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Building An IKEA Portfolio

Originally Published on March 16, 2016 If you get someone to build an IKEA sideboard – you know, one of those flat-pack conundrums that involves trying to work out what a cartoon character is doing with a hammer, a drill and forty-three assorted metal dowels – they immediately place a higher value on it than anyone else would, even if it goes on to develop an alarming 45-degree tilt. This is the IKEA effect . It’s associated, sort of, with a more general behavior that’s been known about for years – the endowment effect – in which possession of an item immediately causes us to value it more highly. Just imagine what the impact might be if you build your own portfolio, no matter how wonky it might be. Well Endowed The endowment effect was originally demonstrated in an experiment by Daniel Kahneman, Jack Knetschand Richard Thaler , who gave half of a graduate class a college-themed mug and then invited them to trade with the other half. Little trading occurred, because the valuations set by the mug-possessors far outstripped those set by the mug-less. Somehow, mere possession of a mug was enough to endow it, in the eyes of the possessors, with a value that made no sense to an outsider. In part, this looks like status quo bias – people like to stick with what they know. In combination, it’s not hard to see how these issues could cause problems in other sorts of markets. If we overvalue items of any kind – stocks, say – merely because we possess them, then we’re likely to find it difficult to sell them whatever the circumstances. Status quo bias and the endowment effect are among the culprits proposed for loss aversion, our tendency to hold onto loser stocks regardless of their underlying worth. Building Bears There are three underlying odd behaviors associated with the endowment effect. The first is the obvious one – that sellers and buyers place radically different valuations on the same thing, an effect that holds even when we adjust for negotiation strategies (i.e., put in a low bid as an anchoring point). The second is the mere ownership effect – merely owning something is enough to increase the perceived value of the object. And the third is a reluctance to trade at any price – some people simply don’t want to be parted from their belongings, no matter how tatty or valueless they appear to be to everyone else. The IKEA effect is clearly related to these effects, but there’s also something else going on. For instance, if you expend effort at Build-A-Bear to help your child with the creation of their very own growly playmate, you don’t then expect the store to reduce the price of your ursine friend because you’ve spent your time making it. In fact, you probably pay more, and do so happily, because your added input increases your estimate of the value of the critter. Justified Prior research suggests that the more effort we put into some activity the more we value the outcome – a behavior known as effort justification . So if you’re inclined to do lots and lots of research into stocks before buying, you’re likely to end up suffering from both effort justification and the endowment effect. Now, that doesn’t automatically mean your efforts aren’t worthwhile; but it would strongly suggest that the more work you put into deciding to buy a stock, the more likely it is that you’ll end up biased towards it and against alternate views. We have perhaps all met people who know every single detail of their favorite shares but completely miss the big picture; Polaroid was a great investment all the way up to the point that digital photography took off. You could analyze the company’s numbers till the end of time, but you still wouldn’t have seen the digital cliff coming. Failed Erections However, the research into the IKEA effect adds a second factor: the research suggests that the effort expended in all this work has to result in some level of success. A failed attempt to erect a chest of drawers is more likely to cause feelings of regret than an increased level of attachment. It’s hard to be happy with yourself if your furniture keeps on collapsing around you. In ” The IKEA effect: When labor leads to love ,” the researchers Michael Norton, Daniel Mochin and Dan Airely found that: “Participants saw their amateurish creations as similar in value to experts’ creations, and expected others to share their opinions. We show that labor leads to love only when labor results in successful completion of tasks; when participants built and then destroyed their creations, or failed to complete them, the IKEA effect dissipated”. Interestingly, they then go on to show that this isn’t simply an effect experienced by novices: experienced do-it-yourselfers also got caught up in the pleasure of admiring their own creations. Effort justification appears to be behind this – the more effort that people put into their successful creations, the more in love with them they became. Overvaluation Now, because the experiment used pre-packed components from IKEA, they didn’t allow for any customization. Every creation was a clone of every other creation. Yet still, participants habitually overvalued their output apparently because of the effort they’d expended in making it. If this research translates into a more general problem, then the issue for investors is starkly obvious. Overvaluing our investments simply because of the sheer amount of effort we’ve expended in figuring out that they’re worthy of our capital would trigger confirmation bias. We’re likely to miss future changes in prospects because we’re deliriously happy that all of our research efforts have resulted in a successful investment: we’re less likely to acknowledge evidence that points to the fact that things are going wrong, because we can always summon up a battery of figures to show that critics are idiots who haven’t done the necessary detailed work. Life Choices The idea that less is sometimes more, and that if you actually have to spend weeks of your life analyzing a company in order to determine whether or not to invest in it is probably an indication that you shouldn’t, is anathema to some investors. And, to be fair, people who do this for a living should expect to do this level of research and will either be successful or be culled by the invisible hand passing their money to less gullible people. But for most of us, with limited time and resources, if we have to commit so much time to analysis that we end up suffering from the endowment effect, we’re probably looking at the wrong stocks. Building an IKEA wardrobe is fine and well, but equating its value with something created by a craftsman is stupid and biased. And, more importantly, it’s a pointless waste of a life.

Get Off The Roller Coaster With Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF

Roller coaster start for investors in 2016 This year, evidence of stress came early as the market dropped like a brick before swinging back up like a rocket. Rampant, wrenching, volatility is maddening for many investors who see no choice but equities for financial gains in the current low interest rate savings environment. Picking individual stocks is risky in a traders’ marketplace. For the long-term investor, a maximally diversified ETF may reduce stress helping to weather short-term shocks like those that were seen last January while offering modest gains across a 5 to 10 year time horizon and greater peace of mind. Volatility and Downside Risk Recent Fed commentary and behavior can only confuse the Markets, and that spells continued and perhaps even greater volatility . The contradictory nature between the ” Fed speak” of the Chair, Janet Yellen, and other members of the FOMC has sent mixed messages about removing unprecedented accommodation from U.S financial markets. Yellen’s dovish response to maintain low interest rates in the U.S. signals a fear of declining global economic growth. The picture concerning the future direction of interest rates is clouded and that presages the possibility of a continued roller coaster stock market ride. At Fortune’s Global Forum, JPMorgan (NYSE: JPM ) CEO, Jamie Dimon, hinted at expected greater volatility stating that, “markets will be scary until a normal interest rate environment returns.” This view is mirrored in the recent low interest rate of the 10 year U.S. Treasury Bill which has fallen to 1.77% as scared money retreats from the markets. For some savvy traders, volatility may translate into higher short-term returns, but this isn’t always the case because the psychology of greed, and more importantly, in my experience, of fear, can reverse markets on a dime. This can result in devastating losses for some market segments as well as individual stocks. On the other hand, the average investor, by nature, tends to be a long-term animal, and that means having to contend with both volatile whiplash swings as well as the fear of downside market risks. It has always been a maxim for me to take both volatility and downside risk into consideration when I am in investment mode. I have also come to believe that volatility does not always translate into higher returns. Diversification is a great tool for dealing with both volatility and downside risk. Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF The Vanguard Total Stock Market (NYSEARCA: VTI ) ETF is a significantly diversified proven winner. It seeks to track the performance of a benchmark CRSP U.S. Total Market Index. The investment approach is focused on: Large-, mid-, and small-cap equities diversified across growth and value styles. A passively managed, index sampling strategy. Maintaining a fully invested fund utilizing low expenses to minimize net tracking errors. Accurately representing the U.S. equity market while delivering low turnover. Key Fund Facts Clearly, a key fact for investors to consider is the expense ratio for purchasing the ETF. As of 04/28/2015 it is 0.05% and compares very favorably with the Lipper peer average expense ratio of 1.17% as of 12/31/2005. Total net assets are $389.8 billion as of 02/29/2016. Outstanding shares are 560,322,004 as of 03/31/2016. The risk and volatility Beta based on the 5 year Primary benchmark and the Broad-based benchmark is 1.00. Sector Weightings Courtesy of the Author As noted in the chart above, at present the heaviest sector weightings are in Financials, Technology and Consumer goods while the lowest are in Basic materials, Telecommunications and Utilities. Comparative Performance Courtesy of the Author Of the 13 funds listed in the table above, VTI leads the group with a ten year average return of 6.13% while maintaining a maximum level of diversification. The 3 and 5 year returns are 8.21% and 8.63%, respectively. Short-Term Performance The fund’s overview is described by the table below. It is highly capitalized and provides a 2.2% dividend yield as well as capital gains. Click to enlarge Courtesy of the Author Although VTI shows a loss for the first three months of this year and an -8.2% one-year return, it sports a 10% total market return for the last three years during a period of exceptional market volatility. Cumulative Long-Term Performance Click to enlarge Courtesy of the Author Long-term cumulative performance over 10 years is 97.52% with a cumulative performance of 133.12% since inception on 05/24/2001. VTI 5 Year Chart A 5 year weekly stock price chart shows strong performance. Extrapolating data from the chart shows a low close of 51.04 on October 3, 2011 and a close on April 4, 2016 of 105.04 for a share value gain of 51%. This corresponds to an approximate 5 year annual gain of 8.3% seen in the Betterment Comparative Performance chart provided above. Click to enlarge C ourtesy of the Author VTI Bounce-Back As Market Recovered Courtesy of the Author VTI showed a strong bounce-back in mid-February of 2016 following the volatile 10% market decline that took place during January 2016. Additional data supporting VTI which is also available as a mutual fund can be reviewed on the Vanguard site . Where Should We Be In The Market? Nobody can call the market; we can only consider economic variables and try to place ourselves in the best situation to profit from our investments, and most importantly, to avoid significant financial loss. We can also learn from past experience if we are in a position where we are personally vulnerable to the stressful impact of severe market swings. I am not sanguine in my near-term expectations that stock markets can continue to rise in the current cycle . I make no predictions, but point out the following for your consideration: U.S. Market Indices are nearing highs in a climate of weak global economic conditions. But, I cannot know what will happen in the longer term and therefore the choice of selling my portfolio and exiting the stock market is a poor choice in my opinion. I consider the U.S dollar to be the strongest currency and the U.S. economy to have the greatest potential to generate wealth given better economic policies. The question for all investors now is, where do you feel the most comfortable putting your money? Conclusion Remaining invested for the near term, in my opinion, requires the broadest diversification in the strongest companies, and I consider the U.S. the best place to be at this time. The Vanguard Total U.S. Market ETF may be a place for some investors to seek refuge. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, but may initiate a long position in VTI over the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Additional disclosure: The information and data that comprise the content of this article came from external sources that I consider reliable, but they have not been independently verified for accuracy. Although I reserve the right to express points of view, they are my reasoned opinions, and not investment advise. I am not responsible for investment decisions you make. Thank you for reading and commenting.

Singapore ETFs In Focus Following Policy Easing

In a surprise move, the monetary authority of Singapore (MAS) eased policies on April 14, 2016. The step was taken to boost economic growth which halted in the first quarter of 2016. Notably, the Singapore Monetary Authority uses currency as a key tool to ease monetary policy rather than interest rates and resorted to a flat slope, budging from the prior target of a 0.5% annualized gain in the currency. However, no changes were made to the center of the band or the width, which is usually +/- 2%, per barrons.com. The preliminary estimates revealed that the economy grew 1.8% year over year in the first quarter of 2016, maintain the pace seen in the previous two quarters and slightly above 1.7% growth expected by the market. Sequentially, growth was flat on a seasonally-adjusted annualized basis, declining from 6.2% growth recorded in the fourth quarter and falling shy of the market expectation of 0.2% growth . MAS expects the economy to expand more moderately over the rest of the year. External shocks due to the slowdown in its major trading partners caused the worry. And if this was not enough, consumer prices in Singapore declined in February for 16 months in a row. So, the authority had to react to arrest the downtrend and revive this export-centric economy. The move instantly lowered the value of Singapore dollar which recorded the biggest plunge in eight months. Many analysts are speculating further policy easing given the dour economic scenario. Market Impact Though Singaporean stocks and the related ETFs have surged so far this year, the recent central bank comments point to the fact that the economy is reeling under pressure. China Renminbi devaluation and the recent weakness in the U.S. dollar also acted as headwinds to the Singaporean currency. Export-centric Asian economies like Singapore were thus forced to depreciate their currencies to stave off competitive pressure (probably) and rev up their exports while growth issues in China marred investing prospects of countries with close trade ties. However, the present situation is a bit dicey with the monetary easing opening room for growth while submissive central bank comments making investors wary. So, it is better to stay on the sidelines at the current level, wait for some definite improvement and obviously better entry points. The large-cap fund covering this economy’s equity market – iShares MSCI Singapore ETF (NYSEARCA: EWS ) – had a solid stretch in the last three-month period (as of April 14, 2016) gaining 16.9%. It has a Zacks ETF Rank #3 (Hold). We have briefly highlighted the ETF tracking the country below. EWS in Focus EWS is easily the most popular Singapore ETF on the market as it has about $550 million in AUM and an average daily volume of 1.8 million shares a day. The product charges 47 basis points a year from investors. With 28 stocks in its basket, this fund from iShares puts more than 50% of its total assets in the top five holdings, suggesting higher concentration risks. The financial sector actually makes up roughly half of the portfolio, leaving around 18% for industrials followed by 14.5% for telecommunication. EWS pays a solid yield of 4.06% annually (as of April 14, 2016), implying that it may be an income pick if payout levels hold. Original Post