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With all the talk recently about companies sheltering profits overseas, it’s nice to see U.S. companies investing at home. Telecom giant AT&T (T) leads a list of U.S. companies based on domestic capital spending. The list, released Wednesday by the Progressive Policy Institute, refers to AT&T and others as “U.S. investment heroes” for their capital expenditures. AT&T is the top company for the third year in a row, the Washington, D.C.-based think tank reported. It invested $20.9 billion in U.S. facilities and equipment in 2013, PPI said. AT&T archrival Verizon Communications (VZ) came in second, with $15.4 million in capex spending…. Excluding energy and financial companies, the next companies on the list are Wal-Mart (WMT) ($8.65 billion), Intel (INTC) ($8.44 billion), Comcast (CMCSA) ($6.6 billion), Google (GOOGL) ($4.7 billion), General Motors (GM) ($4.59 billion) and Apple (AAPL) ($3.81 billion), PPI said. AT&T spent heavily last year Scalper1 News
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