Head-worn devices to outsell smartwatches by 2018

By | May 7, 2015

Scalper1 News

Smartwatches will be the No. 1 type of smart wearable device in the U.S. by revenue this year, thanks to the launch of Apple’s (AAPL) new Apple Watch. But the category’s time at the top will be short-lived, a new report says. Head-worn devices such as Microsoft’s (MSFT) HoloLens are likely to pass smartwatches in revenue in the U.S. in 2018, Technalysis Research predicted in a report this week. Worldwide shipments of wearables are forecast to reach 175 million units by 2020, up from 22.8 million units in 2014, Technalysis said. In addition to smartwatches and head-worn devices, wearables include smart bands like the Fitbit Charge, ear-worn wearables like the SMS Audio BioSport, and finger-worn wearables like Ringly. All have some level of on-board data processing and integrated software, plus sensors. Fitbit late Thursday filed to raise about $100 million in an IPO. Global revenue from wearables is predicted to… Scalper1 News

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