Millennials like watching people play video games

By | December 18, 2014

Scalper1 News

The fifth most popular type of video content millennials enjoy watching is … video of other people playing video games. That is one finding from a report this week by TiVo (TIVO) on the viewing habits of Americans, including the young demographic known as millennials. Millennials are the generation of people born between the early 1980s and early 2000s. In an average week, 6% of videos watched by millennials are of people playing video games. That compares with 1% among Generation X respondents and, for baby boomers … 0%. These statistics help explain why Amazon (AMZN) agreed to buy Twitch for $970 million on Aug. 25. Twitch is a streaming video platform, primarily focused on video games, including play-throughs of video games by users and live broadcasts of e-sports. Twitch gets about 45 million unique visitors a month. Amazon reportedly outbid Google (GOOGL) for Twitch. Google hosts a lot of… Scalper1 News

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