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What Is In Store For These Utility ETFs This Earnings Season?

The utility sector appears to be in great shape as chances of the Fed hiking rates in the near term have dropped significantly after Fed Chair Janet Yellen’s dovish comments, which were further reinforced by Federal Bank of New York President William C. Dudley. Dudley said that due to the uncertain U.S. economic outlook, a cautious and gradual approach to interest rate increases is expected. This raised the appeal for utility stocks, which offer solid dividend payouts and excellent capital appreciation over the longer term. Further, thanks to the sector’s low correlation with the market, huge swings in the stock market don’t have any effect on utility stocks. The utility sector is thus considered a defensive play or safe haven in turbulent times. Uncertainty over rate hikes, weaknesses in the global economy and mixed domestic data have benefited the sector. In fact, utility ETFs saw smooth trading, with the Utilities Select Sector SPDR ETF (NYSEARCA: XLU ), the Vanguard Utilities ETF (NYSEARCA: VPU ), the iShares U.S. Utilities ETF (NYSEARCA: IDU ) and the Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF (NYSEARCA: FUTY ) gaining over 10% each in the last three months (as of April 25, 2016). Investors must be interested to know how the sector might be performing in the first-quarter 2016 earnings season to help them make an investment decision. Although utility stocks are yet to report, as per the Zacks Earnings Trend report, it is one of the few sectors that are expected to show earnings growth in the quarter. Utilities are expected to post earnings growth of 5.3% in the first quarter compared with a decline of 1.6% in fourth-quarter 2015. However, just looking at the overall sector outlook is not enough. Let’s also look at how the individual stocks to which the utility ETFs have significant exposure are expected to perform. We have highlighted the earnings prediction for some of these companies below: Zacks Surprise Prediction Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE: DUK ) has a Zacks Rank #4 (Sell) and an Earnings ESP of -1.74%, making a beat unlikely. Also, the earnings surprise track over the past four quarters is not good, with a negative average surprise of 1.72%. Meanwhile, the company witnessed downward earnings estimate revision of 1 cent over the past 7 days for the yet-to-be-reported quarter. The stock has a VGM of ‘C’. The company will report on May 3, before market opens. DUK has a weight of 8.3%, 7.3%, 7.5% and 7.2% in XLU, VPU, IDU and FUTY, respectively. NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE ) is expected to release its earnings report on April 28 before market opens. It has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) but an Earnings ESP of 0.00%, again putting the odds of a beat against it. The company also saw downward earnings estimate revision of a penny over the past 7 days for the to-be-reported quarter. It delivered positive earnings surprises in three of the last four quarters, with an average beat of 4.28%. Further, the stock has a VGM score of ‘C’. NEE has 9%, 7.1%, 7.5% and 7.3% weight in XLU, VPU, IDU and FUTY, respectively. Dominion Resources, Inc. (NYSE: D ) has a Zacks Rank #3 and an Earnings ESP of 0.00%, making an earnings prediction difficult. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for first quarter 2016 is 96 cents, down 1 cent over the past seven days. Further, the stock has an unfavorable VGM score of D. The company is expected to report before market opens on May 4. D has a weight of 7.1%, 5.8%, 6% and 5.7% in XLU, VPU, IDU and FUTY, respectively. Original Post

Energy Sector Crushes Conventional Wisdom

By Ronald Delegge Never mind the abysmal results of first-quarter earnings for the depressed energy sector. It doesn’t matter. And never mind the conventional wisdom of group-think and scary analyst warnings like, “Energy stocks are in deep trouble because Q1 losses will mark the first time any sector in the S&P 500 has reported an aggregate loss since Q4 2008.” Again, who cares? Price is what counts – not rigid EPS statistics – and right now energy stocks (NYSEARCA: XLE ) have ripped higher, making them the best performing S&P 500 (NYSEARCA: IVV ) industry sector year to date (YTD). ETFs like the Direxion Daily Energy Bull 3x Shares ETF (NYSEARCA: ERX ) that magnify the performance of energy stocks with triple daily leverage have delivered strong results by gaining almost 30% YTD. In other words, group-think would’ve caused you to miss this trade. And that’s why following conventional wisdom is a time honored recipe for failure. Click to enlarge Contrary to the nearly universal view that energy stocks are untouchable, on March 7 via ETFguide PREMIUM, we saw a great opportunity in oil and gas producers (NYSEARCA: XOP ) and issued the following alert: “XOP is right up our contrarian alley. It’s lost money over the past 1, 3, and 5 years with annualized losses of -9.45%. Who wants to puke? Despite proclamations that everyone will be driving Teslas by 2020, we don’t believe or agree that oil and gas demand will evaporate to zero as certain Kool-Aid drinking clean energy analysts envision. We’re buying XOP at current prices ($29.70).” XOP owns a basket of oil and gas companies like Continental Resources (NYSE: CLR ), Devon Energy (NYSE: DVN ), and WPX Energy (NYSE: WPX ). We added: “Although contrarian trades like XOP usually take longer to develop, they can be far more profitable compared to other types of trades. However, the problem of realizing profits is largely psychological. Why? Because most investors grow impatient and end up selling a great investment before it has time to blossom.” XOP has risen over +19% since our time stamped alert compared to just a +3.39% gain for the S&P 500 (See chart above). Oil and gas producers have also outperformed the broader energy sector. Much of this bounce is attributable to recovering crude oil prices (NYSEARCA: USO ), which now trade in the $45 per barrel range. Nevertheless, buying out-of-favor sectors before they start turning up is a perennial battle for most investors. Too few people do it. Why? Because they’re too scared a bottom hasn’t been reached. Bottom line: Contrarian trades – although often grueling – have a proven track record of success for patient traders and investors. It’s also why I salute all contrarians on this final day of Financial Literacy month! P.S. Contrarian trades are just one of four primary trading strategies we use at ETFguide for non-core investment portfolios. Original Post

How Scared Should We Be About Future Returns?

McKinsey had a really nice piece this week on the future of financial market returns. The basic conclusion – lower your expectations and hunker down for some lean years in the financial markets. McKinsey says that equities have benefited from unusually favorable conditions in the last 30 years such as low valuations, falling inflation, falling interest rates, strong demographic growth, high productivity gains and strong corporate profits. Specifically, they say: ” Despite repeated market turbulence, real total returns for equities investors between 1985 and 2014 averaged 7.9 percent in both the United States and Western Europe. These were 140 and 300 basis points (1.4 and 3.0 percentage points), respectively, above the 100-year average. Real bond returns in the same period averaged 5.0 percent in the United States, 330 basis points above the 100-year average, and 5.9 percent in Europe, 420 basis points above the average .” That’s a nice clean view of the future relative to long-term returns. I think McKinsey is dead right – the last 30 years were unusual and something closer to the 100-year average is probably reasonable. I’ve stated in the past that the math here isn’t terribly controversial (or shouldn’t be). If a 50/50 stock/bond portfolio has generated 30-year average returns of 9.5%, then we should expect the future returns to be lower or more volatile. In other words, you can, with near certainty, expect that the high risk adjusted returns of the last 30 years are gone. Why is this a certainty? Well, it’s a simple function of the current interest rate environment. Because the post-1980 era involved a huge bond bull market, the risk adjusted returns of a balanced portfolio were unusually high. For instance, from 1985-2015 a 50/50 stock/bond portfolio posted returns of about 9.5% with a Sharpe ratio of 0.7 and a Sortino ratio of 1.5. That’s because the bond piece, which is inherently more stable, generated average annual returns of 7% with a Sharpe ratio of 0.76 and an eye popping Sortino ratio of 2.12, while the stock piece generated annual returns of 12.5% with a Sharpe ratio of 0.5 and a Sortino of just 0.92. In other words, bond investors have done extraordinarily well over the last 30 years thanks to the favorable tailwind of falling inflation and falling interest rates. And those outsized bond returns had a hugely positive impact on diversified investors. We also know that the best predictor of future bond returns is current yields so, do the math on the 1985 starting overnight interest rate of 7.5% versus today’s rates of 0%. A bond aggregate held for the next 10 years is unlikely to outpace the current yield of 2.25% by much. So, we know for a fact that the bond piece won’t generate anything close to the types of returns it did in the last 30 years. But there’s also good historical precedent here. In the 1940s, rates were as low as they are today. So, how did the bond market do? It did okay, but it certainly wasn’t anything like the post-1980 period. From 1940-1980, bonds posted annual returns of 2.75%, but were very stable (much more stable than is commonly believed in a rising interest rate environment). The stock piece, however, performed very similarly to the post-1980 period, with rates of returns from 1940-1980 at 12.4% vs. 12.5% for the 1985-2015 period. As a result of this, a balanced portfolio from 1940-1980 generated an average 8% return with a Sharpe ratio of 0.58, significantly lower than the average 10% return with Sharpe of 0.7 that we experienced in the last 30 years. In other words, in the only reasonable historical precedent a balanced portfolio generated lower nominal and risk adjusted returns than the post-1985 period. Now, I think backtests and historical references are a bit dangerous and overused by the financial community, but I also don’t think we need these historical precedents to establish a reasonable probability of future returns. All we need is a little common sense when comparing the next 30 years to the last 30 years. After all, we have empirical proof that most of those tailwinds are in fact waning. For instance: Current interest rates are the best predictor of future returns in the bond market, and this period is certain to be a low return period for future bond holders. Valuations, which have a strong tendency to correlate with future equity returns, are high historically. Demographic trends have shifted substantially in the last few decades from a world of higher growth to a much more modest pace of growth. High productivity gains have waned and have now become an area of great concern for economists. Corporate profits, as a share of national income, have never been higher as they rode the back of the liberalization of tax rates and regulation and could come under pressure given the anti-corporate climate we are entering. I don’t think any of this should be terribly controversial, and you don’t have to be an expert forecaster to see what’s coming. At the same time, we shouldn’t panic as some people have implied . If the aggregate stock and bond markets generate anything close to that 8% return of the 1940-1980 period, then most investors will still generate positive real returns. However, there are a few key takeaways here: It is crucial to understand the most important principles of portfolio construction so you can grow comfortable with a process and a plan. See Understanding Modern Portfolio Construction . It’s time to temper expectations in the markets. The future is likely to be an era of lower returns and potentially bumpier returns; however, it doesn’t mean returns are going to be catastrophic. It’s time to hunker down on your taxes and fees in your portfolio. As a % of assets, these frictions will become increasingly important in a lower return environment. See, Understanding your Real, Real Returns . Be patient! Find a good plan and learn to stick with it. The lower and bumpier returns will create periods of frustration for most investors. The grass will always look greener somewhere else. Switching in and out of plans and chasing the next hot guru will very likely result in higher taxes and fees, leading to lower average returns. See, How To Avoid the Problem of Short-Termism . Invest in yourself, continue to save and pour that savings into your portfolio. You might not get world beating returns from your portfolio in the coming 30 years, but we know cash will be the riskiest asset in the future as it will guarantee a negative real return in such a low interest rate environment. See, Saving is not the Key to Financial Success . Be careful reaching for yield. All safe assets aren’t created equal and reaching for yield in the wrong places could create more volatility without the guarantee of stable income. See, Reaching for Yield or Reaching for Risk? Don’t let the scaremongers get to you. If the future is one of lower returns and bumpier returns, there will be lines of people trying to sell you something in exchange for your fear. These people should not be trusted. The world of the future might not be the gangbusters growth period of the 80s and 90s, but it also won’t be the end of times either.