Market Lab Report – Premarket Pulse 11/11/15

By | November 11, 2015

Scalper1 News

Major averages finished mixed yesterday on mixed volume. For the most part the indexes appear to be consolidating their prior gains, and it is a matter of focusing on the action of individual stocks. For example, Facebook (FB) pulled into its 10-day moving average yesterday where it found support, providing an alternative entry point after last week’s buyable gap-up failed. This scenario was discussed in our weekend Buyable Gap-Up Review covering the prior week’s BGUs. Both China and the European Union suffered from new data showing their respective economies remain weak, thus pushing both central banks toward further monetary stimulus, i.e., quantitative easing. Over in the US, the economy seems to be recovering as the official. unemployment figure is now down to 5.0%. However, this figure does not account for those who gave up looking for work while including those who are only part-time employed. And while inflation remains low according to the CPI, the Fed plays musical chairs with the goods that make up the CPI where the ones rising in price the most find themselves standing alone when the music stops. Indeed, the cost of essential items like electricity, education, and healthcare have accelerated well beyond the Fed’s 2% target. So based on how unemployment data is calculated, the actual unemployment rate is much higher than the 5.0% figure reported. A standard rhetorical question has been asked many times. How can anyone put any trust or faith in these data based on these manipulations? Home builder DHI had a pocket pivot through its 50dma on a strong earnings report. Earnings are accelerating, sales are strong, group rank 13. Holding company for Bank of the Ozarks (159 offices) OZRK had a pocket pivot high volume upside reversal. Earnings and sales are strongly accelerating, pretax margin 45.7%, group rank 4. Scalper1 News

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