Tag Archives: application

View Your Customer Reviews in iTunes Connect

You can now quickly access customer reviews through iTunes Connect. Customer reviews are conveniently categorized by country so you can see which reviews have been left for your apps within each app store territory. Log in to iTunes Connect and go to your application details in the Manage Your Applications module to see what customers are saying about your app.

Replacing Your Private Key or Distribution Certificate

Your private keys are essential components to uploading your application to the App Store and installing your application on iPhone and iPod touch. Any time you need a new private key or certificates, you can replace them without affecting your applications already on the App Store. Just submit a new CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and download your new certificates and provisioning profiles. For more information on replacing your distribution private key or distribution code signing certificate, see the iPhone Developer Program User Guide .

App Store Tip: Don’t Forget to Include Network Error Alerts in Your Code

If your application provides functionality that requires access to a network, it’s very important that your code include a customer alert or notification when the network is not available. The Reachability sample application demonstrates how to use the System Configuration Reachability API to monitor the network state of an iPhone or iPod touch. Use this sample code to learn how to detect the absence of Wi-Fi and Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) services so your application knows when it’s necessary to produce a network error alert. Your users will appreciate knowing when an application has no network access — and missing “network alerts” is the third most common reason for applications being returned to developers for modification. Read more app submission tips