Microsoft stock inching closer to all-time high

By | November 6, 2014

Scalper1 News

Don’t look now, but Microsoft (MSFT) stock is at a 14-year high and is approaching its all-time high reached just before the dot-com crash. Microsoft stock peaked on Dec. 30, 1999, at a split-adjusted price of 53.98, just two weeks before Bill Gates, the company’s iconic co-founder and CEO, stepped down after 25 years at the top to devote more time to philanthropic activities. He handed over the reins on Jan. 13, 2000, to then-company President Steve Ballmer, who would oversee Microsoft during its so-called lost decade. While CEO, Ballmer missed major industry transitions to mobile and cloud computing. During his time in charge, Apple (AAPL) rose from near bankruptcy to become a tech industry leader thanks to innovations like the iPhone and iPad. Under pressure from Microsoft’s (MSFT) directors, Ballmer announced on Aug. 23, 2013, that he would retire after a new CEO was chosen. On Feb. 4, Satya Nadella… Scalper1 News

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