Apple analysts raise iPhone sales targets ahead of Q1 report

By | January 26, 2015

Scalper1 News

Wall Street analysts have been bumping up their iPhone sales targets ahead of Apple’s (AAPL) December-quarter earnings late Tuesday. Consensus estimates point to about 67 million unit sales, but some analysts are looking for 70 million or more. Besides how many iPhones Apple sold last quarter, analysts will be looking at the mix of phones sold. In particular, they want to see if Apple sold more higher-margin iPhone 6 Plus handsets and models with icher flash memory configurations. Nomura analyst Stuart Jeffrey on Monday raised his iPhone unit sales estimate for the quarter to 69 million from 65 million. He estimates 64-gigabyte models are now half of production volume, which will boost average selling prices and gross profit margins. Consequently, Jeffrey raised his fiscal Q1 sales forecast by 1.5% to $66.6 billion and earnings-per-share forecast by 1.9% to $2.53. But Nomura is neutral on Apple stock, with a price target… Scalper1 News

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