when you sell, is extremely important. A chicken farmer needs to watch the market like a hawk. But if you’re an egg farmer, the most striking aspect of dividend payments is how boring they are. They just don’t jump around very much. Both kinds of portfolios need oversight, but managing a dividend stream is different. Risk doesn’t come from market swings, but from factors that endanger a company’s ability to earn profits and pay investors. Egg farmers like bear markets, especially bear markets that don’t threaten corporate revenues. When the market falls, investors can adjust their portfolios without taking gains and paying taxes. By contrast, chicken farmers hate it when prices fall. But chicken farmers love mergers and acquisitions. The buyer almost always has to pay a premium. But for egg farmers, takeovers just complicate things. Acquirers – especially serial acquirers – usually aren’t as generous with their dividends. Both approaches are valid, but they meet fundamentally different needs. So you never have to ask which comes first.

The Bright Side Of Volatility

Stock markets around the world have had a bumpy ride so far in 2016. The CBOE Volatility Index (often called the “VIX”), a measure of expected stock market volatility, has doubled since early November , and US stocks have fallen more than 10% since the start of the year. These kinds of changes can be gut-wrenching and can make it difficult to maintain a long-term perspective. But for some investors who are able to do so, there’s a bright side to volatility. If you’re periodically investing money, such as putting a portion of each paycheck into a 401(k) account, volatility isn’t necessarily bad. When markets fall you’re able to acquire more shares, giving you “more bang for your buck.” This concept is similar to ” dollar-cost averaging ,” where the average price you pay for an investment will be less than the average of the prices at each of the times you’re investing (because you’re acquiring more shares when the price is low and fewer shares when the price is high). Compared to if markets just blandly moved in a straight line, the ups and downs allow your periodic investments on average to go farther. Of course, there are a few caveats to this volatility fairy tale. First, it assumes that the market will end up in the same place regardless of how much volatility there is. This assumption is clearly sometimes false; stock markets would almost certainly be higher right now if the beginning of this year had been a paragon of financial tranquility. But over the long term it’s approximately true. Stock prices 20 years from now are unlikely to be massively affected by how much stock market volatility there was in 2016. Second, the potential benefits of volatility only apply if you have a long time horizon for your investments. If instead you need the money in the near future and markets plunge, the fact that you can then get more bang for your buck won’t do much good. Perhaps the most important caveat, however, is that you need to be able to stick to your strategy of periodically putting more money into the market. When the kind of turbulence that’s characterized stock markets this year arrives, it can be tough to invest money knowing that one wild day of market moodiness might eliminate a chunk of it. But those who are able to continue making periodic investments can benefit in the long run.