GDXJ – Limited Downside And Great Upside Potential In A Rising Gold And Silver Price Scenario

By | December 15, 2015

Scalper1 News

A potential long term investment with limited downside and great upside potential. Diversity of holdings mitigates the downside risk. Virtually every component of the index would be on many people’s list of junior precious metals stocks to buy to take advantage of a rising price scenario. There are few sectors which have such a huge potential for massive gains as resource sector juniors, but to achieve these one not only has to pick a company which on its own has enormous potential in what is one of the riskiest sectors for any investor to dabble in, but also any gains may be doubly enhanced should the resource sector in which the chosen company operates also move from being extremely depressed into a strong recovery phase. Pick the right resource, and virtually any surviving junior will serve you well but, as was seen following the 2008 resource market crash, if you pick well gains could be massive – 1,000 percent or more. Arguably, now could be a really good time to buy into resource stocks. They have seldom been more depressed, particularly the precious metals, and industrial metals copper and iron ore. However the writer does not see any kind of sharp recovery ahead for either copper or iron ore in 2016, although looking further ahead one would still have to consider survivors in the industrial metals sector as being potentially very strong investments, but the fallout between now and then could be perhaps a risk too far. That leaves us with precious metals – perhaps the riskiest sector of all. However the collapse in prices has seen precious metals stocks come down dramatically over the past three years, since gold reached its top of around $1920 an ounce in 2012. Gold for example has fallen by 44% since, and has dragged the other precious metals down with it. Is now the time to climb back in? If one reads the mainstream media one could be forgiven for assuming that the gold price fall had been far greater – but a much bigger drop has been suffered by most precious metals mining stocks – and by the junior sector in particular – ‘so here there be bargains galore’ one would think. And so there most definitely are, but the risks in buying junior precious metals stocks can be enormous. Any prolonged continuation of gold’s fall, and that of the other precious metals could yet see some serious casualties in terms of corporate shutdowns, and/or sales at hugely below potential valuations, even for juniors who, on the face of things, have some really good potential projects, but do not have the wherewithal to progress them. Now we see the fundamentals for gold in particular on a supply/demand basis as being extremely strong, but it may still take time for the investment sector to come to terms with this. Demand for physical metal has been growing – particularly in Asia and the Middle East – and central banks have been net buyers further increasing demand for physical metal. Meanwhile gold inventories in the West have been declining drastically. Sales out of the Precious Metals ETFs, which kept the market well supplied particularly in 2013 when the price began to dive, are dwindling with the weaker holders already having exited. Low gold prices are beginning to see new mined production starting to fall back, while the same low prices keep the incentive for scrap sales low – so these have been dropping too. So here the prospects for junior gold and other precious metals miners look potentially strong. If there is a supply crunch coming ahead – see 2016 a crunch year for physical gold supply as we suggest – then precious metals, and precious metals juniors in particular should be a major beneficiary and we could see some dramatic stock price gains even on comparatively small upwards movements in the metals prices. The high risk investor is poised to climb back in given many feel the gold juniors are bumping along the bottom. So how does one mitigate the very serious risk element here. It’s all very well jumping into a junior stock, however good it seems on paper, but then some external black swan factor comes into play which completely wipes you out. This could be political, geological, financial, weather related, fire, flood, earthquake etc. – any number of things could bring an under- or tightly-funded project (the nature of most juniors) to a grinding halt. There is a way, though, of investing in this sector in a much safer manner, but still with phenomenal growth potential. As we noted above, if the metals prices rise the whole sector will accelerate – except perhaps a few players who get left in the wake. Consider here investing in an ETF which follows a major junior precious metals index. The diversity in the stocks followed helps mitigate the downside risk, but virtually all the individual holdings in the ETF have great upside potential in a rising precious metals market environment. OK, it also will mean that the whole is perhaps not as profitable as some key elements within it, but the overall potential remains massive. Such an investment is the Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF (NYSEARCA: GDXJ ) (listed on the NYSE Arca Exchange) which seeks to replicate as closely as possible, before fees and expenses, the price and yield performance of the Market Vectors Global Junior Gold Miners Index. It has been bouncing along what many see as the sector bottom of late. It peaked back in November 2010 at around 171.84 and those who invested in it at the time, and stayed with it, would have lost just short of 90 percent of their investment given it is now, at the time of writing at least, at 18.95. Many feel the chances of it falling lower are decidedly limited, while the potential for recovery, if precious metals prices pick up, is very large. If it gets halfway back to its former high that would mean a gain of around 350 percent from its current level. While this might be a tall order in 2016 it is certainly not outside the bounds of possibility should precious metals start to move. Interestingly trading volume has been high over the past year when the price has fluctuated from around 18.30 to 30.10 so it tends to be easily tradeable and there are obviously others out there aware of its potential. The Index on which the ETF is based is also not based on fly-by-night juniors with little or nothing to offer except hope and a prayer, but also includes some significant miners which are probably highly offended that they might even be classified as juniors, like Hecla Mining (NYSE: HL ), Pan American Silver (NASDAQ: PAAS ), Centerra Gold ( OTCPK:CAGDF ), Evolution Mining ( OTCPK:CAHPF ), Oceanagold ( OTCPK:OCANF ), Osisko Gold Royalties ( OTC:OKSKF ) etc. to name but a few. The top 10 companies held, which include all the above, account for 42.75 percent of the total holding. Note also these include some significant silver miners, and history tells us that if gold begins to move, silver moves too – but faster! Indeed running down the full list of holdings all of them would be on many people’s list of potentially strong performing juniors. They include Pretium Resources (NYSE: PVG ) (developing one of the world’s highest grade – underground gold mines), Detour Gold and Lake Shore Gold ( OTCPK:DRGDF ) – both Canadian junior gold high flyers, Silver Standard (NASDAQ: SSRI ), Coeur Mining (NYSE: CDE ), First Majestic (NYSE: AG ) (all three prominent in the silver space). So – do take a look at GDXJ as a long term punt on a turnaround in precious metals prices. It is a junior investment which nowadays offers what we see as very limited downside, but has great upside potential in a more favorable pricing environment. Scalper1 News

Scalper1 News