Amazon delivery drones trumped by catapults, SausageCopters

By | December 13, 2013

Scalper1 News

Nearly two weeks after Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos unveiled his audacious plan for a fleet of flying delivery robots, people are still chuckling about how crazy the idea is. Critics of the e-commerce giant’s Amazon Prime Air program say it just isn’t feasible. Getting government approvals to operate the helicopter-like drones is perhaps the biggest hurdle. Aside from safety issues for humans, pets and birds, the program would have a tough time justifying its cost, pundits say. Comedians were quick to say that the Amazon (AMZN) drones could bring about the robot apocalypse once the machines become smart enough to think for themselves, as IBD reported last week . Daily deals website Groupon (GRPN) poked fun at Amazon’s venture by announcing that it would use catapults to deliver items. Groupon posted a video of its mock plans on YouTube. “The technology, it’s proven, it’s tested. We’re talking about principles of package … Scalper1 News

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